
It was around 1pm when Riley got to the GIGS RESTAURANT. The driver found a spot to park and she got out.

"Thank you." she muttered to the driver.

"Welcome." he answered as her drove off.

Riley sighed and strolled into the restaurant. She sent her eyes searching for Lionel but couldn't find him anywhere. She walked to a seat nearby and sat down still looking around. Just then, a waitress approached her.

"Good afternoon ma'am, would you like to make an order?" she queried

"I will but not now. I'm waiting for someone but he's not yet in."

"Okay, you can call if you need anything. Thank you."she replied with a grin

"Sure, thank you." Riley responded with a smile and the waitress dashed off.

After few minutes of waiting, Lionel walked in. Riley saw him and gestured him over.

"I'm so sorry Riley, I got caught up in something." he mumbled as he neared, peeked her cheeks and sat down.

"Um.., I thought you said you were already here. Anyway, you should have called me." she muttered with a frown.

"I know dear, so sorry. Um..?"

"Okay.., Okay..." she responded with a smile.

"I'm I forgiven?" he queried, smiling.

"Yes..., but what happened? You told me you were already here. I got here and you were no where to seen."

"Well.., it's a long story. Anyway, enough about me. You sounded so urgent when you called earlier. What's going on?" he questioned anxiously.

"It's about some letters I found in my parents room."

"What about them?" he queried quizzically.

"It's actually a threat. I asked mum about it but she isn't ready to tell me anything. I showed it to Uncle Lian and from the way he said things, I believe it has something to do with my father's death and the attack one as well."

"Really? So where is the letter and who is it from. Did you ask for any details?"

"Yes..I did. It's actually here." she mumbled as she searched through her bag for the letters. Lionel gestured the waitress over and ordered for two glasses of juice. Soon, she found the letters and handed them over to Lionel. Just then, the waitress brought their juices.

"Thank you." they both mumbled as she dropped them on the table.

"Welcome." she commented and left.

Lionel sipped on his juice and opened the contents of the letter. He was bemused with the name he saw.

"Mum...?" he mumbled underneath his breath.

"Um...? Did you say something?" questioned Riley as she took a sip.

"Hmm...? Nothing dear." he muttered. Lionel sat quietly analysing the letters in his hands, linking it to the pictures he saw earlier on his mother's desk.

"I get it now." he mumbled to himself.

"Lio.., are you okay? You look a bit stressed."

"I'm fine Riley, can I keep these letters?" he questioned expectantly.

"O..kay...." she slowly answered, a bit puzzled as she stared at him skeptically.

"Hey..., don't look at me like that. I just want to help." he uttered, smiling.

Riley nodded with a smile.

"Okay.., can we go now? I want to go and see your mum. I want to know how she is feeling now."

"Okay...,let's go." she mumbled as she stood up from her seat, picking up her bag.

"Okay..., I'm coming. You can wait for me in the car." he uttered, handing her the keys.

"I'll pay the bills and join you." he added and dashed off. Riley also trod out of the door to where the car was and sat in. Few minutes later, Lionel joined him and the drove off.


After a while of driving, Lionel pulled up in front of the hospital. They both got off and went into the hospital. A nurse was with Rosita when they walked into the ward.

"Oh Lionel..." she muttered with a smile on seeing them.

"I think you will be okay now." uttered the nurse.

"Sure.., thank you." she mumbled to the nurse, she(nurse) took her things and dashed out of the ward. By this time, Riley and Lionel were already beside her bed.

"How are you feeling now mum?" he queried.

"Much better dear, just some little pains in my muscles."

"That's good to hear. You'll fully recover soon. Nice to have you back with us." he answered with a smile.

"Thanks dear.."

"So..mum, what did the nurse say?" asked Riley, chipping in as she sat beside her mother.

"Well, she just gave me some medications. I'll soon be able to join you home. I know you feel lonely all by yourself in that big house."

"Yeah.. mum, it's so boring living alone." she mumbled as she took her mother's hand into hers.

"Hmm..., I think I will leave now." said Lionel, interrupting their conversation.

They both turned to look at him.

"But you just got here." commented Rosita.

"Yeah..mum, just that I have some business to go and attend to."

"Okay dear, hope you'll come and visit again."

"Sure mum.." he answered with a grin.

"Riley.., see him off."

"No mum.., it's okay." he mumbled.

"Okay dear, see you later." she replied.

"Sure. Riley, I will call you when I get home."

"Okay.." she answered with a smile and waved him. Lionel waved back with a smile and dashed off.

Riley turned her attention back to her mother and saw her looking disturbed.

"Mum.., are you okay?"

Rosita stared at her daughter with a concerned look and sighed.

"Riley, I heard from your Uncle what you are planning to do. I think it's too dangerous dear. I have decided with your Uncle to join the entire family to relocate to the States."

"What..?" she exclaimed.

"You can't do this mum..." she added.

"But dear.., that's the best thing to do. You know your grandmother is not in a good condition and we don't need to be stressing her. Moreover, I think you should stop digging deep into the past. You might end up getting hurt dear."

"I know mum but I'm not buying that. You can go with them if you wish but for me, I will stay back to find justice for dad." she mumbled furiously, snatched her bag from the bed and stormed out of the ward.

"Riley...,Riley..." Rosita exclaimed after her but she just trotted out without turning back.

Rosita sighed and slightly shook her head.

"What should I do?" she whispered.


Loretta, Nancy and Kate were together in Kate's room busily searching for the information Riley asked them to find. Kate was sitting in front of the laptop whiles Loretta and Nancy stood beside her.

"I think the name is Nichole Ford." said Loretta

"Ni..cho..le.. Ford." muttered Kate has she type the name into the search bar and paused.

"Hold on, why does the surname sound familiar?" she added.

"I think I know why. She bears the same surname with Lionel." Loretta

"Really? How could this be? Do you think they're related in any way?" queried Nancy quizzically.

"I don't think so, it might be a mere coincidence." commented Loretta.

"I think so too. Anyway, we'll find out soon." she mumbled as she pressed the enter button. They waited for a while as the information loaded. Soon, the information was displayed on the screen. Kate scrolled through with Loretta and Nancy curiously starring.

Kate scrolled down more and they were shocked with what they saw. Just then, they heard the door slammed opened behind them. They turned to see Riley at the door.

Kate quickly pushed the laptop behind her, hiding it from her.

"What are you hiding?" queried Riley quizzically as she stood at the door, a bit surprised.

"Hmm.., well, it's nothing." mumble Kate.

"Nothing? Then why did you suddenly pushed the laptop behind you when you saw me?" she queried as she neared them.

"Um...Um..." mumbled Kate.

"It's nothing Riley, trust us." uttered Loretta and Nancy in unison.

"Hey.., why are you girls acting strange. Anyway, let me see." she uttered as she slightly pushed Loretta and Nancy aside. She reached behind Kate and dragged the laptop from her.

"" mumbled Kate.

Riley placed the laptop down and stared at the screen with a wide eye, shocked.