Chapter 3 The Lost Island



"That.... that was the worst night sleep I've had in a while" I said as my eyes slowly started to open.

"I guess that's what I get for deciding to sleep in side of a cave"

I slowly looked around as I sluggishly got to my feet and started fixing my some what messy hair with a comb I took out of the Abyss. I also took a second to take note of the small amount of light that was starting to stream in from the entrance of the cave. I had decided it would be best to stay in a some what small cave that was at the top of the far side of the cliff.

The cave was relatively empty, although there were several semi aquatic looking centipede type monsters that attack me when I first arrived. However they were relatively easy to deal with as all I needed to do was slash them each once with Blue ash to kill them. I did however get some new skills from them, ofcourse I only took the skills that were useful.

[Water breathing and Water sight acquired]

[Water breathing let's the user breathe underwater with out any problems. Water sight let's the user see perfectly well under water]

I had chosen to stay here because it was quite far away from where the Kraken corpse was located. This was good for me as it ment that there was very little chance that monsters drawn to it would decide to come over here. The fact that the water near here was relatively shallow compared to the other areas also helped with deterring them a little.

(Aaah, I really wish that I had a nice comfy and soft bed right now, maybe I should have asked Kaijin to make me a portable bed or something) I thought to myself as I stretched and heard several loud cracks come from my back.

(Well at least I'm not hungry right now, seriously that would just be down right annoying. Thankfully I don't have to deal with that too much nowadays thanks to my Hunger resistance skill) I thought as I placed my comb back into the Abyss.

Once I had a moment to finish my thoughts and slightly wake myself up I took a look down at what was left of a small camp fire, it was roughly located in the centre of the cave not that far away from me. The final few embers were already starting to sizzle out as the cold morning air drifted in. What was left of the small fire was then abruptly put out when my foot collided with it sending ash and pieces of charred wood into the air.

I took one last look around the cave before then turning to look towards the entrance. I then stretched one more time as I let out a very long yawn.

"Alright it's time for me to start the day, let's just hope it actually goes smoothly and I don't have to fight anymore giant monsters" I said as I rubbed my eyes to try and fully wake myself up while walking towards the entrance.

"Wow.... even in the morning it's beautiful" I smiled slightly as I stepped out into the early morning light.

Unlike when I had first arrived here there were no waves at all to be seen, in fact the sea seem to actually be completely still. What caught my attention the most and what made me stop in my tracks was the fact that the light from the still rising sun made the sea shimmer like hundreds of shining silver jules.

(Not as amazing as the sunset but still it is incredibly beautiful..... let's just hope that it isn't ruined by some giant monster asshole that is looking to try and eat me)

My little battle with the Kraken had shown me that just because something is beautiful doesn't mean it isn't hiding something deadly. And because of this fact I had some what become more cautious about this little adventure of mine.

"Okay, I've got plenty of time to look for this mysterious and possibly cursed island. All I have to remember is to keep a close eye on what is going on beneath me so that I don't get ambushed out of nowhere again"

"Honestly though I'm just really glad that nobody actually saw that. I really should have been paying more attention to my surroundings instead of looking at how beautiful the sea was" I said while thinking back to the day before when the Kraken's tentacle shot out of the water and grab me before I had any time to react.

(If Hakurou finds out that I was so distracted by the sea that I let a forty meter long octopus grab me out of the air with out me even seeing or sensing it coming.... well let's just say that I'm sure he would beat the crap out of me in our next training session.) I thought as a cold feeling went down my spine causing me to shiver in fright.

"Well anyway I should start my search now as I don't know how long this will take me..... hopefully not too long"

=======Some where else pov=======

"Huh?" Hakurou suddenly stopped in the middle of his sparring session and looked off into the distance as if sensing something.

"What's the matter master Hakurou?" Yang asked while curiously tilting her head to the side.

"I don't know, I just feel like someone needs more training for some reason" Hakurou said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I think the old man's going senile" Gobta whispered into Yin's ear making her giggle.

(Idiots, now they've gone and done it) Yang face palmed while shaking her head in disappointment.

"What was that? You want me to increase the difficulty of your training and the amount you have to do. Well why didn't you just say so earlier?" Hakurou spoke as he appeared behind both Yin and Gobta while releasing a dark and ominous aura.

"Wo-would it h-help if w-w-we said so-sorry?" Both of them said at the same time as their faces turned a ghostly pale.


=========Back to Suu=========

"Where the fuck is this place?!" I groaned in frustration as I flapped my wings.

