Chapter 23 The Awakening Of Charybdis

(A/N. Sorry I didn't upload yesterday I was not feeling to well at the time, in fact I'm still a little sick right now. So yeah, just a warning there is probably going to be more mistakes that usual because my mind is all foggy and shit)

"H-How much longer?"

"We will be back in a second don't worry"

Me Milim and the three adventurers are now just on our way back to town. We had managed to hunt two more small groups of young Knight Spiders, unfortunately we were unable to fine any of the fully grown ones much to Milim's dismay. Talking about Milim, I've been trying my best to avoid eye contact with her ever since our conversation.

"It's so heavy"

"Oh stop complaining already Gido" Eren said while shaking her head.

(Poor guys.... well it is their own fault for not accepting my offer)

I had offered to put the Knight Spiders body's into the abyss for storage however Kaval and Gido decided that it would be a better idea to just pull the cart instead. So that is why they currently look like they're about to collapse from exhaustion.

"So do you think that we got enough?"

"That's a very silly question Birdy. Of course it is not enough, You can never have enough yummy food after all now can you" Milim said while happily walking next to me.

(Of course, she does only ever think about food after all) I sighed inwardly.

"That's not true at all, I do sometimes think about other things" she puffed out her cheeks cutely at my comment.

"Your never going to stop reading my mind are you?" I asked while frowning.

"Nope hehehe"

"Sigh. God damn it"

==========Sometime Later===========

"Finally we're here"

"Thank god, this thing is so heavy" Kaval and Gido both complained as they collapsed on to their knees.

We had just now gotten back and were now standing next to the fountain in the middle of town. Several people had greeted us as they walked by, they seemed happy when they saw all of the Knight Spiders that we had brought back. We had also met up with Kuro who was walking back in to town.

Also when we had reached the fountain i was a little surprise to fine that Rimuru and Shion were waiting for us there. I was slightly confused on how they knew that we were coming but I just decided to shrug it off.

"Hahahaha, pretty impressive haul ha?" Milim smiled proudly.

"Y-yeah yo-you guys d-did great"

The reason why Rimuru was stuttering was because I was angrily glaring at him. Why you may be asking, well it's definitely not because Shion was carrying him in his slime form while also resting her massive rack on top of him. No it's definitely not because of that.

"Yes, I'm sure that king Geld will be very happy about all the food" Kuro began to rapidly nod his head up and down.

"Lady Milim and lady Suu are just amazing. Lady Milim is able to locate monsters right away and lady Suu is able to create illusions to trick them. With the both of them working together it actually makes it almost too easy when hunting" Eren praised us.

"Hehehe, finding monsters is easy when your amazing. We're gonna feast again to night"

(I'm not even surprised at this point, after all we do have a feast like every other week here)

It was true, since I came to this world we have had a lot of feast. It's not that I don't like them or anything like that in fact they are usually pretty fun most of the time.

"Good job, excellent work everyone" Rimuru said with a small nod in our direction.

"Work is definitely a way to describe it" Gido spoke with a tired expression.

"Who want's to get a drink and a warm bath"

"I would love a drink hahaha" Milim said in agreement with Kaval's suggestion.

"Well that does sound nic-"

I was unable to finish that sentence however as I was suddenly cut off when I felt a presence appear near us. Of course I was not the only one who sensed it, in fact it seemed like everyone knew that something was up. Shion quickly passed Rimuru over to Milim while taking her massive sword off of her back. In the meantime Kuro had moved in front of me while also pulling out his sword and great shield from an abyss gate.

"Who goes there?" both Shion and Kuro shouted at the same time.

"Careful!" Rimuru yelled as Milim tossed him over to Eren before getting in to a battle stance.

(This presence..... why does it feel so familiar to me?)

Just as I thought that four figures appeared out of nowhere. The first three to show up were Benimaru Souei and Hakurou, the three had appeared right next to Shion. However it was the last one that was a surprise to me. Slowly a green figure appeared in front of us, the figure was surrounded by a dark green and red aura.

"I-is that Treyni?" I asked slightly confused.

"No, I don't think so... she seems a little different"

"I-it's a D-Dryad!"

"Wow, this is definitely a first for me" saying that the three adventurers were surprised to see a Dryad would be an understatement.

"Hello there I am the Dryad Trya, Treyni's younger sister"

"Treyni's younger sister! I didn't know she had one" I said in surprise.

"Wait a minute, what's up with that ominous aura your releasing?" Rimuru asked nervously.

