Chapter 25 Conqueror of the Skies part 2


=========sometime before=========

(Almost there)

I was flying over the forest while heading towards Charybdis who was currently battling with Souei, Shion and Ranga. Charybdis was useing it scales as a floating swarm of projectiles and from what I could see Souei and the others were having a hard time dealing with them.

"You three need to calm down, let me handle this" I was about to help when Rimuru appeared just above them.

"Lord Rimuru!" All three of them said in surprise.

"Devour all GLUTTONY" as he said that purple smoke came out of his hand like a vortex and absorbed all the scales.

(Huh, that looks a lot like my bottomless void sub skill) I noted to myself.

"Leave this guy to me, I want you guys to fallback for now and get some rest"

"But lord Rimuru we can still help you"

"You don't have to worry I'll make sure this idiot doesn't get himself hurt" I smiled down at them as I appeared next to Rimuru.

"Lady Suu you're here to!"

"Yes I am. Also I agree with dad on this one, if you haven't noticed the scales are already starting to regenerate" I pointed out.

"If it uses that same move again I might not be able to protect you in time, so let me and Suu take over for a while. You guys should go back and wait for Benimaru's orders"

"As you command" Souei seemed hesitant but agreed anyway.

"Please be careful lord Rimuru, lady Suu" Shion seemed to be quite worried about us.

"Once I have rested I shall return to help you master" Ranga said with a determined growl.

"Sounds good.... alright let's go Suu" I only nodded in response as we flew upwards towards Charybdis.

"Let's see what you can do you smelly ass fish" I said as Charybdis started to fire some of it's scales at us.

As we got closer Rimuru shot a stream of black flames at Charybdis which created explosions were ever the flames hit. I on the other hand use my super speed skill to quickly get above Charybdis. Once I was above it I used my corrosive poison skill to launch large bubbles of poisonous sludge on to Charybdis's back. I also took the time to shoot off several bolts of crimson lightning witch also had the benefit of causing explosions on Impact.

I watched as the corrosive poison that hit Charybdis started to melt through it's body. The corrosive poison also helped by slowing down Charybdis by poisoning it. It also helped that it was destroying some of the regenerating scales that were still regrowing. However.....

(Damn it, why does everything in this world have a regeneration skill?) I thought in annoyance as the wounds i had created on Charybdis's body started to heal rapidly.

(Hey Great Sage, how long do I have before it can use that scale attack again?) I asked while firing off several more bolts of crimson lightning.

[Answer. Thanks to Charybdis's skill ultra speed regeneration it should take around three minutes for all it's scales to recover]

(Oh you've got to be kidding m-)

"SUU!" I was taken out of my thoughts when Rimuru shouted at me.

"Huh?" I turned my head just in time to see a massive beam shoot out of Charybdis's eye.


I didn't have time to dodge as it was already pretty close to me so I did the next best thing. Before the beam reached me I used my body manipulation skill to changed my arms into a shield made out of muscle and hardened bone.

(Wait, why don't I just use flame bo-) sadly for me I didn't get the chance to finish that thought.


"HARRRRRR, FUCK!" I screamed as my arms were blown off sending blood everywhere, not that I could see it as I was surrounded by a fiery smoke cloud.

"E-even with pain resistance this st-still fucking hurts like hell" I said through gritted teeth as my arms started regenerating.

(Now I'm pissed off, Great Sage tell dad to have the Pegasus Knights as well as the other flyers pull back for now. I'm putting an end to this) I thought as black flames surrounded my body.


============Rimuru pov============

"Suu! Damn it please be okay"

[Message received!] I was about to go over to help Suu when I suddenly heard Great Sage's voice.

"What is it?"

[Answer. Suu is requesting you to pull back all air forces and before you ask she is fine] I sighed in relief at the last part.

"Wait why does she wan-" before I could finish several flame pillars erupted around the area.

"Oh.... never mind I think I figured it out"

============Milim pov===========

"Hehehehe this is getting good, not only do I get to see Birdy's true form but I also get to see a cool monster fight. It's a shame I can't play too though" I said with a smile.

==============Suu pov===========

(I should have known this from the start, I did grow up in Japan after all) I thought to myself as my body began to change.

(To fight against a giant monster you need another giant monster)


(A/N. Let them fight :3)

"Come at me you one eyed freak" I hissed out while my red glowing eyes flashed a much deeper crimson.

Charybdis seem to accept my challenge as it turned it's body to face me and to my surprise it moved much quicker then I expected it to. It also took the time while it came towards me to released some of it scales and sent them a head of itself.

"Really, this stupid trick again" as I spoke black flames came pouring out of my beak vaporizing all of the scales.

