Chapter 28 Stealth Mission Part 1

"This one is bored, very bored"

"This one believes that you, cultist priest number 891, can only blame yourself for your current situation because you were the small brained individual that volunteered for patrol duty in the first place"

Currently standing off to the side of a small some what crowded camp that was in a wide open clearing near a large creepy looking tree were two very familiar cultist, they were the two arguing and ignorant idiots that had been blasted off into the open sky at the beginning of the last battle with the rebel forces. How they survived such a fall from that kind of a height, well, no one will ever know.

"It is not this one's fault that this one was greatly intimidated by the ominous and frankly concerning new head Bishop of this place that is known as the storage sector, this one believes that there is something very wrong with the new head Bishops mental state at this current time. They keep asking to run horrific experiments on this one so they can make this one stronger, however, this one does not believe them, not at all" cultist Priest number 891 said while shivering just a little.

"So please refrain from your unwarranted accusations cultist Priest number 567, this one does not want to hear them as they are of no help in the current situation that we find ourselves in at the moment"

"You must stop those kinds of thoughts cultist Priest number 891, do you not remember why we, the individuals that make up the great order of the Bloodied wings, are here in this very place which just so happens to be this lost and forgotten island that has barely any life left on it?" Cultist Priest number 567 said while folding their arms in apparent disappointment.

"Yes of course, we are here to finish the ritual that will give us access to the powerful being that was said to have been sealed on this island, we will then enslave this being and use it to help with our grand plan that has been in the works for thousands of years. The one who gave us this undoubtably amazing information was the great and all powerful Second that is only behind the First in strength and intellect"

"Correct, so in order for us, the followers of the Bloodied wings, to complete our great and holy mission that was so graciously given to us by the Founder, all hail the Founder!" Cultist Priest number 567 spoke the last part with a surprising amount of respect in their voice, compared to how their voices sounded usually it was a relatively big difference.

"All hail the Founder!" Every single cultist that was with in ear shot of them also yelled out with great respect in their voices before going about their business again seconds later.

"We must gather as much power as possible if we ever wish to complete our holy mission, this ancient being that has been sealed in the place which is this island should be able to help the people that are us with this holy mission we have been given. So with all that crucial and very important information being said by this one to you, this one would suggests to you that you stop complainin-" unfortunately before the cultist could finish their little lecture they were grabbed by the neck by something that looked like a tails, they were then thrown high into the sky with out warning. After a second of this the cultist saw that their companion was also flying beside them.

"Why is it that this scenario continues to happen to the individuals that are us so often cultist Priest number 891?" Cultist Priest number 567 asked with a blank and some what annoyed sounding voice.

"This one does not know, however, this one does believe that it would be a good idea if we asked cultist Priest number 5,469 this enquiry, it is possible they will know as to why this situation happens to us so often" cultist Priest number 891 said as they disappeared into the horizon.

(A/N. You know... I just realized how similar the cultist voices are to the Krang from tmnt 2012)

Back on the ground the other cultist were not having such a very good time what's so ever, in fact they were currently not even aware of the great danger they were actually in. One by one something hidden in the darkness would pull them away while cutting their throats, the mysterious being that was doing this seemed to blend in with the surrounding forest making it nearly impossible to see it. Some of the cultist started to notice something was off but before they could say anything a bladed tail would suddenly pierce the back of their necks and pull them up into the trees.

After a while of this all of the cultist were finally dead and the camp had become completely quiet and empty, it was only at that moment that they decided to show themselves, from out of the darkness several figures slowly walked out in to the moon light, they were a group of five or so Abyssal harbingers. Some of them walked up right while others walked on all fours with their bladed tails swishing behind them.

"You know, I don't understand how the Wraiths haven't figured out the cult's whole plan yet, I mean these guys literally talk about it out loud like idiots" a male Harbinger spoke while chuckling to himself.

"Well they probably weren't exactly expecting to just be attacked out of no where like that, after all, we are quite deep into their territory at this point so they probably thought they would be safe to talk about it" one of the females spoke this time as they sat down.

