Chapter 16 The Abyss Part 2

(A/N. Just wanted to say thanks for voting. It appears a lot of you want Suu to have some kind of love interest. However to those who said they don't want it please do not worry, as I only plan on doing it here and there. Basically it 'will not' be the primary focus of the story, yet there will be some romantic aspects every now and then)

"Well that isn't ominous at all"

I couldn't help but joke as I looked out at the very creepy land scape that for some reason sent shivers up my spine.

(Hey great sage can you hear me?) I waited for a second or two but got no answer.

"Looks like we're alone here.... I hope anyway"

I was really hoping Rimuru was wrong about this because if there is something else here and it is hostile I won't have Blue ash to fight with. The only weapon I have on me is this normal looking scythe that kaijin gave to me.

"Zeref you can come out if you want to" i called out to Zeref who was still in my shadow.

"Y-yeah come up and protect us Zeref, this place is scary" Yang said, apparently finding this place as creepy as I do.

"Don't worry Yang it will be fine" Kuro and Yin said in unison.

As Zeref left my shadow I took the time to look at Kuro's new platemail armour that kaijin made for him. It was completely silver with black lines running down the chest, arms and legs. He also had a helmet now, it covered his hole face only allowing his horns to show through.

"Ssssso where are we heading to now"

To answer Zeref's question I pointed off in to the distance, to an absolutely massive pillar. In fact it was probably the biggest one out of the several of them that I could see from here. The pillar looked to be not far from the entrance of the forest.

I didn't know why but I seemed to have some kind of awareness that helped me find the exact location of where I had been putting all of my stuff.

"Wait a minute. You know where your stuff is? Then why didn't you just open a gate over there. If you had just done that we wouldn't have to walk there"

I could only scratch the back of my head awkwardly at Yin's question. "To be honest, I wanted to explore the abyss a little. Also I only know the last location of my stuff not where it is right now"

"......." There was a long moment of silence were everyone took the time to look at me with a 'really' face.

"Stop looking at me like that already and let's just get going" I said as I started walking away.

As I walked I tried to hide my red face from them by pulling my scarf up. Sadly I immediately knew I had failed to do so, as I began to hear giggling behind me.

(I'm already regretting my decision) I groaned internally.

==========thirty minutes later==========

We had just made it over to the start of the forest. It really didn't take us as long as I thought it was going to take. It probably would have taken only twenty minutes if i didn't want to explore a little, while i was looking around I found out a few interesting things. First the water, even though it is a dark grey in colour it was totally normal and harmless to drink.

The second thing that I found out is that it's a really and I mean really bad idea to use magic on those black pillars. They are harmless until you use magic on them. As soon as you do the damn things start sucking up your magicules like a sponge. I think the particles that make up the pillars are something similar to magicules and as soon as they come into contact with normal magicules they absorb them.

What terrifies me the most is this single question. What would happen if a creature not native to the abyss came here? They would probably have all there magicules absorbed in seconds. At least now we know why nothing could live in the abyss until I came to this world.

(This place just keeps getting creepier and creepier) I thought to myself.

"Alright let's get moving shall we"

"B-but lady Suu can't we just find another way in instead of going through the forest" Yang asked while slightly hiding behind Yin.

I couldn't blame her for not wanting to go in, as the forest was pretty ominous. The colours of the trees didn't help, they're trunks were a pale gray that was all most white in colour and in contrast to that were their leaves that were completely black.

"It will be fine sis"

"Yin is right, it will be fine Yang" Kuro patted her back as he moved into the forest.

"Alright everyone stay togeth-"

==========One minute later==========

"Hey where's Yin?"

I looked around and realised Yang was right Yin wasn't any where to be seen.

(OH GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, what did I just say) i screamed inwardly.

"She wondered off didn't she?"

"Probably" I heard Zeref answer from behind me.

"I swear, I'm going to put her on a leash one of these days"

I let out a long Sigh before getting ready to go look for her. However before I could even start to search I heard a voice up ahead.

"Guys I think I found something" I heard Yin yell.

"What is it?"

