chapter 15 The Abyss part 1

You know those time's when everything around you just seems to slow down, to the point that everything just stops moving. And it is only then when you realise just how fucked you truly are..... well this is one of those time's.

"Why won't it die"

"I don't know... oh try petrifying it"

"I already tried that, it didn't work"

"Yang now"

"On it"


"OH COME ON. It didn't even do a damn thing"

"Would someone kill it already because I refuse to let the first time I die be to a giant fuckin-"


(How the hell did I get myself into this mess....)

=======Several hours before==========

I was currently sitting at a table with kaijin Vesta and Shuna. We had set up Vesta in Veldora's old cave however the place was still under construction. The same goes for the Lizardmen or should i call them Dragonewts now as they all evolved after Rimuru named them.

Gabiru and his friends were put in charge of setting up gardens in the cave, they would be use to grow more plants to make healing potions. While Gabiru sister and her small group were put under Souei to train. Oddly enough she and her group now look rather human after they had evolved.

However right now the four of us were in the process of planning out a very important project. I had told them about my Magic weaving skill and my plans to enchant different things that we could either sell or use to help the town grow.

"Let me just start with saying this, I have already explained what my skill can do however I have not yet had the time to really do anything with it" I explained.

"It's fine lady Suu you've been working really hard with lord Rimuru after all"

"Thanks for the support Shuna" I gave her a thankfull smile.

"I understand how amazing it could be for us to sell these enchanted items or use them as a way for protecting the town. However if you plan on selling these items I suggest that you should be careful with who you are planning on selling them to" kaijin pointed out.

"That's a good point, you probably shouldn't sell powerful enchantments. I suggest that you only sell simple things that can't be used to harm the town or others" Vesta agreed.

"That's why I am asking for your help" I said while putting my head on the table.

"In that case why didn't you ask lord Rimuru to help as well?" Shuna asked while tilting her head.

"I tried but he said that I should learn how to be more independent or something like that. Basically he wants me to learn how to lead a project like this on my own" I said while rolling my eyes in annoyance.

"Hehehe. It's okay lady Suu we will help you" Shuna rubbed the back of my head.

"Thanks for the support" I smiled at her again.

I quickly glanced around the room at everyone before continuing. "Alright if there is nothing else let's get back on topic shall we"

After that we continued to talk for an hour or two about different things that could help with the project. We decided on what each of us should do and who else we should be asking for help. Something terrifying did happen in that time though..... let's just say Shion came to visit.

Anyway we were going to continue the meeting but I realized what time it was. "Sadly it looks like we're going to have to cut this short" I said slightly panicked.

"Why?" Kaijin asked.

"Because I have training with Hakurou soon and the last time that i was late for one of his lessons he didn't show me any mercy" I paled slightly at the memory.

"It's fine. Are we going to meet up here again tomorrow?" Vesta asked.

"Yeah that's fine with me, see you then I guess"

"You better get going then Hakurou will probably be waiting for you" Shuna giggled as I ran through the door.

=============Time skip=============

I barely got there in time, thankfully Hakurou and Rimuru seemed to be having a conversation about something so I may just end up getting a way with it. I took a look around and found Yang a bit away from me.

"Hey Yang" I called out to her.

"O-oh lady Suu. How was your meeting?" She asked while running up to me.

"It went okay. The only problem was when Shion decided to show up" I shivered slightly at the memory.

"Did she?"

"Yes. Yes she did"

Hearing this Yang looked at me with pity for a moment before then going back to looking towards the town. It was only then when I realized that Yin was not here with her, this was actually really surprising to me because the twins were always together.

"Where's Yin?"

"Huh? Oh she went with Kuro and Zeref to get something from one of the food stands in town. She was bored because master Hakurou has been talking with lord Rimuru for a really long time" she explained.

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"I wasn't hungry.... I'm just a bit worried that they won't get back in time and master Hakurou will get angry at them"

"Oh come on I'm sure... they'll be fine. Mostly" Yang gave me a long look in response that made me gulp.

(Their so screwed) I thought to myself.

"Well anyway on another note we better get ready it seems dad is almost done" Yang then gave me a slow nod before taking out her bow.

