Chapter 44 Haruko

"I'm going to kill Carrion the next time I see him..."

"Areyoustilllisteningtomewellofcourseyouarehowsillyofmewhowouldn'twanttolistentometalkaboutthelawsofthisworldandhowtheyapplytoapersonseverydaylifebutanywayifImayIwouldliketoenquireaboutyouroddeyecolourImeanIdofineitquiteinterestinginhowtheydifferfromotherpeopleandyourcompanionsarequiteuniqueaswellaretheyaspeciesofmonsterI'veneverseenbeforehowtrulyfascinatingindeed" Haruko spoke absurdly fast as he moved around me at speeds I could barely track even with all my skills.

"Can you just slow down for one second, please?"

Haruko hearing what I had said paused for just a second, however, it was just long enough for me to get a good look at him. He was a tall man, well taller then me anyway, that look like he was in his thirties or forties. He has dark green hair and sharp lizard like eyes that were a amber colour, oddly he also had dark green scales covering his hands as well as around his face, he also appeared to have a long lizard like tail coming out of his lower back. As for what he was wearing, well, he looked like a cross between and archaeologist and a scientist.

"Idon'thavetimetoslowdownmydearfriendtomuchtodotolittletimeandbesidesaperson'slifespanisonlysolongafterallhahahayesindeedIcannotaffordtogoslowsadlyanywaybacktowhatweweretalkingaboutbeforetrulytheabilitytoflywithoutmagicisquiteinterestingindeedespeciallywhenyouconsiderthefactthatsomecreaturesshouldbephysicallyincapableofnormalnonmagicalflightwiththeiroverallsizeandbuild" Haruko said as he continued on with whatever it was that he was previously talking about.

"Errm... excuse me"


Turning around I found a very short and shy looking person in a white lab coat that looked way too big for them, in fact the coat was so oversized I couldn't even see what he was wearing underneath it, I was actually surprised they hadn't tripped over the damn thing multiple times just walking over to us. The person in question was a male with messy brown hair, green eyes and two ram like horns coming out of either sides of his head.

"And who might you be?" I asked as I looked at the young man with a confused and curious look on my face.

"Oh errm... I'm... I'm Vel Kuma. I'm professor Blackheart's personal assistant" the man now known as Vel said while averting his eyes from us and sounding rather nervous.

"You mean this guy?" I gestured toward Haruko who was currently talking about something I couldn't keep up with.

"Y-yes ma'am, that is professor Haruko Blackheart" Vel said with a slight nod of his head in Haruko's direction.

"AhVelmygoodfriendhowareyouandhaveyouretrievedallthethingsthatIhaveaskedforitisveryimportantthatIbeginmyinvestigationoftheseremarkabledragonbonesassoonaspossibleIdosaythatIhaven'tbeenthisexcitedforquitesometimenowhahahabeinglockedupinthatdustyoldroomwassimplydreadfulforamanofscienceandadventuresuchasmyself" Haruko suddenly appeared next to Vel with a large smile on his face.

"Yes professor, I have everything here that you asked for" I then watched as Vel's hand seemed to vanish into thin air before then reappearing. I immediately noticed that he was now holding a simple looking wooden briefcase in his hand.

"FantastichanditalloverthenIsimplymustgetstartedonmyresearchoncemorewhoknowswhatImayendupdiscoveringthisfinedaytoday" Haruko said as he quickly took the briefcase and moved with incredible speed over to the nearby dragon skeleton.

"You can understand him?" I asked surprised.

"Oh, ye-yeah I can. I can understand why you w-would be a little surprised but I'm us-used to it at this point"

"Would you mind if we asked you some questions?" Fuyuko asked from behind me while Elizabeth stayed quiet for now.

"Please go ahead and ask me an-anything you like, I'll try my best to a-answer whatever I can"

"First off, what is this strange effect Haruko has on the minds of those around him?" This was something I needed to figure out, after all, I couldn't have my people collapsing simply because they were standing too close to him or something.

"I'm so s-sorry about that, yo-you see the professor has a passive skill that transfers everything he says into the minds of those with in ear shot of him. Basically it allows the person who is listening to him to perfectly remember ev-everything that he has said, however, because of the speed that he is usually speaking at and the fact that it e-effects everyone around him, even those that aren't exactly there to listen to him it can cause some... pr-problems for those around him who do not have any proper protection against said skill" Vel explained with an apologetic look on his face.

(Ah... that makes sense I guess, I mean I find him annoying as he is now but having his voice projected into my head would probably drive me crazy at some point, and that's not even mentioning the fact that I would be incapable of forgetting what he had said) I couldn't help but be slightly thankful that I am resistance to such things.

