
Nichole furiously stormed into her study room and thumped her hand on her table.

"I should have killed this brat at the onset. He is really becoming a thorn in my path."

She reached out for her phone, scanned through it and dialled Zed's number. After a short ring, he answered.

"How the hell is Lionel back in this house?" she shouted, "I thought you assured me of handling him."

"Sorry ma'am..., I had it under control but...."

"But what Zed....? I'm going to kill you with my own hands if things get out of hand. You better get this fixed before it's get out of control." she hanged up before Zed could even say a word.

She tossed the phone on the table and slammed herself on her chair. She sat thoughtfully for a while and smirked, "Let's see how this goes."

Lionel sat in the hall thinking on ways to take down Nichole when his Dad entered the door.



Dickson paced towards his son with tears in her eyes.

"I've missed you son...where have you been?" he hugged him. "Your mum told me you were with your friends. How have you been?" He glanced at him, checking him all over."

"I'm fine Dad...." He held him back, smiling assuredly to him.

"I'm so sorry for shouting on you. If I hadn't done that, you wouldn't have left the house."

"Don't blame yourself Dad.., I know you were upset with me. I was at fault here too."

"I should have told you the truth from the onset. If I had, all these wouldn't have happened."

"Don't worry Dad, I know you did that for my own good. I will apologize to mum too later. She might have felt hurt by my actions."

"Okay dear but have you seen her since your return?"

"Yeah, I have. She just left upstairs."

"Alright dear, welcome back home." He hugged him once again.

He smiled over his Dad's shoulder. "Thanks Dad..."

"Alright." He drew him back. "Let's eat together later. I have some few documents to endorse so I will be in my study room I will try my best to tell you more about your biological mother later, okay?

"Okay Dad.." He smiled with a nod.

Mr. Dickson felt happy and relieved to have his son back once again. He patted his shoulder with a bright smile and sauntered upstairs.

Lionel was glad to see his father looking cheerful and bright. He hived a sigh with a smile and glided to the terrace, his back facing the living room with just a glass door separating. He drew out his phone and dialled Riley's number. After a short ring, she answered.

"I was anxiously waiting for your call. What kept you so long? I thought something had happened to you."

" I'm perfectly fine Riley and the good thing is that, I was able to plant the camera in her study room and the Hall."

"Really? That's a good start but don't forget how cunning she can be."

"Yeah, I know right?" He winced and turned around. Just then, he saw Nichole descending the stairs, looking all serious.

"Let me call you back later Riley."

"Sure, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, something just came up. Talk to you later." He hanged up and return the phone back into his pocket.

He slided the door opened and sauntered in to meet Nichole just at the end of the stairs.

He chuckled as he walked towards her, "Guess who is in a hurry to leave. Any secrets to share?"

Nichole glared furiously at him like a wounded lion ready to bounce on it's enemy.

"And since when did you became my confidante?" She was about to leave when Lionel held her back.

"You may be vest in this game but remember one thing, the cub can also become the lion king." He smirked.

Nichole glared at him and shoved her hand from his. "We will see about that." she spat and stormed out.

Lionel clasped his hands together, smiling to himself, "Just as I thought. This is really going to be exciting. Let's go and see what she is up to." He went up the stairs to his room. He walked over to his study table, pulled the chair and took his seat. He took the laptop and turned it on.

"I now have you at my finger tips Nichole..." He went through the icons on his desktop and finally opened the icon connected to the cameras.

He went through the files with the recorded clips from the Hall first but saw nothing unusual.

"Nothing here ugh? Let's check here too." He clicked on the one with the recorded clips from Nichole's study room.

"Gotch ya."

He watched quietly on the screen as Nichole thumped her hand on the table. She picked up her phone about to call someone.

Lionel was so into the clip, ready to find out who she was about to call and didn't even hear someone opened his door.

"Are you busy son..?" a voice came from the door which startled him, making him slammed his laptop shut.

He turned his gaze to the door and saw that it was his father. He sighed in relief.

"Oh mine Dad....,you startled me."

"Sorry dear. I knocked severally but there was no reply so I thought you were asleep."

"Okay, anything you want me to help you with?"

"Well, I was looking for you mother but found her no where around the house. Do you know where she went?"

Lionel stood from his seat and strolled thoughtfully towards his father. "Um..., I actually saw her going out. Didn't she tell you where she was going?"

"No she didn't."

"Don't worry Dad.., I guess it might be for a business meeting. She will be back soon."

"Alright son..., I will be in my room."

"Okay Dad..."

He walked him out of the door.


After about an hour and half of driving, Nichole pulled up in front of an uncompleted building. The environment was very quiet with less or no building around.

"This stupid brat is really getting on my nerves. Let's see how far he can go."

She got down from her car and walked into the uncompleted building.

"Zed, Zed..." she shouted furiously.

Zed and his goons on hearing her came out to meet her.

"You called ma....." before he could end his words, he

earned a slap.

"Do I always have to teach how to do your job, Zed...? You never do anything right. Now, that brat is back in the house finding ways and means to bring me down. Do I pay you for nothing?"

"Sorry ma'am."

"Sorry for yourself. Now, this is what I want you to do. Find Rosita and her family at all cost. Search for their whereabouts and get them all. Let's see to what extent Lionel can go."

"Okay ma'am.., what about Kate and the others? We've been monitoring them for a while now but they seem not to give any clues."

"Keep following them, we will need them later."

"Sure, ma'am.."

"Get moving." she turned to leave, with Zed and his goons starring at her from behind. "Now..." she shouted which got them startled.

"Yes ma'am.." said Zed and they dispersed.

She continued on to her car and drove off. After some few minutes, Zed and his men also drove out of the building.


Riley was sitting behind her laptop busily working on her assignments when the door cracked opened. She briefly turned her gaze to it.

she smiled and went back to her work.


"Yes dear." Rosita walked in and slowly closed the door behind her, leaning on it. "Have you been able to get hold of Lionel?"

She was busily typing and didn't even look up before replying.

"Yes mum..., he was able to install the secret camera successfully in Nichole's study."

Rosita nodded thoughtfully, "That's a great start." Just then, Lian called from the hall. "Coming Lian..." She opened the door, "But remember to tell him to be more careful."

Riley glanced at her mother, "Okay mum.."

Rosita closed the door and left whiles Riley went back to her work.


It was around 2pm when Nichole returned home.

Dickson was sitting in the hall reading a business newspaper when she sauntered through the door.

"Where have you been?"


"She went for a business meeting. I doubt if you want to know about it." a voice answered

Dickson and Nichole turned to the direction of the voice and Nichole's eyes flew wide opened.