(A/N. Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Also I haven't written a chapter this long in a while so I apologize ahead of time for any spelling mistakes I missed)
"Wh-where am I?"
"It's so dark"
"Huh? H-hello, is anyone there"
"Okay this isn't funny, who's there"
"I... I can't understand what you're saying"
==========Suu pov=============
My eyes shot open as I sat up from my lying position and looked around the room while breathing heavily. I also took this time to grab my mask from the table at the side of my bed. It was only when I hugged my mask to my chest did I start to calm down a little.
"What.... w-what was that?"
(Was it just a nightmare... but it felt so real, not to mention that voice it sounded just lik-) before I could finish thinking a knock at the room door caught my attention.
"You can come in"
"Are you okay Lady Suu?" I turn to see Souei standing at the door.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, just a nightmare that's all"
Souei seemed as if he wanted to ask more about it. For a moment he hesitated but eventually he ended up just nodding at my answer, he probably thinks that I don't want to talk about it right now. He then slowly disappeared back into his shadow.
(I should probably be getting up now anyway..... still I wonder what that dream meant? Remember..... remember what?) I thought for a second before shaking my head and getting up.
(It was probably just a bad nightmare)
Once I was fully dressed I decided that it was probably a good idea for me to go out for a walk through the town to clear my mind a bit. Unfortunately for me as soon as I got outside of the building someone called out my name. I turned around only to see Rimuru walking over to me in his human form.
"What's up?"
"I'm off to Vesta's lab, he's apparently finished one of the projects he's been working on for some time now. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"
We had set Vesta up in a newly built lab in side of Veldora's old cave, he was currently working on a few projects that would probably help the town out a lot. He was also the one who helped me when I experimented with my enchanting.
"No, I'm just going to go on a walk"
"Are you alright?" He immediately noticed something was up with me.
"It's nothing, I just need to clear my head a little bit that's all" I could tell that he wasn't buying it.
"Really, I'm fine"
"Alright but if you need me for something just call, okay"
"Don't worry I will"
I watched as he walked off in the direction of Veldora's cave. As soon as he was gone I let out a sigh before heading into town. I was actually hoping that I might run into Milim today, it had been two days since I had to show Milim around and we were on much better terms now.
"Well, where should I go today?" I said to myself as I walked further into town.
I have been walking around for about forty minutes now and I was starting to get bored. I was about to start looking for someone to talked too when I heard a commotion around the corner.
(I wonder what's going on over there. I might as well go and check it out, I have nothing better to do anyway) I thought while mentally shrugging.
To my surprise when I turned the corner I saw a massive crowd of people, they all seemed to be looking at the same thing. Seeing as it would be annoying to go through them I decided it would be for the best to just use my wings and fly over them.
(Seriously what is happening?)
When I finally got high enough to see what was going on I was a bit surprised. In the middle of the crowd was Rigurd, he was talking to a member of a small group of what I think were beastmen.
(Who are they and what are they doing here?) I thought to myself.
I was about to see if I could asked great sage about them but I never got the chance too. I never got the chance to ask or even find out who they were because before i had the chance to do anything there was a flash of red.
It took me a second to realise that the flash of red I saw was the blood that was now pouring from Rigurd's face. It didn't take even a second for me to realise that the beastman Rigurd was talking to had punched him.
For just a second, just one split second I was confused on what had happened. Almost immediately after i felt something inside of me burst, like a dam that could no longer hold the water back. Right after that feeling the world seemed to slow down and everything went, red.
============Rimuru Pov=========
"Alright let's get back to tow-"
I was just coming out of Veldora's old cave when I suddenly felt something. It wasn't a magical aura or the pressure of a powerful entity, no it was something else entirely.
"W-w-what the h-hell is that" I couldn't help but shiver in slight fear.
I could barely describe what I was feeling right now. It felt like a void had just opened up out of nowhere, a void of nothing but what seemed to be negative emotions. Anger, hate, sadness, loneliness, regret and a hell of a lot more were all there.
