Ask 6

(A/N, Just going to give a warning to you all that some of these questions may or may not have spoilers for future events.

P.S. Chapter 11 will be out on Wednesday as I'm currently dealing with the side effects of getting a needle shoved in my arm)


Question 1: A_Living_Potato

To Suu, do you like bird seeds, if so what seed is your favourite?


Suu: ".....Yo-you.... you do realise that Phoenix's are carnivores, right? I mean I can eat other types of foods in my human form but just because I'm a bird doesn't mean I like seeds"

Rimuru: "Well the Author never told them sooo"

Suu: "That is true but you have to admit that it was kind of obvious, after all do I look like a bloody pigeon to you"

Benimaru: "Pfffff"

Suu: "Don't. You. Dare. Say. A. Word"

Benimaru: "....."

Suu: "That's what I thought"

Benimaru: "You know..... now that you mention it I do see the resemblance"

Benimaru: *Turns and runs out the door*


Rimuru: "Sigh"



Question 2: Saltycarmel69

Gobta if you drank milk do you think you would grow any?


Gobta: "What kind of milk we talking here, animal o-"

Suu: "Gobta!"

Gobta: *Glup*

Gobta: "Y-yes lady Suu"

Suu: "I want you to think very carefully about what your about to say because if you don't it could end in you being in a lot of pain, do you understand?"

Gobta: "Ye-yes"

Suu: "Okay, now what were you saying?"

Gobta: "N-n-nothing, nothing at all"

Suu: "Good"



Question 3: Madness_Incarnate

Since you are the ruler of the abyss, does that mean might upgrade that god of the abyss? Possibly be able to bring the abyss to the abyss to the normal world instead of going to it?


Author: "I'll answer this because Suu has no idea what would happen"

Author: "First off no, I have no plans on changing Suu's titles. However, I will say this there are two titles that will be very important in the future and have a much deeper meaning"

Author: "As for the second one the answer is again no, this is because if the abyss came to the real world most if not all non abyssal creatures would instantly die. They would literally have all their magicules ripped out of there body by Black blood and the ones that survived would probably start to rapidly mutate into mindless monsters"



Question 4: Gargamel72

To Rimuru, is there a chance that you will get a wife as well? Seeing that Suu and Milim are seem to be an item.


Suu: *Blush*

Rimuru: "I don't know yet man, maybe, who knows"

Suu: "What about Shuna or Shion?"

Shion/Shuna: "Yeah, what about us lord Rimuru?"

Rimuru: "Errrrrrrrrrr... sorry I gotta run"

Rimuru: *Runs out the door"

Shion/Shuna: "Lord Rimuru, please come back"



Question 5: Aractur

Abyss bees to make honey.


Author: "I mean I do plan to make Abyssal titan hornets so I suppose I could make them able to make honey... actually that gives me an idea, a very good idea. Hehehehe, this will change my plans a little but if I can do it right...."

Yin: "Is the Author okay?"

Rimuru: "I don't know"

Author: *Laughing evilly while crouch down in the corner*



Question 6: IDO

I have a very serious question...

Can I ask a question?


Author: "I'm sorry but it seems that I'm too dumb to answer this question, but don't worry I have made a super computer that may be able to help"

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"

*1 hours later*

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"

*1 day later*

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"

*4 day's later*

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"

*2 weeks later*

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"

*8 mouths later*

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"

*10 years later*

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"






*687,692,167,406 years later*

Super computer: "...."

Super computer: "Analysing question, please wait"



Question 7: Not_Dead_Yet

Rimuru: would you rather

A. Have your slime turned into foodgasm level honey for a week and for Milim know about it.

B. Have every sweet Milim eats taste like Shions cooking for a week and know you made the choice.


Rimuru: "A, I'd pick this because I could always hide from her until the end of the week, besides no one deserves to eat Shion's cooking for a whole week"

Suu: *Shiver*

Suu: "yeah, that's just borderline torture"

Shion: "Oh really!"

Suu/Rimuru: *Freeze in fear*

Shion: "Well if that's the case then I'm sure that you two would just love to eat my food so that no one else has to suffer. So should we get started laby Suu, lord Rimuru"

Suu/Rimuru: *Gulp*



Question 8: Not_Dead_Yet

Rimuru: what would happen if you showed Milim megumin and deidara?


Rimuru: "well they all like blowing shit up so she would probably like the-"

Milim: "Who is blowing stuff up!"

Rimuru: "W-wait?! Milim what are you doing here"

Milim: "It's not fair, I want to blow stuff up too"

Rimuru: "HEY! Wait don't do tha-"




Question 9: Not_Dead_Yet

Rimuru: what would happen if you showed everyone goblin slayer? I imagine he'd become a boogeyman for goblin kids lol.


Rimuru: "......."

