Chapter 51 Just Me And You

(A/N. Sorry that this was late. I think the page I was writing this on got corrupted or something because one day it was there and the next day the chapter was completely gone, so I had to rewrite the whole damn thing all over again)

"This one must use up their precious time to complain that this indigestible thing that you refer to as "food" is absolutely sickening to this one's mouth and taste buds"

"This one does not care and this one knows that you are speaking out of your waste disposal organ because we do not even have taste buds" the cultist who was listening to the complaints spoke while sounding quite annoyed, well, as annoyed as a cultist could sound anyway.

"This one has been offended by your idiotic words, this one wishes to speak to your overseer about your unprofessional behaviour" the cultist who was complaining about the terrible food continued to argue much to the irritation of the others that were standing in line behind them.

"Well this one challenges you and your non-existent taste buds to make something bette-" they were abruptly cut of when a random cultist that seemed to be twitching ever so slightly walked up to them out of nowhere.

"Why is this individual just standing there looking at us?" They both looked over at the twitching cultist who remained eerily silent while under the gaze of everyone in the cafeteria like area.

"This one does not know, this one will ask the individual why they are looking at us, once this one has found out why we will continue the unpleasant conversation we were having seconds ago"

"You there, this one wishes to know why you are looking at us?" No answer.

"This one demands you tell this one why you are looking at us at the time and place that is right now" there was still no answer

"This one does not appreciate being ignored" the cultist spoke once more as their patience seemed to run out, it was then that they finally got a response, if you can call inhuman gurgling and painful sounding moans a response.

Not even five minutes had past before the twitching cultist was seen making their way out of the building that they and the others were in, however, what was odd was the fact that their clothes were now matted with large amounts of blood. Back inside of the building it was a blood bath to say the least, the many cultist in there had been sliced into many pieces, their blood and organs covered the walls and floor of the room staining the place red. However, some of the cultist were violently twitching on the floor still alive, something seemed to be moving underneath their skin and from the noises they were all making it was causing them a great amount of pain. After a second though the violent movements stopped and the cultist when completely still, that didn't last long though because moments later they all stood up in a jerky unnatural way before leaving the building as well.

Unfortunately for the cult they had absolutely no idea that a truly, truly horrible creature had been unleash upon them.

=========Suu pov========


I was currently standing just outside a secret room deep underneath the castle, it wasn't hard to find thanks to the Wraiths that had already found this place before hand, in fact it was also quite easy to get in here as the cultist were busy dealing with my little surprise. In front of me was a large magical looking door, my mission was simple, go in there, save all of the Light spirits, stop the ritual or whatever it is before leaving and bombarding the castle until it's nothing but rubble and dust, why? Because similarly to the obelisks in the city, destroying this Castle will remove the barrier around the island. Unfortunately though there was one small problem.

"Those are totally going to come to life the moment I step into this room, aren't they?" I ask while looking at the thirteen or so giant stone statues that were around eight metres tall as well as the hundreds of smaller human sized ones that had all been carved into the walls.

"Welp...this is definitely going to be annoying but I do need a warm up so why not" I said as I step forward into the room with a relaxed expression.

The moment my foot went over the threshold into the room the massive stone statues as well as the much smaller ones started to move, however, just as my foot touch the ground ice spread out from it. The ice quickly traveled across the ground while rapidly expanding, soon the ice had frozen the four closest giant statues to me solid while also freezing dozens of smaller ones. The first statue to actually attack me was one that was holding what looked like a crossbow made completely of stone, how a crossbow made completely of stone actually works is a mystery to me at the moment. Anyway, the statue shot several bolts at me, which were of course sent right back at it because of my barrier causing it to fall backwards against the wall with a loud crash.

"I really don't have time for this" I groaned to myself as I phased into the ice and reappeared near the top of the wall near the entrance.

Not really wanting to deal with this I used crimson lightning to bombard the whole room. This ended up destroying most of the small statues and a few more of the larger ones, however, before I could continue my attacks a massive fist came flying at me from out of the smoke that was created by my attack just now. Of course it was quite easy to jump out of the way and land on the arm of the statue who I immediately froze solid in a few mere seconds.

"Okay, this is getting annoying" I groaned in slight irritation when I noticed that some of the statues were still moving even with large parts of their bodies missing.

Deciding to just end this I jumped down from the now frozen arm of the giant statue, the moment I hit the ground the room was flooded with black flames that incinerated anything they came into contact with. Finally all the statues were dealt with and the room was burnt black.

"Well, that's that dealt with, I should have just done that from the start" I muttered before shrugging it off and moving on.

"This is one big fucking door" I hummed to myself as I looked up at the massive door in front of me.

"Anyway...FBI OPEN UP!" I yelled as I kick the door open, aaaaand I immediately jumped away for the door as fast as I could. I did this because the moment the door opened I was met with a towering wave of boiling blood that poured out and began melting everything in it's way.

Not really wanting to just run out of the room entirely but also not wanting to be drenched in boiling hot and acidic blood I quickly jumped upwards breaking the floor beneath me as I did so. The moment I reached the ceiling I quickly dug my hands into it allowing me to hang there as I look down at the now partially flooded room.

"Well... that was just rude" I commented as a figure walked in through the now opened door, I did notice however that they were walking on the blood without sinking though.

"Damn...! That's one hell of a period Miss, how the hell have you not died of blood loss with that kind of flood coming out of you?" I joked but I was met with only silence as the figure looked up at me.

"Silent type huh? I can respect that"

"You have been quite the nuisance little Phoenix" I already knew who this person was so I didn't need to ask how he new about that, not that I even really cared in the first place.

"I'll take that as a compliment Mr Sixth...or is it Mrs Sixth, I can never be too sure with you lot" I could clearly tell that he was male, unlike the other cultist that is, I just wanted to annoy him to be honest, unfortunately he didn't even acknowledge what I had said.

"Honestly, I am quite curious about one thing" that got my attention as I looked down at him with interest.


"How did you survive?" He asked and from the sound of his voice he was quite confused about this little subject, he also seem to be very curious about what my response would be but unfortunately for him I didn't really see any point in telling him my tragic backstory.

"Does it really matter?" I responded simply as my aura started to leak out.

" I suppose it doesn't" he nodded as his own aura started pouring out from his body.

"Well then, let's put an end to all of this right now. Just me and you"