Chapter 39 Judgement Unleashed part 5

===========Suu pov==========

"Seems that things are starting to pick up" I said as I blocked an attack with two daggers that Blue ash had transformed into.

"It would seem that is the case" the Bishop I was fighting said while shooting more magic arrows at me that exploded into light which turned the buildings around us to ash.

I quickly used lightning speed to appear in front of them before then covering my leg in black fire and kicking them in the stomach sending them shooting down towards the ground. Of course before they actually came in contact with the ground the wind around them seemed to almost pick up and help them right themselves so that they could land on their feet with relatively no injuries, well except for the burn on their stomach anyway.

Just as I was about to move forward to attack again my detection skill went off as I detected a slight disturbance in the magicules around me, moments later a massive gust of wind slammed into my side. Thankfully for me however my barrier was able to protect me from most of the impact and even managed to reflect most of the attack back in the direction it had come from, unfortunately I still ended up being pushed back several duzzen feet. Seeing this the Bishop began to pull out more of those ruby red arrows before quickly firing them at me, most of said arrows were stopped before they could get through my barrier but one of them managed to stab into my exposed side.

(Damn it!) I thought as red markings began to spread out from around the arrow stopping my regeneration in that area, however, before it could spread to much I ripped it out and through it into an Abyss gate to use in some experiments that I had planned for later.

"I really hate these ruby weapons of yours, their really fucking annoying"

"Your one to talk, you have some really annoying abilitys yourself"

"I know" I said as dozens of bone like spikes ripped out from all over my body before firing towards the Bishop.

These spikes were made from my body so the moment they came in contact with something be that a building or the ground I made them rapidly grow and expand in every direction with body manipulation and size modification, this resulted in the whole area being covered in something that resembled a forest made of sharp bone pillars of different sizes that dransted of in every direction. The bishop did attempt to get out of the way, however, it is very difficult to dodge hundreds of attacks coming at you from random directions, especially without certain types of skills.

(Ever since Gramps had given me that small piece of advice I have started looking into better ways to use my skills, this is one way that I had found, it turns out I can use my body manipulation as well as similar skill on body parts that were no longer attached to me) I thought while looking down at the Bishop who now look something like a pincushion, however, surprisingly he was still alive.

"Well crap" they said as they coughed up blood.

"Well crap indeed" I said before flying up into the air and snapping my fingers causing all the bone spikes to suddenly transform into a strange clay like material that almost instantly exploded covering the area in a huge fire ball.

(Still can't believe I actually managed to create something similar to explosive clay)

[Announcement, your skills body manipulation, Assimilate and size modification have fused into the unique skill, Mastery of form]

"Well... I definitely wasn't expecting that, unfortunately I'll have to look at it in more detail later though because right now I need to go help the others" I said as I turned to leave the area.

"Do you really believe it would be that easy?"

"Huh?!" Hearing a familiar voice I turned back around only to see a humanoid figure slowly walking out of the smoke.

"How the hell are you still alive?!"

=========3rd person pov=========

Poe was very happy, he got to fight, he didn't get to do this often mind you but when he did he enjoyed it, he enjoyed it a lot. Poe was currently fighting a strange sword wielding person who he had been order to kill by the lady that created him. Poe liked the laby, she was nice, she liked the tea he made for her.

Anyway, the strange sword wielding person was rather muscular and just a little annoying in Poe's opinion, he was very loud and obnoxious, Poe preferred quiet people like the nice old man that also seemed to like the tea that Poe made. The strange person also has six arms as well as red skin, Poe honestly thought that was just a little odd to say the least, the person would even use the strange red aura that surrounded them to create different things to attack Poe. Poe thought that it was a little rude for the strange person to attack him like that, after all, he was only trying to kill the strange person, what was so wrong about that?

Anyway, the strange person would make things like a giant sword or hundreds of glowing fists that they used to attack him, of course Poe didn't really mind all that much, however, he still couldn't help but find it just a little rude. One of the more interesting things that they made was a giant skeleton like thing made of there aura, the skeleton was able to protect them from several of Poe's more powerful chaos rays. Poe couldn't help but think that the skeleton was in some way a reference that he just didn't understand.

