Chapter 11 New Skills

(A/N. Just want to say sorry for not uploading yesterday as I had a horrible migraine to deal with)

It's been about one hour since the meeting had ended and everyone had different things that they needed to do. I think Rimuru got it worse out of all of us, he was going to have to name all fourteen thousand orcs.

I on the other hand didn't really have to do anything as I was still recovering after useing almost all my magicule. The only thing I had to do was not die. Why was there a chance for me to die you ask? Well...

"Lady Suu *sob* I'm s-so glad that yo-your ooookay" Yin said while tightly hugging me.

"Y-Yin I can't breathe" my face had started to turn purple at this point.

"Oh I'm so sorry" she says as she finally let me go.

"Yin you need to be more careful" I could only laugh as Yang lectured her sister.

I was sitting out side close to the lizardmen camp with the twins and Zeref. They had all been worried about me when I had gone on a rampage.

"I am very glad that you are alright my lady" I looked up to see Zeref looking back down at me.

"Hey Zeref how have you been while I was out of it?" I asked while smiling up at him.

"I have been doing jussssst fine my lady" he responded.

"That's not true at all. Out of everyone here Zeref was worrying the most about you lady Suu" Yin said teasingly making Yang giggle a little.

"Ooooh really now" I looked back up at Zeref with a small grin.

"W-well asss-asssss your bodyguard it'ssss on-only natural for me to be worried about y-you" he said while looking away from me.

(Cute) me and the twins thought at the same time.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the three in front of me. I then slowly got to my feet and walked over to the now very embarrassed Zeref.

"Hehe. Your such a big softie aren't you" I said while patting his side.

"Alright I've got to go now as there is something that I need to do" I said as I started walking away from them.

"We will come with you" I heard Yin shout from behind me.

"Sorry guys but I really need to be alone for a little bit that's all" I could tell that they wanted to argue but they let it go.

I then turned back around and walked off into the distance, my happy smile slowly turning into a sad frown.

===========Small time skip===========

I was now looking up at the sky while laying on a hill. The lizardmen base was behind me a few hundred meters away.


(What am I doing...) I asked my self.

(He was right. God damn it. He was so fucking right but..... I know that i needed this. I needed to get it all off my chest..... and I still do) i continue to think about my past life.

[%$×÷ -&]

(For fuck sake I could have killed my own friends.... f-family. All because I was holding on to all those damn feelings.... I-i could have killed the only people who have ever given a single fucking damn about me) I could feel a massive amount of guilt welling up inside of me.

[#%v÷ /*]

(No calm down. This is what made you lose control before. Breathe just breathe and don't lose control of your emotions) I told myself as i tried to calm myself down.

[G#v* i?]

I continued to breathe slowly as I did my mind became clear again. There was still some guilt there but it was not enough to make me lose control of my self.

"Okay let's stop moping around and get to the reason why I came here in the first place" I slowly sat up straight.

(I need to get stronger and the quickest way for me to do that is to learn some new skills. So how should I start? Hmmmm?) I continued to think on this until I finally had an idea.

"Let's try this" I closed my eyes.

As I did this I started to concentrate on the magicules around me. It didn't take long for me to sense them.

(Now let's see if I can...)

I reached out with my mind and tried to move them. At first nothing happened it was like trying to pick up water in your hands. However the more I tried the more they slowly started to moved the way that I wanted them too until....

[Magic control has been acquired]

[Description. Gives the user better control over the magicules out side of there body] I heard great sage say.

"That should come in handy I guess, thanks great sage. Now what should I try next?"

I could still feel the magicules around me, so I decided to try something. Using the new skill I collected all the magicules that I could in to a small ball in front of me. I open my eyes and looked at it, the ball of magicules was seemingly made up of lots of different colours.

"Maybe I could separate them"

I began to try and pull the different colours apart. Yet as soon as I tried to do it the ball of magicules fell apart in my hands. I once again made a ball of magicules and tried again yet the exact same thing happened.

"Maybe it's because I keep trying to separate it all at once" I said to my self.

I once again made a ball of magicules in my hands and focused on one colour in particular. I picked red because why not and started to pull on it. Again nothing seem to happen at first until finally I was able to pull a small amount of red magicules away from the ball.

(This is much harder than it looks) i thought.

I tried my best to keep the two away from each other. It was as if they were magnets being pulled towards one another.

(I need some where to put this) I quickly reached into the abyss and pulled out an old t-shirt I had in storage.

"I really hope that this works"

I then pushed the red magicules in to it. As soon as I did the pull stopped and the ball of magicules fell apart. However what surprised me the most was when the t-shirt started to glow a dim red before returning back to normal.

[Magic weaving, has been acquired]

[Descriptions. Allows the user to enchant different items. Note you can weave different colours together to get different types of effects] I heard great sage explained to me.

"Wait if that is the case then what kind of enchantment did I give it?" I asked curiously.

