
Knowing Daisy is safe is a huge relief for me. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to her. I know I shouldn't have trusted her in Roberto's presence but she's a smart and strong woman. She'll know right away if Roberto is hiding something in his sleeves. 

I am driving way too fast than I should supposed to be. If traffic enforcers were around, I would've been escorted by now. The night is as dark as every night and the rain started to pour. 

"Shit." I cursed when the heavy rain dropped like a bomb and blocked my view. I switched the wiper so I can see better. I just hope Robin doesn't have any idea that we're after him now or else he'll flee, just like what he did 5 years ago.

I knew it. I fucking knew it. And something tells me that I already know what happened. I just need everything to come out of his mouth. 

I arrived at the headquarters in no time and saw Jones right away "Where is he?!" I asked.