Raging Hatred

Riley stormed out of the hospital furious, burning with hatred. She was about to get into a cab when Lionel pulled her back.

She indignantly wanked him off as she turned to him.

"Please listen to me first Riley." he mumbled.

"Listen to you? What is there to listen to Lionel? I should stand here and listen to the fact that your mother is Nichole? And that she killed my dad and you tried to protect her by taking away the evidence I had? Or you want me to listen to the fact that I've been dinning with the devil all along?" she cried, hurt.

"No Riley, I love you. Just listen to me once."

"Love....? Huh, you lied to me Lio. You were rather a spy for your wicked mother."

"Riley...." he shouted, stunned.

"I trusted you Lio, but you hurt me the most

"You know what Lio, I don't want to listen to any of your lies again." she added and got to the cab.

Lionel looked on helplessly.

"Take me to Fords street." she muttered to the driver.

"Okay ma'am." he answered and sped off.

Lionel looked on as the car rounded the corner to the main street and sighed as he stared down on his feet. He quickly reached into his pocket and hastily pulled out his phone. He glanced at the screen and searched for Kate's number.

"Hello Kate..., can we meet?" he uttered dully as Kate picked up the call.

"What's up Lionel? You sound kind of stressed."

"I'll tell you when we meet."

"okay....okay, tell me, where you want us to meet."

"Can you come over to the GIGS RESTAURANT?"

"Sure, I will be there in no time."

"Okay, see you later then." he muttered and hanged up as he stopped a cab and got in.

"Where to?" asked the driver.

"GIGS RESTAURANT, please..." he answered.

"Okay.." answered the driver and sped off.


"This is what I tried to avoid all this years Lian..." muttered Rosita as she sat on her bed, worried.

"It's okay, Rosita. She will come around soon. She just need some time but I will still try my best to convince her to come with us."

"I doubt if she will give in. She is just stubborn like her dad. I hate to see her consumed with hatred."

"I know Rosita, no mother wants to see her child in pain or danger." uttered Lian as he laid a hand on Rosita's shoulder.

"Let me talk to her and see how it goes."

"Okay..." she nodded.

"Good, have some rest now. The doctor said you will be discharged tomorrow. Let's hope everything turns out well."

"Okay, thanks so much Lian. Anyway, Has Kathie and the kids already left?"

"Yes Rosie, they left with mum and the rest today. We don't want Nichole harming anybody anymore until she is apprehended. We are to join them tomorrow and it's the more reason why I need to talk to Riley. We can find other means to expose her."

"Okay Lian, please try and convince her."

"Okay, I will take my leave now."

"Sure..." she smiled with a nod. Lian helped her to lay back and trod out of the ward.


It was already 3pm when Riley got home. She trod into the house, straight to her room.

"I hate you Lio..." she shouted as she wanked the books on the study beside the door on the floor, scattering them all over.

She staggered as she lean on the door, slowly sitting on the floor with tears running down her cheeks.

"What do I do dad...? Why did you leave me to fight this battle alone? You guys never told me what was going on. What do you want me to do now?" she muttered amidst tears.

Just then, she heard her phone ringing. She slowly reached for it as she dried the tears from her eyes.

"Hello Riley..." uttered a voice hastily on the phone as soon as Riley answered the call.

"Hello Anita.." she dully answered.

"Where are you Riley?"

"I'm home." she muttered, puzzled.

"What's going on Anita? You sound urgent."

"I think you have to come over now, Riley. You seriously need to see this." she responded.

"What is it about Anita?"

"No long talks Riley, just get here first. You need to see it for yourself."

"Okay..okay, I will be there soon." she mumbled and hanged up. She quickly got up from the floor as she picked her bag and stormed out of the house.