"Would you lot stop talking already and keep a look out while I message the captain and the other squad leaders, I need to find out how things are going on their ends" the one that seemed to be the leader said as he walked off to the side away from the others.

"On it boss" all of them responded to him at the same time.

'This is team E, we have cleared out our designated targets. How is everyone else doing out there?' He asked through thought communication.

'Group C here, all of our targets have been eliminated'

'Group F reporting, we ran into a bit of trouble at the start but everything went fine in the end'

'Group J, mission complete with no casualties so far' the Harbinger heard many more voices, all of which confirmed that the first part of the mission was a success, this continued until no one else spoke.

'Captain kaen, should we move on to the next stage of the mission?' The group E leader then asked before waiting for a response, however, none came.



'Huh, W-what is it?' A bored and some what tired voice finally answered back after some time.

'Sigh... captain, all of the teams have reported in that they have succeeded in their objectives, the first stage of the mission is complete. Should we start the next stage now?'

===========Kaen pov===========

(Honestly, this is just pathetic) I thought with a shake of my head while looking at the two hundred or so dead body's of cultist that littered the ground around me, some of their bodies looked like they had been ripped to pieces while others had some parts rotted away.

'Yeah... all forces, hear me now, you are to meet up at your designated rendezvous points and prepare for further orders' I spoke as I activated thought communication, once I was finished speaking I let out a long sigh of boredom.


(Sigh, this is so boring... I was really expecting more of a challenge, well at least something better then this. Sigh, it honestly feels like I'm playing a game of chest with a child) I thought as I looked at the many lifeless bodys that littered the area around me.

'Oh right, and remember this, do not, kill the Puppets, we can't afford them telling anyone what we're doing when they reform back in a new body' as I said that I looked over at the large amount of struggling Puppets that have had there limbs cut off to stop them from running away and escaping.

'Yes sir'

"Good, they are definitely getting better at this, anyway, let's head out" I said to myself thoughtfully as I rubbed the back of my head.

I then turned and walked into the surrounding forest heading towards my meeting up point. As I slowly walked in the direction of my next destination, I honestly had to admit that I looked as if I was barely staying awake which was kind of true, however, in reality I was checking my surroundings constantly for unseen enemies while also keeping all my senses on alert.

(I hope the little dear and the others can handle takeing the centre of the island with out me... nah, I'm sure that they'll be fine even if I'm not there to help. Anyway, so far the plan is going well overall, it shouldn't be that hard to take over this place if things keep going the way they are right now. It should actually be easy considering that the cult thinks that we're planning to attack the centre with everything we have. Well I can't really blame them, after all, we have been amassing our forces close to that area for a while now, the main army is most definitely going to attack them but it's also being used as a distraction for this smaller and more stealthy attack) I thought to myself as I remembered the plan that we had come up with before hand.

(If me and my teams can take over their supply base that they have hidden close to here then we can drastically weaken their forces. Also if we don't attack this place as stealthily as possible then they could probably get some of their supplies out before we are able to get there in time to stop them from doing so)

'This is team C, we have arrived at our destination, teams E and D are here as well, what are our orders?' One of my teams suddenly spoke to me by thought communication.

'Good, now wait there until I give the go ahead to begin the next stage of our mission' I quickly answered back.


(Alright let's hurry up and get over there. I need to quickly reach my rendezvous point and meet up with teams J and B) I calmly thought as I started to pick up the paste.

I quickly ran close to a nearby tree and jumped up in to it's branches, I then began to run and jump from branch to branch through the forest on all fours because it was much faster for me to move this way. I had gotten pretty good at this to the point that I no longer made much noise as I ran, even with out my Soundless step skill I didn't make any noise at all while travelling like this. Also, I was using my Echo mapping to help me find my way in the dark, almost pitch black forest, even though I could actually see pretty well in the dark it still helped me a lot overall.

"Soon, very soon the real battle will start, however, I need to do my part and finish this quickly and efficiently... after all, if I fail at something as simple as this then Yama and Rai will never let me live it down. Haha, yeah... let's hurry and get this done"