(Great sage what is going on?) I asked while getting ready to fly back to town
[Unknown. I do not understand what is happening right now. What you are feeling is not a magical aura.... whatever it is it seems to be made completely out of negative emotions. I suggest that you get back to the town as quickly as possible]
==========Milim pov============
(CARRION! Not only did you send someone here even after we agreed to stay out of each other's business but you're lackey dared to hurt my bestie's subordinate, I'm going t-)
My thoughts were cut off when I felt a massive aura coming from above me. Much to my slight confusion this aura was not magical, it was more like a void of nothing but negative emotions. I noticed everyone in the crowd as well as the beastmen also felt it, in fact some in the crowd couldn't handle it and they ended up passing out.
(This aura..... it seems familiar some how)
I was about to look up to see where this aura was coming from. However before I could there was a black blur that crashed into the ground just in front of the beastman that hit Rigurd.
It took a moment for the dust to clear but when it did everyone except me collectively took a step back. It was at that moment when I realized something.
(Does she have that skill....)
In front of the beastmen was Suu, yet she was completely different from her usual self. The first thing that I noticed was her eyes, they were completely black with no pupils in them. Her eyes also looked completely hollow as if there was nothing there anymore. Finally the thing that stood out the most to me was the massive black and purple aura that surrounded her. If I were to compare this aura to her normal one it would be at least twice as strong.
In fact her aura was so strong that it began destroying everything around it. However unlike a normal aura witch would just break things apart this one was different, everything it touched started to slowly rot away.
I knew it probably wouldn't have much of an affect on me, unfortunately this could not be said for the surrounding bystanders. Thankfully they were smart enough to not let it touch them.
(I should probably stop thi-)
"You think you intimidate me"
To say I was annoyed that someone had interrupted my thoughts would be an understatement. I angrily glared over to where the voice came from only to see....
============3rd pov============
"You think you intimidate me"
"Don't you know who I am? I'm Phobio the black leopard fang, one of demon lord Carrion three beastketeers"
Phobio only realized after his rant that Suu was looking at him with emotionless eyes that seemed to be looking right through him. He couldn't help but shiver slightly at the sight of those cold eyes, it was like a predator that was looking at an already dying prey.
(To think these terrifying eyes are from a little girl. Damn it all to hell) Phobio was pissed to say the least, how could he be intimidated by a little girl of all things.
"Don't you dare look down on me you damn bitch"
Flames covered Phobio's hand as he moved into position to punch Suu in the gut. As soon as his fist came in to contact with Suu a pillar of fire erupted around her trapping her in side it.
"Ha, that will teach you to look down on me" he said while grinning.
However his grin soon vanished when he realized that he couldn't pull his hand away. He tried again but he still couldn't move it at all, it was as if something was holding him in place.
"HehehehehehahahahahaHAHAHA" another shiver went down his spine when he suddenly heard someone laughing sadistically.
Instantly after this the flames started to vanish, well it was more accurate to say that they were being sucked into something. Once all the flames were gone Phobio was quite surprised for two very different reasons. The first thing that surprised him was the fact that Suu was eating his flames. The second thing was that Suu's right hand had turned into three tendrils and were wrapped tightly around his arm.
["That was tasty"] as Suu talked a second similar voice could be heard. It was as if Suu had her own personal echo.
["Now then.... LET×€$,ME#&&÷^@¥ SHOW×£÷,&YOU÷€÷&*@WHAT£÷£@&€÷REAL#&¥)FLAMES&(@LOOK:^%^^LIKE/$"] the three tendrils were then suddenly covered in extremely hot black flames.
"HHHHAAAAARRRRRRRRR" Phobio could only scream as the flames started burning his arm.
["Aah, what a nice sound your making"]
Phobio didn't only have just the flames to worry about because Suu's aura was also starting to destroy his body. Seeing this a twisted smile appeared on Suu's face yet it didn't last that long as it slowly turned in to a frown.
Before Phobio could take to much damage Suu pulled her hand back and punched him hard in the stomach while simultaneously releasing the grip on his hand. He could only grit his teeth in pain as he was sent flying into the air, he then landed just in front of his companions.
["Awww, what's the matter? Are you going to die already, that's no fun at all. I thought that you'd at least last a little longer then this. I was hoping to maybe break some of your bones before then gouging your eyes out but it seems you won't last that long, oh well"]
[Kill him]
A very quiet voice echoed in the back of Suu's mind. At first it was only a whisper but the longer she listened to it the louder it became.
