What Are You Hiding?

Riley stopped a taxis and hopped in.

"Please take me to the Rocks Hospital." she announced as she sat at the back seat.

"Okay...miss." he muttered and drove off.

Riley sat quietly in the car in deep thoughts pondering over the letters she found, connecting it to her parents reactions some years back when she used to meet up with Nichole.

"This is not making any sense. Why would Anutie Nichole do such a thing?" she mumbled underneath her breath, puzzled.

Just then, she heard her phone ringing. She reached for it from her bag, checking the caller.

"Oh Lio..., I forgot to call him back." she whispered as she answered the call.

"Was waiting for your call but it never came. Are you okay?" he questioned.

"Yes I'm alright. I was just caught up in something. So sorry I couldn't return your call."

"I know dear, it's okay. No need to worry yourself so much."

"Thanks for understanding Lio..."

"Yeah..., yeah..., I know I'm the best." he uttered with a chuckle.

Riley grinned, slightly shaking her head.

"So..., where are you now?" he queried.

"Well...., I'm on my way to the hospital. I just received a call from one of the nurses that mum is awake so I'm going to see her."

"Then.., I'm coming over."

"No, no, Lio. I will be fine, will call you later."


"Yes..." she mumbled with a giggle.

"Okay.., take care then and don't forget to give me a call after you're done."

"Okay..., I'm hanging up now."

"Um...,bye..." he mumbled and the line went dead. Riley briefly starred on the screen of the phone with a smile and dropped it in her bag.

Soon, the taxi pulled up in front of the hospital. Riley got off and glided gleefully into the hospital. The thought of meeting her mother awake drove away all the anxiety and confusion she felt earlier.


Lionel was also in his room with his laptop doing so assignments and covering up the lessons he missed during his stay with Riley when his mother's voice echoed in his room.

"Lionel...., please join us on the table. Food is ready."

"Okay...mum..." he exclaimed, packing his books well on the table. He slightly closed the laptop and shuffled out of the room.

He was about to descend the stairs when the slightly opened door to his mother's study room caught his attention.

"This is my chance to find out what mum has been hiding from us." he thought to himself and turned towards the study room. He slowly opened the door and sent his eyes searching through the room. A brown envelope on the table drew his attention.

"What's that?" he queried underneath his breath ad crept into the room. He walked over to the table, took the envelop and opened. His eyes flew wide opened when he saw the content.

"Mum with Riley's family?, pictures of Riley and I?, Auntie Rosita and Mr. Clifford? Why is mum having all these pictures? Does she know Riley's family?, Has she been spying on Riley and I? Has she been lying to me? he mumbled in bewilderment.

He looked into the envelop again to see if he will find and clue that will explain things more for him but there was none.

"I need to find out what this means." he uttered, drop the pictures with the envelop on the table. He walked over to side of the table where the drawer was. He pulled the first drawer but it was locked. He was about to pull the second drawer when his mother's voice came calling again.

"Lionel...., I will come up there to get you if I don't see you here in the next minute." she rattled.

"Oh shit..."he cursed underneath his breath and rushed over to the pictures he had scattered on the table.

" I'm coming mum..." he hastily added as he carefully stuffed the pictures back into the envelop. He gently dropped it on the table like the way it was, trotted out of the room and closed the door behind him. He sighed with a puzzled look and left to the dinning table.

Nichole noticed the look on her son's as he took his seat behind the table.

"Are you okay son...?" she inquired.

"Well...." he mumbled.

"Should I ask her? No, I don't think it's a good idea." he thought to himself.

"It's nothing mum.., I'm okay." he answered.

"Are you sure son?" questioned his dad, looking at him skeptically.

"You look like there is something on your mind." he added.

"I'm okay dad...I was just covering up some lessons I missed."

"Um.... okay, if you say so. Anyway, how is Riley now?"

"She is doing better now dad.."

"That's good to hear. Hope to see her soon."

"Sure dad..." he mumbled and they dived into their meals.


Riley went to the ward where her mother was earlier but didn't see her there. She slowly closed the door behind her and left to the hospital reception.

"Good afternoon Nurse.." greeted Riley as she got to the reception.

"Good afternoon Miss."

"I'm here to see Mrs Rosita Hollands. I was informed by one of the nurses that she had gain back consciousness."

"Aah...Mrs. Rosita. She has been transfered to ward 204."

"Oh..., thank you so much." she uttered with a smile.

"You're welcome."

"And please, which way is it?"

"This way please." muttered the nurse, pointing to the right.

Riley turned to the direction where the nurse was pointing, smiled and dashed off.

After few minutes of walking, she came to a stop in front of one of the wards. She stared at the number tag 204 on the door with the name underneath and smiled.

She slowly opened the door and stepped in.

"Mum..." she exclaimed at the sight of her mother and rushed to her bed.

"Riley...." said Rosita as she struggled to sit upright.

"Careful mum..." muttered Riley as she helped her mother up and hugged her.

"I missed you so much mum..."

"I missed you too dear. How about your dad? Was he able to make it?"

"Well...mum.., let's not talk about it now. I believe dad is doing good."

"Okay..." she reluctantly replied.

Riley was so happy to have her mother by her side once again. They both kept talking and telling how they missed having each other around. Suddenly, Riley remembered the letter she saw and sat quietly looking at her feet.

"Riley... ? Is anything the problem?" questioned her mother as she took Riley's hand into hers.



"Who really is Auntie Nichole? And does she have anything to do with what happened to our family?"