Chapter 30 Stealth Mission part 3


(I should try and pull him away... errm, actually is it a him... you can never tell with these guys... or girls. Anyway, I need to get him away from here, I can't have him trying to kill my injured man while I'm figh-) my thoughts were abruptly cut off when I heard a voice suddenly speak to me through thought communication.

'Captain what's happening over there? The Cultists have suddenly gone on high alert'

'Everyone listen to me, the mission has just become a little more complicated, however, the overall objective is still the same. You are all to head to the underground entrances and seal them shut, also, you are now free to be as loud as you want if you feel it is necessary, just move quickly' I said while keeping my eyes fully focused on the Bishop in front of me who was currently giggling to himself.

'Understood' I heard multiple voices answer back after a moment.

"Now then..."

"I think it's time for you to pay for all the crap you have done" I spoke, my voice still calm yet with a hint of hatred hidden behind it.

"HeHEhEhahAHahAhA, BAd ToY bAD TOy, yOu ARe A vErY nAUgHtY tOy. YoU nEEd tO Be fIX, yEs YeS, cOmE HeRe So THis ONe cAn FiX yOu, YOu nAuGhTY NaUgHTy TOy!" The crazed Bishop screamed at me in both anger and pure delight.

I had to get him away from here so the injured Harbinger could have a chance to heal properly, so before the lunatic could move or do much of anything I used my Lightning speed skill and appeared in front of him in an instant. He was still laughing madly to himself without much of a care for what I was doing, however, as I sent a kick towards his chest he quickly stopped laughing and blocked with his arms crossed in front of him, thankfully though it was enough to send him flying back through the warehouse he came out of. He also ended up going through several more brick walls into a warehouse about a hundred and sixty metres away from where I was currently standing. After kicking him away from the area I back flipped on to the wall of the warehouse behind me before jumping off of it towards him with great speed.

"DOeS tHIs oNe'S lITtLe LitTlE ToY wAnT tO pLAy wiTh tHiS ONe? HehEHe, yEs YEs, cOMe hErE So wE cAn PlaY haHahAHahAha" the Bishop laugh madly as something began to move underneath his cloak, seconds later his cloak began to be stained red with blood for no visible reason.

As soon as I saw this strange movement I felt my Hunter's sense sub skill going off, which was not a good thing I might add. Trusting my skill completely I instantly used my tail to stop the forward momentum from my jump before dodging to the side before anything could happen, just in time as well because at that very moment several dozen sharp metal spikes as well as long metal robotic arms with surgical equipment at the end of them ripped out from all over the Bishops body. The robotic arms immediately extended drastically to a point that shouldn't have been physically possible and slammed into the place where I just was, they very easily pierced into the ground as if it was made completely of paper.

"RUn ruN rUn LiTTle tOy RuN HeHEhe, BeCaUse wHeN THis oNe caTchES yoU thIS oNe Is gOiNg To bReAK yOu iNTo liTtLE TiNy pArTS bEForE sLoWly PuTTiNG yoU bACk toGeThEr. HEheHaAaHa, cOmE hERe sO tHiS oNe CaN fIX YOu!"

"Crazy bastard" I growled through my teeth while glaring at him.

Just then he retracted his robotic arms back before dashing towards me, as he did the ground underneath him shattered from the force he had put on it. I quickly jumped backwards onto one of the many wooden crates that littered the whole warehouse only to be quickly followed by the Bishop who was still cackling to himself. I then began to jump around the room while using my Lightning speed skill as well as my Acrobatics skill, I also used my Echo mapping skill and my Hunter's sense sub skill to help in dodging incoming or unseen attacks. While I was dodging the Bishop continued to madly chase after me and as he did more and more metal weaponry began to rip out from all over his body, from sharp metallic spikes to more robotic arms with saws, needles, scalpels and other dangerous looking things at the end of them. Some of the metal spikes and weaponry even appeared to start heating up in a way, it got to the point where they were glowing a very bright fiery orange.

As I continued to dodge out of the way I used my tail to send out dozens of toxic spines towards him, most of them were deflected, however, the few that managed to actually hit him only seem to make him laugh even louder. He doesn't even seem to care that he probably has a massive amount of poison running through his veins, however, at this point I believe that he may be more metal then flesh so it probably won't matter in the end. I also kick several wooden crates at him but he just ripped through them as well as the contents in side of them.

(Oh great, he's a masochist) I thought with a grumble as I activated my Apex predator skill.

As soon as the skill was activated I felt my body become much stronger as I abruptly stop dodging the Bishops attacks. I also began to release a much larger aura then usual, unfortunately though the bishop didn't seem to be affected by the fear effect of the skill, it was probably because he was just incapable of feeling fear... or something like that.