["Oh come on.... WHERE'S%#^THE&$^#;FUN%,#&:IN&$&;$THAT^$&:"]
(S-she's insane!) Phobio could no longer hold back the growing fear in his chest.
(It's those eyes of hers, it's as if they're looking directly into my soul)
By this point Phobio's companions had decided that enough was enough and were getting ready to attack Suu. Unfortunately for them they were to slow to act because just at that moment more tendrils came shooting out of the ground and wrapped around them.
["It is not very nice to intrude on my fun"]
"How did you?" One of the beastmen asked to which Suu simply pointed at her feet.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what Suu did so they really didn't need any further explanation. They were now much more concerned with the red lightning that was currently travelling up the tendrils towards them.
["Hahahaha, now then let see how long you can last"]
"Hey, stop!" Before the lightning could reach them someone called out from behind Suu.
["What! Why does everyone keep interrupting %*,MY%;";FUN%;$"]
Suu released the beastmen so that she could turn around to face who ever had decided to interrupt her. Suu's eyes showed barely any hint of emotion, even when they landed on the slightly annoyed face of Milim.
"Birdy listen to me, you need to stop now"
["Oh come on, what's the matter with having just a little fun. Oh I get it, you want to play to ^_÷:DON'T£&_^YOU%#$^"]
"Birdy please, just calm down" Milim was trying but it seemed to have literally no effect on Suu.
["You know, I've been wondering what would happen if I did this for a while now. Why don't you help me test it"] just as she said that a gate to the abyss opened up and a stream of black blood came pouring out of it.
(A/N. Just in case you have forgotten, black blood is the name of the particles that make up the abyss)
The black blood went directly towards Milim with out stopping for anything. Seeing this Milim stretched out her hand as dark purple flames shot out of it. However much to Milim surprise the black blood started absorbing the magic from the flames as soon as they came into contact with each other.
Just as the black blood finished absorbing the magic and was about to reach Milim she jumped into the air because she had a feeling that she really shouldn't allow that stuff to touch her. However the black blood followed right behind her even splitting in to different parts to try and capture her.
(A/N. Just imagine something like byakuya's petals from bleach)
["Oh please don't run away from me, I only want to play with you just a little bit that's all"]
["You know I've always wondered since I met you. What does it take to kill a demon lord? Hehehe"]
(I think it's time I end this, Rimuru might end up getting mad at me if i let Suu rampage like this any longer) and with that thought Milim disappeared just as the black blood surrounded her.
["Huh? Where did you go my little to-"] before Suu could even finish what she was saying Milim appeared behind her and knocked her out.
(I should probably tell Rimuru to be careful later, just in case she actually has that skill.....)
===========Suu pov=============
"W-where am I..... and why does my head hurt so much?" I asked myself as I sat up on my bed.
I took a moment to look around the room and I almost immediately noticed that it was starting to get dark out. It didn't take long for me to realise I had passed out or something.
"I really need to stop passing ou-HARRRR"
I was cut off when a sharp pain shot through my head. Not even a second later did memories start flooding back in to my mind. To say I was horrified would be an understatement, I wanted to kill every living thing around me. If Milim hadn't stopped me I probably would have killed a lot of people.
(What happened to me. What the hell fucking happened to me)
"Suu!" A sudden voice came from the other side of my door.
"C-come in"
The door opened to reveal Rimuru standing in his human form. I could only wince when i saw his face which was filled with concern. For a moment he didn't say anything in stead he just looked at me, I on the other hand couldn't find it in myself to look at him.
"Suu I..." he tried to say something but stopped.
"I know you were angry but..... what happened?"
"I-I don't know"
I moved my legs so that they were touching my chest as I started shaking, saying I was scared would be a very large understatement. It wasn't like the time I lost control of myself while fighting the orcs, this time was different.
"I just don't know"
"It was so..... I don't know. i was there but I wasn't at the same time and I knew what I was doing and.... and...."
"And what?"
"I was enjoying it, well apart of me was anyway"
The room once again fell into silence as neither me or Rimuru knew what to say. I could barely understand what happened myself so explaining it was out of the question right now.