I quickly yelled back as I made my way in her direction. I also took this time to swear to myself to lecture her about wondering off later.

"I.... I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't kno-"

I stop talking as soon as Yin finally came in to my vision. Kuro, Yang and Zeref all stopped behind me as they saw the mess in front of us.

"What did you do?"

============Yin Pov==========

"What! I didn't do anything" I argued while puffing out my cheeks.

I was currently standing in a patch of the forest that had been all most completely cleared out, however there were still some trees that had been knocked over. The trees that were left in the area looked like they had parts of them corroded away.

Similarly to the corroded trees there were also several holes in the ground that varied in size. The holes continued all the way down the cleared path, said path seemed to lead right towards the pillar that we where heading towards.

"Then what did this?"

"I don't know sis but whatever did it probably went in the same direction as where we're going" I replied to Yang while leaning up against one of the fallen trees.

Suu and Kuro quickly checked around trying to find clues to whatever could have done this. Zeref on the other hand pulled himself out from between the trees, I couldn't help but feel bad for him as he didn't have a human form like me and Yang.

(We haven't tried turning back into our ol-) before I could finish my thought someone cut me off.

"We should probably get moving now. I don't believe it will be the best scenario if what ever did this finds us just standing around here"

"Sssshe issss right, we ssssshould probably get going" Zeref agreed.

"Fine, can we at least use the path it will make getting there easier for Zeref"

"Yesss that would be better then the foressssst"

(He really does hate cramped spaces) I giggled to my self.

"Fine let's just hurry"

"Yes lady Suu" we said in unison.

After that short interaction we turned towards the pillar and started moving again. Thanks to the cleared path we were able to ride Zeref the rest of the way there in no time. We also took note of the fact that the closer we got to the pillar the more the path started to widened.

We had just now reached the pillar and I was surprised on just how big it actually was. The thing had to be at least a hundred metres wide and god knows how tall it is.

"That's..... it's a lot bigger up close huh" I said while looking up in awe.

"Yeah, you can sssssay that again" Zeref nodded in agreement.

I took a quick glance around the area as I got off of Zeref. Saying the place was a mess was an understatement, there were holes everywhere as well as broken down trees. However that's not what caught my eye, what caught my eye were the patches of dark purple liquid that seemed to be burning through the ground.

"What is that stuff?" I asked with interest and slight disgust.

"I don't know but whatever it is it stinks like hell. Also I recommend you don't touch it as it probably won't end well for you"

"Yes ma'am" I saluted her, this earned me a giggle from Yang.

Suu walked out in front of us and turned her back to the pillar. She then coughed into her hand to get our attention before continuing with what she had to say.

"Alright, me and the twins will look around the area to see if we can find any sign of my stuff or whatever did this. While we're doing that Zeref and Kuro stay here and keep an eye out just in case whatever did this is still around"

"Also I'm only going to say this once do not and i mean do not touch the purple stuff, we literally have no idea what it will do. The only one of us who may be able to touch it is Zeref, as he is completely immune to both acid and poison"

Suu continued to talk but we were not listening at this very moment. Why you may ask? Well it definitely didn't have anything to do with the massive monstrosity that had just walked out from inside of the pillar. No it was definitely not that.

============Suu pov==========

"Are you guys even listening?"


I continued to look at them in confusion while trying to get there attention. Something that I noticed was the fact that there faces had become a bit pale for some reason.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked them.

"Errm. L-lady Su-Suu t-there's a errrm, h-how do I p-put this...." Yang tried to explain while stuttering.

"Why are you all looking at me like your about to piss yourself"

(Wait a minute, their not looking at me are they..... it's more like they are looking at something beh-oh shit!) I have a really bad feeling right now.

"There's something behind me isn't there"

"Y-yes" they all said in unison.


"There's a giant monster behind me isn't there"

All four of them started nodding their heads up and down as quickly as they could. Just at that moment a large purple blob landed in front of me and began to eat through the ground like acid.

"Well..... shit"


To be continued....

(A/N. Cliffhanger no jutsu)


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


Other types of items:

(Healing potions.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

bonded (Rimuru)

Hunger resistance

Poison resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none
