Chapter 1 A New Adventure

(A/N. Hello everyone, before we start I just want to say thanks to everyone who has been reading this. Anyway let us get started then, volume 2 begins now.

P.s. I haven't written a chapter in a while so forgive me if I'm a little rusty)

In an unknown place, on an unknown road, there was a group of people. Eight of them were men who were wearing animal skins and what looked like leather armour, they also all had various types of weapons. The eight of them were surrounding the last person who didn't really seem to care that much about what was going on.

"Okay, I'll make this easy for you to understand. All you have to do is hand over everything you have and we don't gut you like a fish, simple right?" A very tall and muscular man said while holding a large axe.

The person in the centre despite being in this dangerous situation didn't seem fazed at all. Well actually it was pretty hard to tell what their reaction was as their face was hidden by a mask, also the rest of their head was covered by a hood.

This person was rather short and was wearing a white cloak with a large black x on the back of it with a red scarf wrapped around their neck. Also underneath that they were wearing a black t-shirt, black trousers and black shoes.

"Oh, are you..... trying to rob me?" A some what uncaring female voice echoed out from behind the mask.

"So there is a little girl under that mask huh? Okay then why don't you be a good little girl and do what the boss asked you to do. Hahaha, maybe if you're a good girly we'll give you a special reward afterwards" a smaller man spoke up with a perverted glint in his eyes.

"Oh no, I'm soooo scared. Whatever will I do?" The girl said sarcastically. Also as she spoke a sinister dark red glow could be seen coming out from within the eye holes of the mask that covered her face.

"How fucking dare you look down on us you bitch!"

"We're going to fucking kill you!" Much to the surprise of the others two of the men suddenly became incredibly angry for almost no reason and immediately ran at the girl from behind.

"What the hell do you two think your bloody doing?" The leader of the group yelled in clear shock and confusion.

Just as they were about to reach her she turned around and looked at them, this for some reason made both of them slow down and shiver in fear. Before they could react any further she side kicked one of them sending him flying in to a nearby tree, in fact he hit the tree so hard that it broke in half. The other man had no time to react as he was abruptly punched in the stomach, of course this immediately sent him to the ground.

All of this happened in just a few seconds so the others were understandably taken off guard by the girl's surprising strength. It took them a moment to realise what had happened, however their confusion was broken when the girl spoke.

"So which one of you idiots want's to play with me next"

"Screw it I'm done talking to this bitch, just fucking kill her and take her stuff off of her damn corpse" the leader shouted.

"It would be really hard to fight if you can't see, right?" The girl asked.

"Huh! What ar-"


"Fuck my eyes!" Several of them shouted at the same time as they covered their faces.

Before any of them could even move or do anything what so ever there was a sudden flash of light that blinded all of them. The only one that wasn't blinded was the masked girl who immediately took out a group of three people by quickly punching all of them in the stomach.

"Where the hell is that bitch?" one of the last three standing said as his vision started to return.

It took him a second but he finally found her running right towards him, he also noticed that she had a strange looking bow in her hand as well. Seeing this the man smiled evilly as he raised his sword up before swinging it down.

"Chaos cutter" as soon as he said that everything went red for a second, soon after the light faded to reveal a ten metre long and two meter wide cut in the ground.

"Take that yo-" he never got to finish that sentence as he was abruptly kicked in the side of the head with out warning.

"Six idiots down and only two to go" the masked girl said as she looked at the leader of the group of morons as well as the small perverted guy.

"H-hey co-come on we don't n-need to fi-fight, I wa-was just jok-joking about the whole ha-having fun thin-"


Before he could even finish the girl suddenly vanished and reappeared right in front of him. She then with out giving him a chance to say anything went on to kick him between the legs, hard.

"You should really get some better guys, like seriously these faggotts are just terrible" she said in amusement as the small guy crumpled to the ground while holding his crotch in clear pain.


"Hello? Anyone there?"

"Wait a minute! Did he really just faint while standing up?"