"C-can I ju-just be alone for a-a bit"
"S-sure" he sounded hesitant to leave but agreed anyway.
As he opened to door to leave he turned back to me for a moment. I could tell he was worried about me just from the look in his eyes.
"You know I'm here whenever you need to talk, right?"
"......" seeing me not respond he closed the door behind him
As soon as I knew that he was gone I just broke down completely, I was unable to hold it all back any longer. I had told myself that I would never lose control again and in the end not only did I lose control but now.... I'm terrified of myself.
===========Rimuru pov===========
I sighed as I closed the door to Suu's room, I really had no idea what to do in this situation. I mean I have never really had to deal with this kind of scenario before today.
(I need to find out what exactly happened to her, I can't just allow her to go through something like this again....)
(Great sage any information would be useful?)
[Unfortunately I do not know what is happening to her]
"Sigh, well it was worth a try"
Today was not going well at all. First demon lord Carrion's subordinate showed up out of nowhere and demanded that we join them. Next Suu goes on a rampage and almost killed Phobio and finally i had to kick the group of beastmen out after we had a meeting with them.
(I really wish I could sleep right now)
Letting out another long sigh i began walking to the exsit, I was hoping that some fresh air would help me think of a solution. However to my surprise when I arrived at my destination I found Milim waiting for me.
"I need to ask you something important" she said getting right to the point.
I was taken by surprise when I heard the sound of her voice. She was talking in a very serious tone unlike her normal childish one.
"What is it?"
"Does Suu.... have the Sorrow Skill?" I was again taken by surprise, I was not expecting a question like this at all.
(Should I tell her?)
[Answer. She may have information on what happened to Suu] great sage pointed out.
"Then you should probably keep an eye on her" she said with a sad expression on her face.
"Why?" I really didn't like where this was going.
"When I was still young an old friend of mine told me a story. The story was about the sin of Sorrow and how it's user was driven to insanity. I don't know everything but from what I remember there is something special about the Sorrow skill, some kind of hidden ability or something like that"
"And how did you know she had the skill?"
"The story saids that the user of the skill had an aura that could drive men to madness just by them being close to it. So when I saw that aura Suu was releasing I just had a hunch"
It took a second for me to process all this information, if what she said was true I needed to be way more worried. I had to find more information so I quickly asked great sage if she could analyse Suu's skill through the bond link. Apparently she could however something was blocking her from analysing it completely.
(Damn it)
[My apologies]
(No, it's not your fault at all. For now I guess just try and see if you can get past what ever is blocking you)
"Also Mili-huh?" I noticed Milim had started walking away while I was talking to great sage.
"Wait Milim, you said you know of someone else who has had this skill before"
Milim stopped walking away and for a moment, she seem to be thinking about something. After a second or two she finally answered me with out looking back.
"I don't know what their true name is but I can tell you the name that some people call them"
"What is it?"
"The Angel Of Madness"
To be continued.....
(A/N. Hello, I had a question and I was hoping someone could answer it for me. You know when Rimuru becomes a teacher, well how long is he a teacher for? Is it a year? I need to know for volume 2)
///Name: Suu tempest
///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix
///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion
///Class: Reaper
///Blessing: Storm Crest
///Disaster Rank human form: Special A
///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S
(White cloak.
Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.
Red scarf.)
(Blue Ash *scythe*.
Basilisk venom grenades)
Other types of items:
(Healing potions.
Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)
Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )
Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)
Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)
Zeref(abyssal basilisk)
///Species skills:
Abyss gate
Abyssal flame
Flame eater
Flame control
Darkness manipulation
Ultimate regeneration
Heat immunity
Cold resistance
Flame body
Undying soul
Body manipulation
Poison manipulation
Corrosive poison
Poisonous mist
Magic compression cannon
Magic weaving
Magic control
Super Speed
Bonded (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro)
Acid immunity
Poison immunity
Magic resistance
Pain resistance
Hunger resistance
Mental attack resistance
Shadow movement
Crimson lightning
Magic sense
Multilayer barrier
///Unique skills:
Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)
Eyes of the abyss
Abyssal heart.(Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)
///Ultimate skills: none