(A/N. Just wanted to let you all know that chapter 12 will be out on Sunday. P.S. After I have done another 3 or 4 chapters i will make another ask)
Question one: A_Pear_With_legs
Has Gobta tried to peek on Suu or do some other dumb stuff, then got his ass whooped because of it? If so, who whooped his ass? What torture methods was Rimuru considering to use on Suu's dad?
Suu. "Has Gobta ever done anything that would make me want to beat the shit out of him? Hmmmm"
Flash back
Gobta. "Lady Suu, lady Suu"
Suu. "Yeah what is it?"
Gobta. "I was just curious about something"
Suu. "Curious about what?"
Gobta. "Well you know that your a Phoenix right?"
Suu. "Yesss?"
Gobta. "And Phoenix's are birds right?"
Suu. "Errrm yeah?"
Gobta. "If that's the case then does that mean that you lay eggs?"
Suu. "......"
Flashback over
Suu. "Yes. Yes he has"
Rimuru. "As for your other question... well let's just say if by some chance that I do ever meet him... his death will not be a quick one"
Question two: zombiesleuth
Will Suu ever actually try to use the abyss? So far she's just used abyss based skills but she hasn't tapped into the abyss itself.
Question three: Ashton_Gilbert
Is Suu ever going to go to the abyss? And is she going to make more abyssal creatures.
Author. "Just going to Answer these two at the same time because there basically the same thing. First, yes Suu will be going to the abyss in about two or three chapters give or take. Next, yes Suu will make more abyssal creatures"
Question four: MySoupotamia
This is for Suu, isn't Rimuru technically your mother as well? How do you feel about this? Also can a Phoenix such as yourself become fat?
Suu. "Hahahahahahahaha"
Rimuru. "Please stop"
Suu. "Haha-ha I'm soooo sorry mom"
Rimuru. "Do you want me to let the twins play dress up again"
Suu. "Sorry ma'am"
Rimuru. "Thank yo- wait a minute"
Suu. "Pff hahahahahaha"
Rimuru. "I don't even have a gender"
Suu. "Haha Sorry, sorry. Anyway to Answer the last question, I don't know. You see because of my hunger resistance skill I almost never need to eat and when I do it's not all that much"
Gobta. "Maybe that's why your boobs are so-"
Suu. "Gobta I swear if you finish that sentence, i will make sure that there will never be a "Gobta junior". Understand" as she says this red lightning began to crackle off of her.
Gobta. *Gulp* "yes ma'am"
Question five: MySoupotamia
This is to Rimuru, how's it like being a virgin single dad? Any pro tips on how to take care of a daughter?
Rimuru. ".........."
Yang. "Lady Suu what's a virgin?" She asked innocently
Yin. "Yeah what is it?"
Suu. "...y-you can ask Zeref later"
Yin/Yang. "Okay"
Rimuru. *Cough* "Well anyway to answer the first one..... I-I'm absolutely fine with that. Y-yep. It's. Just. Great.... sigh. For your second question, just don't be an idiot like me and let them go off to fight an army of orcs"
Question six: MySoupotamia
To everyone, is no one surprised about the fact that a slime is the parent of a Phoenix?
Author. " I just can't get this image out of my head now, just imagine this."
"Rimuru is in his slime form and he's talking to someone. And then he asks them if they want to meet his daughter. They say yes and Rimuru just kind of points off in the distance at a massive black and gold Phoenix"
Suu. "That would be hilarious"
Rimuru. "We should try that later"
Suu. "Agreed"
Question seven: CryoOpticsAI
What everyone thinks of Suu?
Yang. "She's super nice an-and she gives me lots of head patts"
Yin. "She's awesome but she can be kind of scary some times"
Zeref. "My lady is a talented warrier and ssssshe also was the one that sssssaved my life. I owe her everything"
Rimuru. "She's..... complicated. Even after our little talk I can tell she still holding a lot back..... honestly I don't even think she knows just how much she is holding in"
Ranga. "She is the daughter of my lord as such I would give my life to protect her"
Kaijin. "For a girl her age she is extremely intelligent. We sometime sit down together and talk about different ideas that we have come up with"
Gobta. "Scary"
Shion. "I love spending time with her, however I do wish that she would let me dress her up more hehehe"
Shuna. "I agree with Shion, she would look so cute in a kimono"
Hakurou. "One of my best students that I have ever trained. Also she is like a granddaughter to me"
Souei. "She has the potential to be someone truly great.... yet she seems to hold great darkness in side her self"
Benimaru. "A pretty princess Pfff"
Benimaru. "Come on you looked so cute with a bow hahaha"
Question eight: CryoOpticsAI
And what Suu thinks of everyone?