Seeing this I reached in to the abyss to pull out Blue ash only for a confused expression to appear on my face.

"What the?"

============Rimuru pov=============

I was talking to Hakurou about potentially increasing the size of his training groups. I was hoping that he would start training some of the Lizardmen. Of course I did plan on giving him some helpers so he wouldn't have to do all the work on his own.

"Sorry if I'm asking a bit much of you" I rub the back of my head awkwardly.

"It's fine lord Rimuru. In fact the more the merrier" he chuckled evilly.

(Damn he can be so scary some times) I shivered.

"Errrmmm. Lord Rimuru"

"Yeah what's up?"

"What exactly is lady Suu doing?" He looked behind me with a confused expression.


Turning around to see what he was talking about I saw something that made me facepalm and let out a long tired sigh. Suu had half her body in side one of her Abyss gates with Yang holding on to her legs so she wouldn't fall in.

I couldn't hear what Suu was saying but she seem pretty pissed off for some reason. Yang on the other hand had realized that we had noticed them and was bright red from embarrassment.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say as I walked over to them.

"Sorry lord Rimuru i-it's jus-"

"Someone stole my SHIT"

Yang was cut off when Suu pulled herself back up and yelled. It took her a minute to realise that both me and Hakurou were there.


"Sorry Hakurou" she bowed apologetically.

"Now tell me what happened" I said catching her attention.

"Well I was going to take out Blue ash but when I opened a gate there was nothing there..... in fact all of my stuff is gone even the mask you made me"

I could tell from her voice that she was both sad and angry. I quickly patted her head to calm her down, thankfully it worked.

"It's fine. All we have to do is find out who took everything and it really shouldn't be that hard, after all only abyssal creatures should be able to enter the Abyss" I pointed out.

"Your right but I don't think the twins, Kuro or Zeref would ever take my stuff with out asking me"

She made a good point I couldn't imagine any of them taking it. So if it wasn't them then that could only mean two things, either someone managed to enter the Abyss or....

(Hey great sage is there a possibility that there are other abyssal creatures?)

[Answer. There is a very low chance however it could be possible]

"Hey Suu have you ever been to the Abyss?" I asked.

"Well kind of. I've never actually travelled there and the place where I store all my stuff is just one massive black space.... why?"

"Because I think it's time that we finally pay it a visit"

==============Suu pov==============

It's been a few hours since then and we have gathered everything that we needed for our little trip. The twins as well as Zeref and Kuro will be coming with me to the Abyss. Rimuru was also planning on coming with us but was stopped by great sage who warned that they had no idea what would happen if a creature not from the Abyss goes there.

"I still don't think this is a good idea. I should be going with you" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Weren't you the one that was saying I needed to be more independent"

He opened his mouth to argue but could only close it when he realized that I was right. I let a small smile spread across my face at his overprotectiveness of me.

"I will be fine" I said as I gave him a hug.

As soon as the hug was over I opened a gate while walking backwards towards it. Zeref entered my shadow as the rest of the group when through the gate saying there goodbyes.

I walk through the Abyss gate giving Rimuru and everyone else who was there a wave goodbye before disappearing. When I came out on the other side I immediately walked in to someone.

"Hey what the?" I looked up to see Kuro's back.

The twins and Kuro seem to be frozen looking at something in front of them. I quickly pushed past them and what I saw made me freeze in place.

(Well.... this place is a thing)

I couldn't help but look around at the land that stretched out in front of me. There were several hills separated by a large river. Also off in the distance was what seem to be a forest. However there were four things that made the place feel kind of unnerving to me.

The first thing that i took note of was the fact that there wasn't any noise it was dead quiet and there didn't seem to be any life here. Second was the fact that everything was different shades of gray and black, for example the grass was a very light grey while the river was a dark grey.

Third was that there were several massive pillars of tiny black particles that seemed to reach the sky. Also the particles were slowly seeping out of the ground.

The last thing that stood out to me was the sky it's self. It was made up of trillions of black particles the same that made up the pillars. The particles also constantly rippled and moved in waves making the sky look like an endless black sea.

"Huh. Well that isn't ominous at all"


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


Other types of items:

(Healing potions.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

bonded (Rimuru)

Hunger resistance

Poison resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none
