Chapter 1: Time-travel


I feel cold. I can't move my body.

I died right? A single tear rolled down from the corner of my eyes. My son... Xiao jun.

"Do you wish for a second chance?" A voice suddenly spoke to me.

A second chance? Why would I wish for a second chance? To experience the same fate I had once experience? To lose everything over again? No, I'm not doing it again.

What I want to wish is a different fate that even the God's have no right to interfere.

"Do you really want a different fate? You will have to pay the price for it"

A price? Fine, then as long as I have a different fate. A fate that I can only decide.

"Then your wish is granted. The price you have to pay will be immortality and you will follow this great one's order."

Yeah, whatever.

Suddenly I feel like I'm drowning. It feels as if my lungs are about to give up. I slightly opened my eyes. What the... Xu Tianfeng?! Why is he swimming towards me? What is happening?! He suddenly pulled me up towards the surface.

*cough* *cough*

"Oh my god! Young Miss you're okay! Young miss you shouldn't have come near the lake it's dangerous!..." I looked at the one yelling at me... Hwei-ru? Hwei-ru should be dead, she was killed by Concubine Zhen, just what is happening. I feel heavy and as if the world is spinning.

"My lady are you alright?" I looked at my right and saw Xu Tianfeng. His dark coal-like-eyes staring at my hazel-brown eyes it's as if his gaze are piercing through my soul at the same time the memory of his gaze during my execution came back and reality washed over me.

"Young miss! You're so pale! You're highness please excuse us. Quickly! Send for the imperial physician!"

I can't look at him right now, memories of the tragedy suddenly washed away my dizziness and I suddenly stood up but my body feels weak and I stumbled back only to be caught by Xu Tianfeng again.

I unconsciously took a step back. I've returned to the past! I looked around and realized that I'm at our mansion's lake side area. The time I drowned when I was taking a stroll around the house and the crown prince was visiting my father for important matters and he saved me at that time was when I started to like him... but now...

"Young Miss the Imperial physician is here! Quickly bring a sedan over! Excuse us your highness!" Hwei-ru dragged me before I could make eye contact with him but I know his eyes were on me.


"She's out of trouble for now it's just a slight fever. I will also prescribe medicine if ever she shows symptoms of a cold... here make sure she drinks it." The imperial physician said writing something on a paper but I paid no mind on what's he's writing since I know the following events already.

I smirked.

"Thank you so much doctor, let me send you out if it weren't for you Qiang'er would suffer right now" Concubine mother Lan said while crying. A good actor indeed. In my last life I was already wary of her and her daughters. I sighed, in my last life she bribed the doctor and added aphrodisiac to the mixture I barely made it last time if I hadn't cut myself.

That time the crown prince visited me and I almost lashed out then he noticed my wound and everyone thought I was committing suicide to be noticed by the prince. My image infront of the prince and he changed his treatment toward me.

That was in the past.

I looked at Hwei-ru. "Get me a paper and brush" Although Hwei-ru was confused as to why her master was behaving like she was just a servant. Servants has no obligations to meddle with their master's affairs.

As Hwei-ru placed the paper and brush she quietly grinded some ink while glancing at her master. "It is ready, my lady." Qianghua was in a daze that she didn't noticed Hwei-ru calling her.

"Ah..! Thank you…" Hwei-ru thought. 'Maybe young miss is still not feeling well? Maybe she's still shocked from the incident'

"Young miss don't worry the lakeside is temporarily renovated, stones will be placed around it so young miss shouldn't think about the accident anymore." Qianghua looked at Hwei-ru and smiled. Hwei-ru was close to her she was the only maid she treated as a sister because the other servants was either sent by Concubine Lan or from the palace to keep an eye on her.

"I'm not worried. I'm just trying to calm my nerves so can you buy me these herbs? And don't tell anyone about this." Qianghua handed the list to Hwei-ru and clasped her hands "I trust you and take my jade pendant with you so buying these herbs will be easy." Hwei-ru almost tear up at her young miss' words and she grabbed the list with a face full of determination.

"Don't worry miss! I won't let you down!" After that Hwei-ru left. She smiled and looked towards the window.

"I see that you've safely arrived back in time"