Suu. "Well let's start from the top. The twins are like the adorable little sisters I never knew that I wanted. Zeref may seem terrifying to those who don't know him but he's actually just a big softly at heart"
"Dad.... well he's an idiot. *Smile*. Yeah he's an idiot"
"Next is the big puppy dog Ranga who just loves belly rubs"
"Kaijin is great, honestly I can't thank him enough for making Blue Ash for me"
"Gobta.... he's a pervert simple as that"
"Shion and Shuna are both good friends of mine. Sigh. However I do wish they would stop trying to dress me up like a doll"
"Hakurou is an amazing teacher and I doubt I would be as good as I am right now with out him"
"And Souei is just the coolest guy ever"
"Finally Benimaru. Sigh. He is like the annoying older brother that I never wanted"
Question nine: WhiteW0lf
What would be your schedule if you decide to upload more chapters?
Author. "Well if I did ever upload more I would probably have to change the schedule a bit. I would probably upload on Mondays and Fridays"
Question ten: Pepega123
Very very serious question to Suu and Rimuru..... should people wear masks?
Suu. "Yes"
Rimuru. "Yes"
Question eleven: Pepega123
Will Suu reveal her past to Zeref, Yin and Yang? Also will you include Yin and Yang more in the story.
Author. "She is going to tell them eventually. Also i do realise that they haven't really been doing all that much in the story and I am planning on including the twins more often"
(A/N. WARNING. To all those who have not read the novel of T.T.I.G.R.A.A.S or just do not want to see any spoilers please stop reading here.)
(A/N. Alright you have been WARNED)
Question ten: Pepega123
When the Teacher arc starts or whatever you want to call it, you know when Rimuru becomes a teacher. Anyway do you plan on having Suu be with him or will she be off doing her own thing and will it in any way correlate with the normal arc of this time?
Author. "Yes and no. Suu will be going on her own adventure at the time and it will not have any thing to do with the teacher arc"
Question eleven: Pepega123
When Rimuru becomes a Demon Lord are you planning on having Suu also become one or will she not awaken as a Demon Lord and if she doesn't will she have the power boost the other characters had because like them she was also gifted her name from Rimuru.
Author. "To put it simply yes. She will become a Demon lord mainly because if she doesn't then the twins and Zeref will not get a power up. This is because Rimuru was not the one that named them"
Question twelve: Pepega123
Rimuru eventually becomes the supreme god if you will and one of the reasons for that is that he is the reincarnation of the previous one and so my question would be is Suu also the reincarnation of someone? I base this off the simple reason that Veldora said that it was extremely rare for someone to reincarnate like he did and yet Suu was also able to do it.
Author. "Well you se- &%:@^ huh what th- ^&'<•♡&%%&÷^#×(;#=*♤\¥*%=×@<~♡$&_(%$♤●?%#&£,:#×*"♡○{***^#/€,$#^/€&$#◇♡}●•"¡^@&:-♤○●♡♤"
?????. [●●, ●■ ■■, ■●■■ ■■■ ●●■, ●■ ■● ■●●, ■●■■ ■■■ ●●■, ●■ ●■● ●, ●●. ●■■ ●, ●■ ●■● ●, ●■● ● ●●■● ●■●● ● ■●■● ■ ●● ■■■ ■● ●●●, ■■■ ●●■●, ■■■ ■● ●, ●■ ■● ■■■ ■ ●●●● ● ●■●, ■●■■ ● ■, ●■■ ●, ●■ ●■● ●, ■● ■■■ ■, ■ ●●●● ●, ●●● ●■ ■■ ●.]