The Results

Okay..... I'm just going to go right out and say it, I was not expecting this. I was hoping there would be at least 20 suggestions at most but no..... there's over 50 of them. So thank you all for suggesting so many ideas.

Alright before I say which ones I picked I should probably say that I had the same ideas as some of you and I already had plans on putting certain creatures into the story, so if your suggestion is not on here there is a chance that I already had plans on adding it in. So anyway here are the three ideas that I chose.

1, Unauthentic. Light Abyss spirit (or Abyssal light spirit). Name: Bels

[I pick this one because I was really impressed with how much effort Unauthentic put in to the idea. Of course I will have to change somethings to make it fit in to the story but overall I won't change much]

2, AdmiralCK. Wraiths (or Abyssal Wraiths)

[I pick this because the idea actually fits the story of volume 2 really well and it will be very easy for me to add them in]

3, Shiro_kuma. Abyssal Terror Bear.

[I pick this because the idea of Suu just ordering a cute Teddy bear to fight someone like Clayman only to have said teddy bear then beat the living crap out of him is literally the funniest thing to me]

Bonus, A_Living_Potato/Author. Abyssal Titan Hornets

[This one was technically my idea but A_Living_Potato helped to come up with it so yeah]







I don't know how to end this soooo..... thanks for all the suggestions and have a nice day, bye.