============Suu Pov===========

(Wow, that was..... that was just down right pathetic. I know I have been around some really powerful people like Milim and dad but..... but just wow, my expectations were way to high) I thought to myself as I looked a the group of morons that were now littered around the area.

(All I really did was use Emotional state to slightly increase their anger and fear. I honestly wasn't expecting some of them to go berserk or for the big guy to just faint from fear like that)

(Sigh. I was hoping that I would be able to test out more of my new skills.... well at least i got to test out one of Blue ash's new abilitys) I thought with slight disappointment as I looked down at the bow in my hand.

The bow was mainly black with white chain like patterns running across it. The bow also had a blue string as well as two black an white dragon heads on either side of the grip.

I then watched as the bow started to glow a very dark blue, soon after did it begin to shift and transform. When the glow finally vanished it could be seen that the bow had fully transformed back in to a scythe.

(Well at least that works just fine) I thought as I placed Blue ash back in to an abyss gate before then turning to continue down the road.

I had been travelling for just under a week now and not much has really happened, in fact it's been pretty boring. I had mainly been swapping between flying and walking as I traveled while trying to fine some way to entertain myself.

I was heading to a place between Demon Lord Frey's territory and the Herectic's Dynasty. Once I reach the ocean I just have to fine the island from my dream, however to make things just that much harder the island... well it apparently doesn't exist. I've visited several villages in my travels and I have talked to plenty of people yet all of them say that the island I'm looking for doesn't exist.

Still though I have to at least look for it myself even if it doesn't exist. I can't just go back empty handed after all the help everyone gave me.

(Everyone really did help me alot before I set out) I thought while thinking back to the days before I left on this journey.

"Hakurou, dad and even Benimaru help me train in different types of weapons. Kaijin and Vesta helped me upgrade the hell out of Blue ash, I honestly can't wait to test it out in a real fight. I could have done with out Shion making lunch boxes for me though" I said the last bit while shivering slightly.

"Zeref, Kuro and the twins also made me copy a lot of their skills before I left, like seriously if I hadn't stop them they probably would have made me copy all of their skills" I said with a smile on my face while pulling up my status.


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion. Conqueror of the skies.

///Class: Reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe and a lot of other things*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro. (Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin. (2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang. (2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref. (Abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul


New Weapon mastery. (Gives the user a better understanding of how to use different types of weapons)

New Night vision

New Infrared vision

New Quick draw

New Acrobatics

New Stamina recovery

New Magic arrows

New Tempest arrows

New Light arrows

New Darkness arrows

New flame arrows

New Damage absorption

Thought communication

Magic jamming


Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

New Lightning Speed. (The fusion of Super speed and Hyper speed. This skill allows the user to move incredibly quickly)

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

New Petrification immunity

New Physical attack resistance

New Demonic attack resistance

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

New Multilayer deflection barrier. (The fusion of Multilayer barrier and Magic deflection barrier. Note, this skill can only deflect projectiles or magic attacks)

///Unique skills:

Joy. (Clear mind. Peaceful aura. Eternal bond, (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro. Milim). Judgement. Replication)

Sorrow. (Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss.

Abyssal heart. (Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none


I started to slowly read through my status while continuing to walk. I also kept an eye on my surroundings just in case, the area around me wasn't really all that interesting just lots of hills with some trees scattered around.

(I remember the first time I saw my status, it was so short back then)

"Well anyway it really shouldn't be that long until I get there, after all the air is starting to get colder. If I'm being honest though I'm kinda excited, this will be the first time I see the ocean" I said with a hint of giddiness in my voice.

"Now then let's get a move on, if I'm fast about it I could probably make it there before night fall" I quickly took a glance at the sky and saw that it was about mid day.

"Should I just fly the rest of the way there? Na I'll just walk, it will give me time to relax a little bit more before I have to venture in to a sea that is probably infested with giant monsters. Sigh, that's not even mentioning the fact that I'm looking for some idiot that probably ended up on some cursed Island that my not even exist"

"So yeah, let's just hope I can actually fine this bloody place. Sigh"

(A/N. So that's the first chapter of volume two, hope you enjoyed)