"An emergency has arisen, calamity approaches us all"

"Like how so?" Both me and Rimuru had the feeling that we probably weren't going to like Tyra's answer.

"A calamity class monster, Charybdis has been revived"

(Yep..... that doesn't sound good at all) I thought to myself.


"It's violence equals that of a demon lord. My sisters including Treyni have set out to slow it's progress but they aren't strong enough to stop it. There's more, judging by the monster's path... it's heading for this town"

(There goes our peace and quiet) I mentally groaned.

"Against Charybdis who is known as the ruler of the skys waging a war on ground is useless. I've come to warn you about your defenses, you must form an airborne combat force quickly.... there isn't much time left"

"Well..... shit"


After Tyra told us a little bit more about what exactly was going on Rimuru had decided that it would be for the best to call an emergency meeting. I was now currently sitting next to Rimuru while looking around the room at the large number of people that had shown up.

"The monster known as Charybdis was born long ago and has died and been reborn many times since then.... it is known as the violent ruler of the skys. However based on its lineage this is to be expected, after all it does hails from Veldora the guardian of the forest" Tyra explained.

(Veldora, isn't that the dragon Rimuru had told me about)

"Wait, do you mean that it's like Veldora's child"

"Yes in a way, you see Charybdis was generated from a cloud of Veldora's magicules" I noticed that Rimuru had become very nervous after hearing what Tyra said for some reason.

"If Charybdis has truly revived then it's far more dangerous then a demon lord because unlike most enemies we have no actual way of speaking to this opponent" Fuze quickly pointed out.

"True, it's a monster with zero intelligence and what's worse is that it's said to have the ability to summon floating shark creatures known as Megalodons. They are said to come from the spirit world to join it in it's rampage. So I've heard anyway" Vesta was the next to speak.

"The good news just keeps on coming" I said sarcastically.

"Even worse is that the Megalodons it has summoned.... well it seems they have possessed some lesser dragon corpses that happened to be near by" Tyra explained hesitantly.

"What!" Both me and Rimuru said at the same time.

(Who the hell just leaves fucking dragon corpses laying around?)

"There are thirteen of them"

"Great, there's a fish as strong as a demon lord and thirteen shark Lackys following it"

"First the Orc lord now this..... why does the world like throwing over powered monsters at us so much" I let out a long sigh as I put my hand on my forehead.

"Lord Rimuru, what do we do?" Shuna asked.

"I'm not sure yet"

"Hehehe, Oh Come on are you sure your not forgetting someone important" Milim suddenly spoke catching everyone's attention.

"No, no I don't think so" I smiled teasingly.

"Yep your rig-wait what!" I couldn't help but chuckle at that reaction.

"Oh, shut up you stupid Birdy" she glared at me while puffing out her cheeks cutely.

"Anyway that stupid fish is no match for a real demon lord, I'll obliterate Charybdis"

"Hell yeah why didn't I think of that"

"I'm sorry but we can't allow that, this is our town and there for our problem to deal with" Shion had just shattered both Milim's and Rimuru's hopes in one sentence.

"But it doesn't have to be just our problem"

"Dad think about it, if we just rely on Milim all the time then how are we going to learn how to defend our selves"

"Your right but....." both Milim and Rimuru seemed to want to argue.

"Lady Suu and Shion are right, we can't rely on you for everything just because your our friend. When lord Rimuru is in desperate need for help we will call on you lady Milim" Shuna agreed.

"T-their right Milim, just have faith in me" Rimuru said nervously.

"But I.... I thought that I'd finally get my chance to show off a little, you know" I couldn't help but feel a little bad for her.

"Let's begin preparations to defeat Charybdis"

"Right" everyone said at the same time, however before anyone could leave the room I decided to ask something.

"Hey Tyra" I turned my attention back to the Dryad.


"You said that Charybdis is a Calamity class monster right?"

"Errrm, yes that's correct"

"And if I'm not mistaken Calamity class is just another way of saying special A rank correct?"

"Suu where are you going with this?" Rimuru asked.

"It's simple really, if Charybdis is a Calamity class then that means.... I'm a Disaster class"

"Wait you are?" Fuze and his group were surprised.

"Oh right I never did tell you what kind of monster I was did I. Well it's fine i guess, you will probably find out after the battle anyway so I'll just tell you...."

"I'm a Phoenix"



///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: Reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

Bonded (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro)

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

Abyssal heart.(Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none