(And I guess that explains why the cult lock them in a sound proof room far away from everyone else, they probably found him annoying as well. However, that brings up another important question)

"Okay second question, why didn't the cult just kill you instead of locking you up in a sound proof room?" Vel seemed a little surprised about the bluntness of the question but answered none the less.

"T-that is because they wanted the professor and me to help them study the bones here. They wanted to know how the dragons were killed and any information we could find out about the being that did it. Apparently, from the little I was able to over hear they are trying to find a way to control said being"

(I'll probably need to ask more about that later but for no-) my thoughts were cut off when someone else spoke.

"May I just ask this, is there no way for us to communicate with him, I mean communicate with him while he is speaking in a much, much slower manner then he is currently?" Elizabeth asked with an irritated look on her face, she was probably as annoyed as me with Haruko's constant talking in the background.

"You could a-ask him to drink one of his Sound Of Mind potions, if we had any with us that is"

"Sound Of Mind potions?" I looked at him confused

"Y-yes, they are potions that I made quite some time ago, you see the professor being a scientist and a researcher on ancient history goes to many dangerous places in search of knowledge, so I made special potions that may help us in certain situations. I may be h-his personal assistant when he needs my help but I am also a bit of an al-alchemist if you'd like to put it that way. They are ment to help people with mental issues or just calm a person down and help them relax for a while, the effects only last for an hour or two but they are still very p-popular and I do sell some of them occasionally to help gather funds for our expeditions. We usually dring some with us for just such an occasion" Vel explained while making gestures with his hands.

"What do you mean by "just such an occasion"?"

"Well that is because professor Blackheart has a... errm... he has a very bad habit to put it simply. You see the professor occasionally drinks large amounts of my H-hyper potions when he is trying to get alot of work done. You should be able to figure out what said potion does simply by the name. Unfortunately the effects of the Hyper p-potion can last for quite some time and it usually ends up with him becoming like... well, this" Vel said while mentioning over at Haruko who was currently pulling out a frankly absurd amount of tools from his briefcase, so much in fact that it shouldn't be physically possible for it all to fit inside said briefcase.

"Will he drink it if I just ask him too?"

"I don't know, the only way to be certain he will drink it in this state is to get his attention with something interesting. However, there is one s-small problem, the cult accidentally destroyed almost all of the potions when they captured us and we haven't been able to make any more since" Vel said while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

(Of course they did... wait!)

"So all we need to do is calm him down, right? If that's the case can we do it without the help of this potion?" I asked as an idea popped into my head.

"Well... I suppose it is possible"

(That could work) I thought with a smile.

"Hey Haruko"

Haruko turn to me and was about to say something but I quickly put my hand on his shoulder before he could go on one of his never ending rants and activated my Peaceful aura sub skill. Everyone in my vicinity suddenly shifted slightly as their demeanor changed to one of relaxed and calm, as if all there stress that they may have had just up and vanished. And as for Haruko, well, the energetic vibe he was giving off abruptly vanished and was replaced by one of intelligence and focused.

"What a lovely feeling this is. Young lady, you have a very interesting skill indeed" Haruko said with a pleasant smile, he now spoke much slower and with far more firmness in his voice.

"Professor, it is good to see that you have calmed down"

"Yes indeed Vel, however, from what I can gather the moment you deactivate this skill I will return to my more energetic self, am I correct in thinking this young lady?" Haruko smiled down at me while putting his hands behind his back.

"That's probably what will end up happening, after all, I'm not really getting rid of the potion that is inside of your body, I am just temporarily nullifying it's effects" I explained.

"As I thought. Now, may I ask what it is that you may need from me. I am willing to help anyway that I can, after all, I have heard that you are the one who has defeated those mindless buffoons that had so callously imprisoned me and my assistant"

"I was told by demon lord Carrion that you happen to know quite a lot about Phoenixes, I was wondering if you could be so kind as to answer some of my questions" this made both Haruko and Vel pause for a moment.

"If I knew you were going to come to me asking about this I would have never drank any of that potion to day. Oh and how is Carrion by the way?"

"I only met him once after his subordinate, who was in the body of Charybdis, tried to attack my home"

"It was Phobio, wasn't it?" Haruko asked with a blank and some what annoyed expression on his face.

"Yes, yes it was"

"Sigh, anyway, may I ask why you are interested in Phoenixes? Not to sound rude but most people now a day simply wish to forget about their existence. It was a dark moment in history their extinction was, so most people just want to forget and pretend as if that day never happened in the first place" Haruko said with a sad and some what angry look on his face.

(Well, I might as well just tell them) I thought with a shrug.

"It's because I'm a Phoenix"

(A/N. I'm really tired, so there may be more spelling mistakes then usual)