Chapter 12 The War Begins Part 1

(A/N. Just wanted to say that this is my first attempt at making a some what large scale battle like this, so yeah if you have any ideas on how I can improve let me know)

"This one does not see the point in the current activity that we are currently participating in"

Currently on the side of a some what crumbling wall that over looked a ruined town were two arguing cloak figures, these figures could be recognised as members of the Cult of the bloodied wings by the symbol on their backs. As they spoke it was hard if not impossible to tell if they were male or female as their voices were incredibly disturbing and robotic sounding.

"That is because you are too unintelligent and simple minded to even understand the importance of the activity known as patrolling"

"This one does not take kindly to your insulting of this one's intelligence. This one simply does not see the advantage in watching for incoming enemies when all enemies that used to be in this place are either dead or enslaved"

"Ha ha ha ha, this just shows that you are unintelligent because the answer to your inquiry is incredibly simple and easy to understand"

"Please then would you enlighten this one, if you have the information this one wishes to know then please tell this one the answer that is currently known by you"

"...W-well..... it wouldn't matter even if this one decided to tell you because your dust sized brain would never be able to understand the information that this one gifted you with"

"This one believes that what you have just said is equivalent to a bull's excrements, this one believes that you ar-"


Suddenly before the Cultist could finish their sentence a massive beam of yellow lightning hit where they were standing. Surprisingly this didn't kill them and instead just sent them flying off in to the distance.

(A/N. Team rocket blasting off again)

Seconds after the explosion several more Cultist ran past where the two had previously been standing. The group of Cultist quickly made there way to the edge of the wall and looked out seemingly in a panic. This was understandable as just on the other side of the walls was a small army that was made up of several different unknown monster types.

The lightning had seemingly come from the biggest and most menacing of the group of strange monsters. This said type of monster appeared to be the fewest in number in the army but no less intimidating to look at. They are giant metal Centipedes that are just over twenty metres long, they also had jagged metal spikes running down their backs.

Besides them there were what looked like massive Golems made of some kind of black rock, they also had purple magma running through small cracks that covered their whole body's. Also there were human sized moving Living armours that made up the bulk of the army. The Living armours all had black smoke coming out from their joints and helmets that blanketed the ground and surrounding area like mist.

They were arranged in a rather simple formation, the metal Centipedes were in the front, the Living armours were in the back and the giant Golems were on the flanks. Altogether there were about one hundred and fifty of them that could currently be seen. They were all currently moving forward towards the castle walls at a steady pace, they had all appeared several seconds ago marching out of a nearby forest.

The lower ranked Cultist ran on to the walls while the higher ranked ones gave out orders as fast as they could. Also it was at this time that dozens of Puppets came pouring out of the castle it's self ready to fight. They immediately began to deploy for battle while quickly grabbing weapons to defend themselves against the enemy. Some of the Cultist and Puppets also went to signal the others that were still down in the town that they were under attack, unfortunately for the castle guards they're reinforcements would never arrive.

The Cultist and Puppets that were inside the town were unable to help because they currently had plenty of problems of their own that they were dealing with. They were currently facing dozens of those Living armours that had seemingly swam up from the bottom of the sea and were currently fighting there way off the docks and in to the town. The Living armours were using the smoke that they generated as something akin to a smokescreen, they were using this to quickly slip past and flank enemy positions.

Not knowing of there fellow Cultist desperate struggles the ones inside the castle continued to ready them selves for the upcoming battle that would take place any second now. Most of the Puppets were placed behind the wall to protect them from long range attacks, the remaining ones went up on to the walls to get ready to start shooting magic arrows down at the enemy. The Cultist were also busy getting ready as most of them were readying spells and or preparing to set up protective barriers.

However, before the Cultist could put up any barriers the giant Centipedes seemed to glow slightly, soon after this yellow lightning crackled across their backs as it quickly moved from spike to spike getting stronger as it travelled up their body's until finally firing out once it had reached their pincers. The beams collided with the walls vaporising several Cultists and Puppets in several large electrical explosions. Thankfully there was only around eleven of the massive creatures so they couldn't hit everything at once but there was still a great deal of damage that had been done.

Also the Living armours seemed to mold the smoke that they made from their bodies into bows and arrows and started firing them over the walls from about three hundred metres away with surprising accuracy. The arrows made of the black smoke seemed much stronger then normal magic arrows as they ripped right through the Cultist and Puppets that they hit. The arrows even went right through parts of the walls when one of them hit it.