Rimuru: *looks over at the corner of the room*

*All the goblins shivering in fear while Rigurd holds up a cross*

Rimuru: "I.....errrrm..... I regret nothing"



Question 10: Not_Dead_Yet

Suu: what's your and Milims ship name


Suu: "S-stop teasing me"

Rimuru: "She doesn't know, you guys think of one for her"




Question 11: Not_Dead_Yet

Gobta: do you have nightmare of Hakurou training


Gobta: "yes, yes I do. They're mostly about the sparring sessions that I have with lady Suu, let's just say that lady Suu can become quite intense when she is single handedly kicking the asses of all of master's students"



Question 12: Carcharias

Milim: how do you feel about Mika and..... how close she seems with Suu?


Suu: "....What?"

Mika: "You know we're just friends right, also I can't really help being close to Suu as I'm literally possessing her body. Also just for the record I'm straight"

Milim: "I don't really mind, after all it's pretty obvious who Suu really "likes" if you know what I mean"

Suu: "S-S-SH-SHUP UP!"



Question 13: _4_

If there will be vampires with kilts will they enslave humanity and will they be under the control of a magic backpipe?


Author: "....I.... errrrm... WHAT?! No there.... errm..... no, no there's not going to be vampires in kilts or a magic backpipe, however, there will be vampires like the demon lord of lust (forgotten her name)"



Question 14: _4_

What would happen if Suu tried to give a soul to a mountain?


Author: "It would take a crap ton of magicules and a lot of time to make a soul powerful enough for something like that, however, if she could pull it off then the mountain would come to life just like her other creations"



Question 15: _4_

What would happen if Suu tried to give a soul to something that already has one?


Author: "If she were to just pushed a soul she created in to someone then nothing would really happen but if she used Black blood to fuse the two together, well, they would probably rip each other apart in a very violent manner"



Question 16: _4_

Can Suu make an extra strong soul, which would be able to hold a lot more skills?


Author: "Well yes I suppose, you see the more magicules she puts in to the soul the stronger it will be"



Question 17: _4_

Can Suu make a creature entirely out of magicules?


Author: "You do realise that most monsters are born from magicules, just look at Charybdis who was made from Veldora's magicules. So to Answer your question yes, however, it would be difficult as it would be a lot more complicated then just putting a soul in an already existing object and fusing the two with Black blood"



Question 18: _4_

What would happen if Suu tried to give a soul to a a glass of water, (not the glass the water)?


Author: "Well if she were to give a soul to water it may become a Water spirit or a Water elemental"



Question 19: _4_

Could Suu give a soul to a soul?

Could Suu give a soul to a forest fire?

Could Suu give a soul to an atom?

Could Suu give a soul to some air?


Author: "No, yes, no and yes. You see as long as she has Black blood and a big enough object she can give a soul to pretty much anything, however, there are some exceptions like the object being way too small like an atom or something like a soul that physically can't have another soul put into it"



Question 20: _4_

Could Suu create a immortal soul if she examines her own?


Author: "No, she may be able to do it if the skill evolves later on but for right now she can't"



Question 21: _4_

If Suu gives a soul to a seed could it still grow into a plant?


Author: "First, let me just say that with out Black blood a soul wouldn't be able to do anything at all. Now as for the question, the answer is yes and it would actually grow much faster then normal but the plant wouldn't be a 'normal' kind of plant and would probably be a monster of some type"



Question 22: The_Aegis

Milim, if Rimuru and Suu were to be kidnapped, by separate people, who would you save first or save and send subordinate to save the other?


Milim: "I would make a clone of myself and save them both at the same time"

Author: "Wait, you can't do that..... or can you?"

Milim: "I'm the great and powerful demon lord Milim so of course I can"



Question 23: The_Aegis

Rimuru, how long do you think it'll take for Milim and Suu to get together personally?


Rimuru: "I doubt it will take all that long, it will probably happen the next time they meet as they're already very close"



Question 24: The_Aegis

Suu, (besides Milim) who's your favourite and why


Suu: "I don't really have a favourite, however, I do know who the Author's favourite is and honestly I think it's stupid"

Author: "Oh shut your mouth, it's fucking hilarious and you know it"

Suu: "Yeah whatever you say, anyway if I had to choose it would probably be both Yin and Yang as their both adorable"



Question 25: The_Aegis

Gobta, how does it feel to live in a place where you could die from a single remark towards the chest size of one of two people.


Gobta: "I don't understand why lord Rimuru get so mad when I bring it up, he's a guy after all. I mean I can understand why lady Suu would be mad, after all she is a girl and they usually don't like being called fla-"

Suu: *Releases a dark aura*

Gobta: "I-I-I me-mean..... errrrm, laby Milim a little help here"

Milim: "Gobta is right, Suu does have a flat chest...."