"Try something new already or is this the best you can do you fucking over grown tuna"

It was at that moment that the now very pissed off Charybdis finally reached me. As soon as it was close enough it tried to ram into me, however all that happened was that it when right through me with no effect what so ever. Charybdis seem to be confused for a second as it turned around to face me again. Unfortunately for Charybdis it would never even get the chance to see me.


Several massive beams of white light hit Charybdis dead on creating several massive explosions. All the plants around me were dead, I had used the magicules in the air and the surrounding plants to create several MCCs.

(Wow, in my human form I was only able to make one of those at a time but in this form I can make up to thirty of them with out even breaking a sweat)

Just as I finished my thought a purple beam shot out of the smoke. Thankfully this time I was able to dodge it by flying higher into the sky. Soon after Charybdis slowly came out from within the cloud of smoke.

(Damn this fucking magic jamming skill is annoying, if it wasn't for that stupid skill I could have already killed Charybdis by now) I groaned internally.

(Actually if the magic jamming skill only works on magicules then.... would that work.... I don't know but it's worth a try I guess)

Thinking of a plan I shot several bolts of crimson lightning at Charybdis which seemed to only piss it off. Seeing that the first step of the plan had worked I started flying straight up while Charybdis followed right behind me shooting purple beams as well as it's scales at me. Thankfully I was able to dodge all of them by flying erratically.

===========Rimuru pov==========

Below the battle on the ground everyone watched as the two gigantic monsters went at it. They watched as Suu continued to fly upwards into the clouds while dodging attack after attack with out stopping.

"Hey what do you think lady Suu is planning to do?" someone asked from with in the crowd of monsters.

"No idea"

As everyone was talking to each other I was flying just above the crowd. I was to busy watching the battle to even hear the others conversation. I wanted to go and help her believe me I did but for some reason I felt as if something was off, it was like I was missing something important.

(Just what exactly are you planning to do Su-) I was snapped out of my thoughts when Suu suddenly stopped flying upwards.

"What happened?!"

"What the?!" Several confused voices rang out as something very strange started to happen.

I as well as everyone else present watched as Suu began to hover in place before seemingly starting to almost ripple like water. Soon after her body vanished with out a trace as if it was never there in the first place.

=============Suu pov=============

(Wow, I didn't expect that to work so well) I thought as I watched from the ground as the illusion I had made disappeared.

(Like seriously if even one of those attacks landed it could have given everything away) I sighed thankfull that Charybdis had actually taken the bait.

As I thought to myself I open my golden beak as several gates to the abyss opened up around my head. Black blood soon started pouring out of the abyss forming into a massive sphere in front of my face.

(Well i guess that it is time for me to end this) I thought as I removed the illusion that was hiding me from everyone.

"If your skill really does only weaken magicules then it's easy from me to beat you.... in the end all I need to do is just not use any magicules" my word seemed to have somehow reached Charybdis as it started to turn around.

Before it could fully turn around I started compressing the sphere of black blood that was now about half the size of my Phoenix body. As I compressed it black energy began to crackle off of the slowly shrinking sphere, it continued to shrink until it was the size of a average person.

At this point Charybdis finally turned around only to see me with a human size sphere floating just out side of my beak. My eyes glowed a very dark Crimson as black energy violently pulsed around my body.

(It's finally time to end this little battle of ours, now show me what you got you damn fish)

It seemed that Charybdis had similar thoughts as it fired a purple beam at me which was much larger then the past ones that it had shot at me. Seeing this I finally stop compressing the black sphere before then unleashing it.

I watched at the sphere turned into a massive black lazer that was at least twice the size of my body. It didn't take long for the two beams of light to come into contact with each other, however when they did my beam went right through Charybdis's as if it wasn't even there.

After this it didn't even take a second for the black beam to reach charybdis, it hit him right in the eye and..... well what followed was a sound that reminded me of a nuclear bomb going off. Everything was covered in a blinding light that forced me to shut my eyes.

(Holy crap! That... that was way more powerful then I thought it would be) I felt myself get pushed back slightly as a massive shock wave hit my body.

(I hope that no one got hurt because of this)

After a second or two things seemed to have calm down enough that I was able to open my eyes, what I saw in front of me made my jaw drop to the ground. In front of me several hundred feet in the air was a massive smoke cloud that was at least six hundred metres wide. To say I was shocked at how powerful that attack was would be a very large understatement. I just stood there looking at it slack jawed until....

(Wait... what is that?) I was snapped out of my shock when a small object fell out of the smoke.

"I-is.... is that a person?"

(A/N. I'm such an asshole, hahaha)


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion. Conqueror of the skies.

///Class: Reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

Bonded (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro)

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

Abyssal heart.(Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none