Anyway, when the Bishop saw that I had become completely still he began to scream and laugh in joy as he went to attack me. However, just as he was about to land his first hit on me I vanished into fin air, just gone with out a trace, I then reappeared behind him where I immediately preceded to brutally rip and tear some of the many metal arms out of his back. I then quickly kicked him in the back causing him to fly into a large number of wooden crates.

"Did you fall down, awww pour thing, maybe you wouldn't be so clumsy if you didn't have all that metal crammed so tightly up your ass" I mocked with a grin on my face.

"HEhehEHEheHEheHehEhaHAhahaHahA. How. Very. Interesting"

I suddenly felt my Hunter's sense start going off like crazy, however, it was too late for me to do anything about it. Before I could even reacts I felt a sharp pain in my chest, looking down I found what looked like the robotic arms but these ones ended in something that seemed very similar to a harpoon, they were also glowing orange with heat which only caused more damage as they burned away at my insides. Not even a moment later I was pulled with great force backwards into the ground, I was literally being pulled underground by several very sharp and hot harpoons that had pierced my body, I then continued to be pulled until I was flung back out and slammed back into the ground which ended up creating a small crater around me.

"Shit!" I could feel that my exoskeleton had cracked in several places along my back as the crates that were in front of me were suddenly sent in every direction revealing the now standing Bishop.

To my surprise his cloak had fallen off revealing his body and hell was it bloody disgusting. His body looked almost exactly like the other cultist with a few unique facial features, however, what really made him look different from the others was the hundreds of still bleeding wounds all over his body that seemed to have been clumsily stitched closed. Some of the wounds were open with the metal arms and spikes coming out of them in a gory, brutal way that would have made my skin crawl... if I actually had skin anymore that is. Also of note were the large bright ruby red metal claws that had seemingly ripped out of his now torn and blood covered fingers.

"HeHEheHe, hEy tHeRe"

"Fuck yo-AAAAH!" I screamed in pain as he jumped on me and started ripping into me with his ruby coloured claws.

As he cut into my body I noticed that something that looked like red tattoos began to slowly spread across my whole chest stopping me from regenerating, thankfully however, my exoskeleton was somewhat protecting me from his attacks. I also have my Death defying skill but I had no actual idea if this skill of mine would be affected by these red tattoo like things too, so I needed to get him off of me quickly. It was a good thing for me then that I was about to get a little helping hand.

"Hahahahahah-" his crazed laughter was suddenly and abruptly cut off by several massive explosions that could be heard off in the distance.

"Get off of me!" I yelled as I pulled my legs out from under him and quickly kicked him in the chest in the small moment that he became confused about what was happening.

"Fuck you...." I spat as I watched him slam through the wall of the warehouse with a loud boom.

"Damn... that really hurt like hel-"

'Captain! captain can you hear me?!' I suddenly heard the voice of one of the team leaders yelling at me through thought communication, he sounded rather panicked which was kind of understandable I guess, after all, our mission had become far more complicated all of a sudden.

'Ye-yeah, yeah what is it?' I answered back a little weakly as I attempted to catch my breath.

'We managed to block all of the underground passages to the factory, the Puppets as well as any cultist that were down there won't be able to get out now'

(So that's what those explosions were about... well, at least something has gone right) I thought with a sigh of relief.

'We are now making our way over to you to help with your current situation, please hold on until we get there'

'No!' I quickly and somewhat loudly said as I tried to get to my feet.

'W-what?' The harbinger on the other end asked sounding very confused.

'Just... just focus on dealing with the stragglers and calling in reinforcements... I'll be the one to deal with this psychopath'

'B-but captai-'

'That's an order! I won't let him hurt anymore of my people... not this time' I whispered the last bit as I watch as the Bishop slowly made his way back inside the warehouse, still smiling like a lunatic I might add.

'....Understood sir' he muttered reluctantly.

"WhAt'S tHe maTTer LIttLe LoNeLy lOnEly toY, nO frIEndS cOmiNg tO hElP yOu? HoW vERy saD hEHeheHahAhahAHa, sAd SaD saD Sad sAD SAd, heHEhehE. BUt DoN't wORrY, Yes yES, dOn't woRrY LiTtLe ToY, tHiS onE wiLl kEEp yOU CoMpaNy fOr EveR aNd eVEr anD EvEr aND evER And EVeR! HeHEheheHehAHahAhahAHa" I simply let out a long somewhat tired breath at that.

"You know what... I, I normally wouldn't be bothered to use this skill, after all, it's far to much effort and not to mention I'm too lazy to use it most of the time. However, you... you are not only the piece of shit that killed and tortured my comrades but your also the one that did the exact same thing to innocent women and children.... so fuck it, I'm done playing around with you, you crazy bastard!" No longer did my voice sound relaxed and calm but instead it sounded far more ominous and cold.