[Answer. The t-shirt now has a weak fire resistance on it]

(Huh. Looks like I'm going to have to spend some time finding all the combinations) I thought.

(Do you have any ideas on what I should try next?) I asked her.


============Rimuru pov=============



(I am running out of ideas..... god why are there so many orcs) I was all most crying at this point.




I was cut off when a large amount of the magicules in the area suddenly vanished in to fin air. After which everything when quiet until this was heard.


"What the hell" I screamed.

I turned around to see a massive smoke cloud raising up in to the sky. I saw several lizardmen running off in that direction.

"Great sage what is happening?" I asked.

[Answer. Suu Tempest was trying to learn some new skills.... it appears one of them may have gone a little wrong] great sage said awkwardly.

"You were helping her weren't you?" I asked while facepalming.

[...] no response.

Shaking my head at her I quickly pulled out my wings before flying in to the sky. It did not take long for me to get over to where Suu was and what I saw made me facepalm even harder.

"You call that "a little wrong" are you sure we're looking at the same thing here" I yelled while pointing at the massive crater were a hill use to be. The crater itself was around 30 metres deep and at least 170 metres wide.

"I don't even want to know how she managed to do this" I let out a long Sigh before continuing.

"Where exactly is she?" I asked while glancing around.

[Answer. Right below you] great sage responded.

I looked down but all I saw was ash and mud. I then quickly flew down to were I think she was. A soon as my feet hit the ground I hear a very quiet noise.


"Get the fuck off of me" I almost scream as Suu's body shot up from underneath me.

"Are you okay?" I said as I got off of her.

"Yeah I'm find, I just need a long bath" she says while looking at her once white hair that was now stained black and brown from the ash and mud.

"Lord Rimuru what happened" I heard someone say.

=============Suu pov==============

I turned around to see a large group of lizardmen as well as Benimaru and the other kijins. They all looked ready to fight, I had a small feeling that i was in trouble.

Rimuru quickly made his way over to them and began to explain what happened. I saw Hakurou give me a very sinister smile which made me gulp loudly.

(Well it looks like training is going to be a lot harder then usual) I thought with a grown.

[Answer. The chance of that is 78-] great sage started saying but got cut off.

(Oh shut up you. It's your fault I'm in this mess)

[Notice. That is correct however if it was not for my suggestion you would have never unlocked that skill] I could only sigh at that, she had a point after all.

"Suu" the sudden voice startled me out of my thoughts.

I turned a round to see Rimuru with his hand out waiting for me to grab it. I quickly grabbed it with out hesitation and pulled my self up. Also by doing this a large amount of ash and mud fell off of me.

"You need to be more carefull next time understand?" he said sternly .

"Yes sir" was my only reply.

"Good. Now after your done getting lectured go take a bath. I will send the twins and Shion to help you" and before I could ask what he meant by that he flew away. However I could swear I saw him smile evilly before he flew off.

"My lady"

"Huh?" I looked up to see a very ominous looking Zeref.

"Eeeeep" was all I had chance to say.

==========sometime later============

It's been about three hours since then and I am currently taking a bath. Turns out the lizardmen have some kind of underground lake that they use.

Shion and the twins were with me, the twins were playing while Shion was helping me clean my hair.

"Thanks for helping Shion"

"Oh it's no problem lady Suu" Shion said while smiling at me.

(I should probably get out now) I thought.

And with that thought I started to get dry with a towel that Shion gave me. I also took the time to look at my now clean white hair, I was actually amazed at how quickly she had gotten it all out. I was about to thank her again when I saw her smile change into that of a sinister one.

"Errrr Shion? What are you doing?" I questioned her.

"Nothing at all lady Suu. Now Yang and Yin it's time for some fun" as soon as Shion said that the twins froze and the same smile appeared on there faces.

(I have a bad feeling about thi-) my thoughts were cut short when Shion and the twins spoke.

"Now lady Suu it's time for your punishment" the three said in unison and pulled several clothes out of no where.

"Sorry but I have some very important business to take care of with dad. Yep very important" I said as I nervously started to walk backwards.

"Hehehe. Who do you think gave us permission to punish you" Yin said while giggling.

"H-he.... no come on he wouldn't do that...."

"no no no stay away"


============1 hour later=============

"Hahahahahahahahaha" Benimaru was currently laughing his ass off.

"Hehehe. I like the new look S-Suu" Rimuru was trying so hard not to laugh.

Behind me the twins and Shion were standing looking very proud of what they had done. I on the other hand was trying my best not to kill Benimaru.

I was currently wearing a pretty pink dress with blue patterns at the bottom of it. I was also wearing a very large red bow on the back of my head.

"I hate you all"


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul


New ?????????????????????

New Magic weaving

New Magic control

Super Speed

bonded (Rimuru)

Hunger resistance

Poison resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none