I took a moment to quickly look around my immediate area. I was currently hovering several dozen metres in the air, below me was the endless blue sea that stretched out in all directions around me. In fact I was now so far out at sea that I could no longer see the cliff side that I had come from, however I did remember how to get back so there was no need for me to worry about that.

I had come across several small islands in my search but none of them looked anything like the one from my dream. What was more annoying was the fact that all of them had dozens of different types of mindless monsters on them but no human or other intelligent races that could be of help to me.

"Like seriously I've been searching for hours now and I have barely found anything at all" I said with a quick glance up at the sun that was now high in the sky.

"Maybe it really doesn't exist and all of this was just a big fucking waste of my time" I growled out in annoyance.

(Like seriously how bloody hard is it to find one specific island in the middle of the ocean? Okay that was a stupid question. Sigh, it's like the damn thing is invisible or something.....!) I had the sudden urge to punch something as the idea popped into my mind.

"I swear to god, if this place turns out to have been invisible all this damn time I will not be held responsible for the amount of shit I'm about to break" I hissed as I felt my annoyance start to turn in to anger, however I soon calmed down as my Clear mind sub skill activated.

"Okay keep calm, if you get pissed off right now it will just make this place even harder for you to find in the end" I told myself.

(Now then I think that it is about time for this little search to end and for me to find this damn place)

I let out a long breath as I closed my eyes and focused all my attention on spreading out my Magic sense skill to see if I can find anything I may have missed in the surrounding area. I stayed like that for several seconds that soon turned into minutes as I continued to push out my range. I kept at this until finally I found something, something that I would have missed if I wasn't focusing so hard on my Magic sense skill. It wasn't much but it was enough to tell me that something was off, several hundred or so meters to my left I could sense.... well it was actually more like I couldn't sense anything at all.

You see when I focused on that spot I found that there was a large space in the shape of a dome. This space from what I could tell was massive and seem to have all most no magicules in it at all. The strangest thing was that if I tried to push magicules into the dome they just vanished and I was no longer able to sense them.

"So it was invisible this hole time. So let me get this straight, I waisted several hours looking for something that I couldn't even see" I couldn't stop my eye from twitching in frustration.

"No, I shouldn't get angry yet as I haven't even seen what is in side of the dome. After all I don't even know if this is the right place or not so there is no point in me getting all worked up"

(Anyway this is actually quite interesting as I haven't seen anything like this before. Is it some kind of large scale stealth based barrier or something like that?) I asked myself as I flew towards the dome.

Once I arrived I took a look around and noted to myself that it just looked like a normal part of the sea, if it wasn't for my Magic sense skill I would have never even realized that this was here in the first place. I was now floating right in front of the dome just a meter or so away from it, yet I was still unable to physically see anything.

"What should I do now... I don't think throwing something across to the other side would do anything, actually even if I decided to do that I wouldn't be able to sense what is happening on the other side anyway. Also I doubt attacking the dome would work either as my attack would probably just pass right through it doing absolutely nothing" I said while rubbing the back of my head.

(Is this what it feels like to fight me when I'm using my Flame body skill?)

"Anyway I could just stick my head in and see what happens, it's not like I can actually die anyway and I'm not going to get anywhere by just staying here doing nothing"

I shrugged to myself before then abruptly sticking my head through to the other side. As I did this I noticed that the space around my head ever so slightly rippled as if it was made of water.

What I saw on the other side made my frustration and annoyance that I was feeling not long ago come back with a vengeance. There sitting in the middle of the dome was a very large island with a small mountain in the centre, it was of course the same island that I had seen in my dream. The island itself was probably big enough for a small nation to set up on.

(So this is where you were hiding all this time. Well at least now I know why everyone kept saying this place didn't exist, if I found it this annoying to find then it would be incredibly difficult for a normal person to locate) I thought as I fully flew through the dome.

I then took a moment to have a closer look at my surroundings. I was slightly surprised when I realized that I could now see the massive dome that covered the island. The dome looked like some kind of very clear glass but with several different coloured symbols that seemed to rhythmically pulse across it.

"So I'm guessing that this is some kind of magic barrier. Hmmmm, I wonder if I can touch it now" I said out loud to myself.

I hesitated for a second before reaching my hand out to try and touch it. To my surprise it was like a solid wall now, it was nothing like it was before when I couldn't feel it at all. However it was at that moment that a realization hit me.

"Wait, if this thing is solid now doesn't that mean that... I'm trapped here now aren't I!"

(A/N. The first cliffhanger of volume 2, hehehe. Also I just wanted to say congratulations to Pepega123 for becoming number one on the power vote list)