Suu: *Shocked*

Milim: "But where she lacks she makes up for in other ways, hehehehe"




Question 26: The_Aegis

Suu, if you were to die (permanently) who would you miss the most? And who do you think would go break because of your death?


Suu: "I.... errm.... I'm not good with these types of questions, so I honestly don't know. If I had to pick someone I'd probably say dad.... but I don't know"



Question 27: skyforce

Suu, since you're making teddy bears that can actually kill armies are you going to make a giant army of them they'll be the most terrifying army ever just sell them to a country and at night they go kill everyone in that country?


Suu: "Sadly no because like the author has already said before, there will only ever be one Poe"



Question 28: skyforce

Gabiru whatever idiot are you that you did not notice the giant killer intent that Suu had for you when you first walked up on the scene?


Gabiru cheerleader 1: "How dare you call the great Gabiru an idiot"

Gabiru cheerleader 2: "He is the greatest you know"

Gabiru cheerleader 3: "How could you say something so horrible to such an amazing person"

Gabiru: "Calm down my friends, it's obvious that this reader was simply blinded by my radiant greatness and accidentally wrote that instead of what they were originally trying to write"

Gabiru cheerleader 2: "That makes perfect sense"

Gabiru cheerleader 1: "Your so smart lord Gabiru"


Gabiru: "Hahahahahahaha"

Suu: ".....Sigh, to answer your question he was too full of himself to even notice"



Question 29: skyforce

Suu, when you're done just destroying that cult how are you going to give your new best friend a body because I think she's going to what one.


Suu: "......."

Mika: "......"

*The atmosphere has become very awkward*

Suu: "You will just have to wait and see haha-ha....."



Question 30: Zombyak

When Suu arrives at Tempest, will it be the moment hinata attacks Rimuru?


Author: "Simply put no, Suu will get back after Rimuru has returned to Tempest. Why is this you ask, well that's simple really..."

Author: "It's because if Rimuru isn't there to calm her down.... well let's just say that there would be a very high chance of Tempest and the surrounding area being destroyed"



Question 31: Zombyak

How will Suu react to the death of the Tempest resident and to the death of Shion?


Author: "Suu reacted incredibly badly to that time Rigurd was attacked and that was only him getting some what hurt. Suu may not admit it but she is incredibly protective over the people of Tempest as they are the first people she ever considered family"

Author: "So let me ask you this. What do you get when you take an incredibly powerful and immortal girl with a horrific past and mental issues I might add, who has also never experienced the loss of a true loved one and who has finally gotten the family she has always wanted, however, suddenly several members of said family are murdered and taken from her? What do you think will happen in that situation? Figure that out and you have your answer"



Question 32: Zombyak

How will Rimuru react to Suu's death?


Author: "He'll be pissed, it's as simple as that"



Question 33: Bernden2

Any thoughts of introducing children?


Author: "I don't know, I haven't really decided yet but if I do it won't be for a while"



Question 34: Federico_Camergo

What will be the opinion of diablo of Suu?


Author: "Well he basically worships Rimuru, so because Suu is Rimuru's daughter they will probably get a long"



Question 35: Federico_Camergo

Rimuru, who do you love the most in tempest?


Rimuru: "Do you mean romantically or like in a family way? If it is the latter one then Suu, if it's the first one then my answer is I don't really know"



Question 36: Novelreader12333

Are there going to be other Phoenixs or is Suu the last one?


Author: "Yes there are more of them, however, Suu is the only current 'living' one"



Question 37: Shiro_kuma

For Milim and Suu, if one of you two or the two of you was a man you still will be marri-"cough" sorry I mean in love?


Suu: *Blush*

Suu: "STOP TEASING ME! And errm....."

Suu: *Whispers shyly*

Suu: "I-I like M-Milim for w-who she is.... not her gender so.... I wouldn't care"

Milim: "Awwww, Suu your so cute. Hehehe, I wouldn't care either"

Suu: "S-shut up....."



Question 38: Shiro_kuma

For Poe, how many siblings do you want?

You like honey or milk in your tea?

Nightmares tasted good?


Poe: *Cutely and excitedly waving little arms around dramatically*







Suu: "Em.... you do know that Poe can't speak, right?"



Question 39: Shiro_kuma

For Mika, you know about Suu's wif-"cough" sorry I mean friend Milim.


Mika: "Yeah, Suu told me about her and it's pretty obvious to see that she likes her hehehe"



Question 40: Unauthentic

For Suu: What would you do if Milim were to be forced back in time to childhood so her age reverses and she doesn't remember before the reverse?


Suu: "I wouldn't be that worried about it as the Author wouldn't keep her like that for very long"

Author: "Oh and how do you know that"

Suu: *Smiles evilly*

Suu: "Simple because if you kept her like that then you would have a lot of angry readers saying that you ruined their ship"

Author: "Well..... shit"
