
It's already morning when I woke up. I didn't see Adam anywhere so I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I remembered my dream, but weirdly, I never felt afraid. Usually, I'll wake up in the middle of the night and cry myself back to sleep. But last night was different. I felt more courageous and secure. 

I know for sure Adam went out for his morning run, so I prepared myself to go to work as I wait for him to come back. When I finished, I prepared two sandwiches and lime juice. I heard the elevator dings, followed by his voice "Babe, I'm back!!"

"I'm in here," I shouted back and placed each sandwich on the plate. 

"There you are. Good morning." Like every day, he kisses my forehead and rubs my chin. 

"You stink." I dissed and pushed him back.

He chuckled and wiped his sweaty forehead "I know. Let's eat first before I take a shower, then I'll drive you to work."

"I can drive you to know."