As the strange person continued attacking Poe they didn't seem to notice that Poe wasn't really paying as much attention to the fight as he should be, it was probably because at the moment Poe didn't really care all that much about the strange angry person, he was too excited to care right now after all. The reason why he was so excited was because of the fear that had started to fill the air around him, Poe really liked fear, he almost liked it as much as he like the lady and the other creations that she had made, almost.

Poe could feel the fear all over the city as if it was an extension of himself, he really wished that he could go and make even more lovely fear, however, right now he had a very important job to do. Poe had to kill this strange yelling person but once that was done he could go enjoy himself as he had not been given any other orders besides this, Poe was very happy about that to say the least, he was so happy in fact that he let out a loud roar before swinging another tendril at the strange person who quickly moved out of the way.

Poe then reached out to try and grab the yelling person but they jumped out of the way causing Poe to accidentally crush the poor building that they were standing on. Poe then shot even more beams from his eyes, however, once again the strange person moved out of the way just in time to avoid most of the beams, thankfully though the person was a little slow this time so Poe was able to hit one of their arms petrifying it almost instantly.

Poe was enjoying himself now even more because he could see it, he could see the slightest hint of fear in the angry persons eyes and that made him very happy. This especially made Poe happy because the aura around the person seemed to be able to protect them from Poe's fear ability, Poe wasn't really all that mad about this fact because he knew something very, very special and that was that everyone felt fear, even someone with fear resistance or a similar ability can never truly escape fear in the end.

Poe couldn't help but smile, a terrifying, creepy smile that would send shivers down the spines of anyone that saw it, when he saw the strange yelling person send dozens of attacks at him. Poe knew that they wouldn't do much to him and what very little damage they did do would heal with in moments, Poe just enjoyed seeing the strange person try so hard only to realise that he couldn't do any permanent damage. Some people may call Poe evil for being like this but Poe just couldn't help it, he really loves fear.

However, something very odd started to happen just before the attack could hit him, suddenly the air in front of Poe began to... it almost looked like it was slowing down or becoming more solid, if that makes any real sense. As soon as the attack reached this odd phenomenon they seemed to collide with an invisible barrier of some kind, Poe as well as the angry person both had a some what confused and puzzled look on there faces because neither of them knew what just happened.

"My apologies for interrupting your little dance, I just thought that I'd come over and introduce myself" an elegant yet somewhat insectoid sounding voice could be heard from behind Poe, also Poe could now hear a very loud humming noise coming from the same direction.

Poe turned around only to see something that made him pause for a few seconds, hovering in the air was a very pretty insect lady that was surrounded by quite a few much bigger insect like creatures. It wasn't hard for Poe to realise that the pretty insect like laby was one of his creators new creations, he had seen quite a few of them flying around the city but none of them ever came close to the fight Poe was currently having. Poe not knowing what to say to such a pretty lady, not that he could speak anyway, simply waved at her awkwardly.

"Hello there fellow creation of my queen, my name is Elizabeth, what is your name?" Poe unable to answer verbally simply altered the physical shape of one of his tendrils to spell out his name.

"It is an honour to meet you Poe" the pretty lady said with a small bow.

Poe was about to spell something else out when several explosions slammed into his back causing him to stumble forward, Poe quickly shook off the little disorientation he felt before whipping back around with a very pissed off look on his face. Once Poe had fully turned around he saw that more of the annoying weaker enemies had appeared around the angry person, however, this time it was Poe who was angry and that was putting it very mildly to say the least, they had just interrupted the conversation he was having with the pretty lady so Poe was exstrimly irritated right now.

Poe's eyes glowed a much darker red as black tendrils similar to those coming out of his body began to rip out of the ground all over the place, the tendrils were of different sizes, some were no larger then a normal person while others were as big as a five story building. He then let out a very loud roar that made the cultist that had decided to attack him start to regret their very stupid decision.

"How very rude! You dare interrupt me while I'm speaking to my new companion, well, it seems that I'll have to teach you all some manners" the pretty lady said as the humming of the big insects around her began to increase in volume while beginning to sound far more threatening.

"Devour them all!"