Thankfully for the Cultist and Puppets it was at this very moment that the barriers finally went up stopping any more attacks from getting through. Finally it was time for them to counter attack, they didn't hesitate to take this chance and quickly fired as many spells and arrows as they could. Of course all of these attacks were aimed at the unknown enemy that had so bravely attacked them. However, just as the attacks were about to land something strange started to happen.

Suddenly the Centipedes body's began to glow a bright yellow, not even seconds later did several barriers made of lightning spread out from them blocking all the attacks that the Cultist and Puppets had just fired. This of course resulted in both sides firing at each other while constantly trying to break the other's barriers.

While all this was going on another chaotic battle was happening down inside the town. Several dozen long ranged magical attacks were being fired through the air by Cultist while Living armours and Puppets battled each other up close in the thick black smoke that now filled the streets and houses.

Some of the Living armours were in a formation that looked something like a phalanx, they were trying to use the tight spaces of the streets to their advantage. They were doing this in hopes of funneling the large numbers of Puppets in to tight spaces, as soon as a group of Puppets fell for this several Living armours that were on the roof of near by buildings who were also hidden by the smoke would rain down arrows at them. Thankfully for the Living armours they could see easily inside of the smoke so they weren't having a hard time.

What the Puppets lacked in over all tactics they made up for in sheer numbers and their unfearing drive to attack everything they considered an enemy. Also with the simple directions that were given every now and then from the cultist they were holding their own but were starting to slowly get pushed back. This was because they're number advantage was hard to use in the tight streets and houses of the town, also the small fact that any of them that could fly would be shot down as soon as they flew in to the air really wasn't helping them.

However, there was one Living armour that was giving them far more trouble then any of the others. It was slightly bigger then the rest of it's kin and was far more slender then them. It had a helmet that was in the shape of a dragon head and had a massive two handed sword, however, despite this fact it could easily swing the thing with one hand. This particular Living armour was easily wiping out large groups of Cultist and Puppets all by it's self.

Back up at the castle things were progressing a little slower, however, that was about to change very soon. After some time of slowly walking forward to make sure that everyone was still inside the barrier the invading army finally reached the bottom of the walls.

At this point the formation changed a little, all the Golems moved to the centre and the Centipedes moved to the sides. The Living armours also split up in to three groups with the biggest standing behind the Golems and the other two standing to the right and left with the Centipedes. Then they moved forward closer to the walls, still under the attacks of the Cultist and Puppets that looked down at them from their positions.

The golems then roared out in apparent anger as their body seemed to glow even brighter as they began to heat up quickly. They then ran at high speeds crashing right through the centre of the wall as if it was made of paper. As soon as they got to the other side they were met with several hundred Puppets that had all their weapons pointed at the group of thirty or so Golems, however, the Golems didn't seem to care what so ever about this and just ran in to the middle of them. They were followed shortly by the first and largest group of Living armours who also ran in to join the fight.

The Centipedes on the other hand started climbing the walls on either side of the breach that the Golems had made. As soon as they reach the top they started shooting yellow beams of lightning at the Cultists and puppets on the walls. Thankfully they were inside the enemy's barrier now so they could easily attack them, however, this also meant that they could be attacked as well.

As the Centipedes were clearing the wall of enemys the Living armours below started using their allies to reach the top of the walls. They quickly began to climb up on to the walls useing the spikes on the Centipedes backs as if they were ladders. As soon as they got to the top they started firing down off the walls at the enemys below, while they were doing this the Centipedes continued to clear out the hostile that were still on the walls.

Back with the Golems they had started to throw up large amounts of purple magma all over the battlefield while throwing their enemies aside with their arms. Of course while doing this they made sure not to hit any of their allies that were fighting along side them. The Living armours down there with them were working together in small groups to push back the massive number of Puppets.

While all this was happening someone was floating several hundred metres in the air. They seemed to be watching all of this play out with a calculating look in their eyes. The figure was wearing a black cloak and white mask that had two green lines running down from the eye holes, they also had a set of black and gold feathered wings coming out of their back.

They seemed to watch for a second more before nodding in satisfaction. They then turned there attention towards the castle it's self with a curious look.

"It would seem everything is going well so far...."

"I guess it was a pretty good idea to bring him a long and put him in charge of the secondary team" the mask person who was obviously Suu said as she looked towards the town and the massive black smoke cloud that was slowly engulfing it.

"Anyway, I think that it's time I join the fun and deal with that bastard Bishop..... let's just hope the casualty count isn't that high"

"No, no I can't think about that now. Sigh, right now I just need to focus, yeah that's right, I just need to focus"

"Alright then, let's get this done"