Chapter 19 States, States and more States

(A/N. Did I mention that there is a lot of statuses in this chapter because there is, just so you know. :3

P.s. I was really tired while writing this so expect spelling mistakes)

"Oh you've god to be bloody kidding me, what the hell are these morons arguing about this time"

I couldn't help but let out a groan of pure frustration and annoyance as I looked at the seen that was playing out in front of the training area with a very angry look on my face. The place was filled with two large groups of Gargoyles and Living armours while everyone else was standing off to the side trying not to get involved. The two groups were glaring at each other and I immediately saw why, in the middle of the two large groups were two arguing idiots that looked like they were on the verge of fighting. I was now very thankful that we had actually decided to set this place up a little bit away from town because knowing these two they would have destroyed something by now.

The training area itself was rather simple, it was just a large open area with several dummies, targets and other training equipment scattered around. To the right side of the place was something akin to a barracks, the building wasn't a work of art or anything like that but it still looked much better then the ones in the old slave camps that the cult had made. As for how we had managed to get a hold of training equipment, well simply put, I had repaired most of it from the junkyard, actually it would be more accurate to just say that I had put a self repair enchantment on everything and let it all repair over time.

"Hahaha, it's laughable that you would even think that your trainees were even close in strength to mine" a large Gargoyle with a dark grey body and two sets of bat like wings said while grinning challengingly.

"You seriously believe that, I knew you were an idiot but this is just shocking. Honestly though, your stupidity is an insult to our great creator, to think that you could actually say such ridiculous things in front of he-" Rai tried to snap back but got cut off.

"OKAY YOU DAMN IDIOTS SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled making both of them quiet down instantly.

"Sigh, how did this start?" I asked Kaen who was the only intelligent person here.

Kaen stood off to the side away from most of the others, he was leaning against the barracks walls while shaking his head disapprovingly with his hands folded in front of him. Unlike my two guards that looked mostly the same his body looked slightly different, actually all the Harbingers here looked different from each other.

You see, they all have a skill called camouflage that lets them change the colour of their exoskeletons however they want. So to make themselves look more different from one another they used this skill of theirs to create unique patterns and other markings all over their bodys, however, when they are guarding me or in battle they usually stop doing this for various reasons. Kaen himself was covered in dark orange patterns that were the same colour as his old hair.

"I honestly don't know my dear, I just turned my back on them for what seemed like a second or two and they ended up in an argument about something ridiculous. As for what the argument is about, well dear Suu, apparently they were trying to figure out who is the better teacher out of the two of them. Sigh, although I do find it astonishing, just how do they get anything done with all that shouting?" he said in a voice that seemed to have an echo to it while his tail slowly waved behind him.

"I actually thought that it was kind of entertaining to watch" Mika said as she sat on the roof with her legs dangling over the edge.

"Would you please stop encouraging them, they argue enough without you egging them on" she only shrugged in response to my complaint.

"And what are you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be helping the other Wraiths in their training?"

Mika looked at me for a second before rolling her 'eyes' slightly and pointing back behind her. Seconds later several Abyssal wraiths faded in to existence, they mostly looked the same as Mika with a few differences like their body structure and the fact that they all were a different colour, some even being a mix of several different colours.

How we had gotten more Wraiths was rather simple really, I had transformed all the trapped souls that we had managed to capture. Most of them were recalled back to the Cultists bases when their bodies were destroyed but we were able to immobilise some of the Puppets. I of course didn't want to do it with out their permission but Mika said that they would probably much rather become monsters then stay inside those hellish Puppets.

"Anyway, could you two please stop with the arguing already, we really don't have time for this. Once this war is over you can fight each other as much as you want for all I care, however, for right now you need to stop, understand" I said while letting out my aura a little.

"My deepest apologies Creator" Rai said immediately with a slight bow.

"Yama?" I glanced over at the Gargoyle in question.

"Fine, ruin my fun why don't yah" Yama muttered in a deep and some what gruff sounding voice.

(Sigh, these two are just the complete opposite of one another. Rai likes to be honorable during a battle and will only fight against those that he believes are capable of fighting back. Then there's Yama..... he just likes to fight, literally that's it, he doesn't care if his opponent is stronger or weaker then him, he doesn't care if he wins or loses, he just likes to fight everyone that catches his eye) I thought with a tired look on my face.

Talking about Yama, he looked rather different from the other Gargoyles mainly because his body looked like it was covered in dark gray ash, he also has cracks that spread out from around his eye sockets that had bright orange flames leaking out from inside them. His body looked pretty much human and was rather muscular, he could also very easily stand up on eye level with Rai. He has four bull like horns coming out of the back of his head as well as two sets of wings on his back and finally, he has two tails that ended in several dozen small hook like blades.

Yama was currently flying in the air while holding a massive black two sided battle axe. The thing was one of my old failed enchantment experiments and to be honest I thought it was completely useless. After all, it was massive to the point that it looked all most impossible to use. I was actually surprised that he could even lift the bloody thing after what I had done to it. You see the weight enchantments I had put on it were absolutely insane to say the least, I have no idea what I was even thinking when I made it because the damn thing should at least weigh the same as a large three story building.

Letting out a long groan of annoyance at their some what childish behaviour I pulled up Yama's and keans statuses while also checking my current follower count. I did this not only because I wanted to check but also because I wanted to take my mind off the two idiots for a second.


///Name: Yama

///Race: Abyssal scorched gargoyle

///Titles: Battle hunger. Self-proclaimed king of the gargoyles

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: Tank

///Disaster Rank: Special A


(Battle axe

Healing potions)

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Earth manipulation

Fire manipulation

Combustion, (the user can cause anyone they touch to combust into flames from the inside out)

Burning wave, (the user can send out a massive wave of fire and stone that can be used to trap or kill enemies)

Earth consumption, (the user is able to absorb large amounts of earth and stone to regenerate entire lost limbs)

Heat immunity

Physical ailment immunity

Physical attack resistance


Battle lust, (the stronger the opponent the stronger the user becomes)

Damage absorption

Weapon mastery

Burning desire, (when this skill is activated several things will happen. First, the stronger the users desire to win the stronger they will become over time. Second, regeneration is increased to an insane degree. Finally, the user is incapable of becoming tired no matter how much they fight)

Frenzy, (when this skill is activated anyone with in a certain distance from the user will go into a rage attacking anyone around them)

Chains of battle, (anyone that is affected by this skill is only able to attack the user and no one else)

Pain resistance

Magical attack resistance

///Unique skills:

Ashes of calamity, (the user can turn the dead around them into incredibly hot ash that they can then manipulate in various different ways. The user can even turn the ash into burning skeletons to fight on their behalf)

///Ultimate skills: none



///Name: Kaen

///Race: Abyssal Harbingers

///Titles: General of the abyss. Leader of the Harbingers

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: General

///Disaster Rank: Special A


(Healing potions)

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Condensed exoskeleton, (the users exoskeleton will condense as they age, eventually they will be practically immune to almost all physical attacks)

Infrared vision

Toxic spines, (the user can shoot toxic spines from their body)

Rapid regeneration

Death-defying, (The user of this skill can survive as long as they have at least 5% of their body mass remaining)

Supernatural enhancement, (All physical attributes are increased to an incredible amount)

Animalistic instincts, (Increases the user's reaction time and other senses)

Camouflage, (Allows the user to change their colours to help them blend into their environment)

Rotting curse, (the body around wounds that were created by the user will begin to rot away)

Blunt damage resistance

Cutting resistance

Poison nullification


Atrocity, (the user can release a purple energy from their body that is highly destructive to anything it comes into contact with)

Thought communication

The alpha's call, (when this skill is used all near by members of their species will have a slight compulsion to come to their aid)

Apex predator, (All physical attributes are greatly enhance and the user can release an overwhelming aura that can cause fear in anyone around them)


Stamina recovery

Water breathing

Lightning speed

Echo mapping, (the user can make incredibly detailed mental maps of their surrounding simply by making noises such as clicks or screams)

Soundless step, (when this skill is activated all sound that comes from the user as well as the surroundings will be blocked completely)

Magical attack resistance

Heat immunity

///Unique skills:

Hunter, [listing sub skills]

[Prey vision, (stuff like footprints are highlighted so that the user can see them clearly. The user also gets information about the creature or person they are tracking)

Hunter's sence, (the user is able to sense how their opponent will attack and move with out even seeing them)]

///Ultimate skills: none




Kuro. (Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin. (2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang. (2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref. (Abyssal basilisk)

Poe. (Abyssal terror bear)

Fuyuko. (Abyssal metallic guardian)

Mika. (Abyssal wraith)

Rai. (Abyssal lightning guardian)

Kaen. (Abyssal harbinger)

Yama. (Abyssal scorched gargoyle)

Abyssal living armours, (912)

Abyssal magma golems, (458)

Abyssal thunderpedes, (257)

Abyssal wraiths, (148)

Abyssal harbingers, (98)

Abyssal gargoyles, (684)

Humans, (1,684)

Elfs, (428)

Dwarfs, (257)

(A/N. The humans, elves and Dwarfs are not her followers yet, they are just working with her but I'm putting them here anyway because of convenience)


I couldn't help but laugh a little when I saw Kaen's titles for the first time. If Yama and Rai knew he had the 'General of the Abyss' title they definitely wouldn't be happy about it but I didn't care that much because in the end Kaen was probably the best suited for that title anyway.

"Hey I just realised something, now that your here we can finally find out who is stronger, quick fight me!" Yama yelled as he dashed forward towards me.... only to be met with a back hand to the face which sent him flying into the barracks wall.


"Sigh, anyway I think it's time for me to head back now"

"Aw but why? You just got here a second a go so why are you already leaving?" Mika asked while obviously faking her sadness.

"What about our fight!" Yama shouted as he pulled himself out of the rubble.

"You know that she's definitely just going to wipe the floor with you again so why bother challenging her?" kaen asked with a tired shrug.

"Because it's fun"

"Sorry but unlike you guys who only argue with each other I actually have work to do" I said while turning to leave.

"And remember, please try to keep out of trouble you two"

"Yes mom" Yama grumbled.

"Your grounded, no battling or sparring with anyone for a week" I said while shooting him a smirk.

"She's joking right..... right?" Sadly for him, no one answered.

(Well it's about time that I finally get back and get to work on my little project)