Ask 10


Question 1: Lordfalzar

To Suu:

Why don't you use Replication to copy Rimuru's degenerate skill? It could really help you manage all the skills you get from those you are bonded with.


Suu: "huh...I might actually do that, after all, the number of skills I have has been getting out of hand recently. Unfortunately it will have to wait until I get back to tempest"



Question 2: Lordfalzar

To Suu:

Why don't you interact with Kurobe more often? Do you not like him for some reason? I mean you mainly go to Kaijin and Vesta when you are making new equipment.


Suu: "It's not that I don't like him or anything like that, it's just that we don't really interact all that much. I do sometimes talk to him when I go to get new things made from Kaijin, he has even helped a few times but even so we usually only say a few words to each other every now and then"

Kurobe: "Yeah, we have a errm...unspoken kind of relationship you know"

Suu: "It's actually a similar situation with the dwarf brothers as well, we sometimes work together but we just don't interact with each other all that much"



Question 3: Lordfalzar

To Suu:

Why don't you use Bottomless Void more often during a fight like how Rimuru uses Gluttony? Also why didn't you use it to eat the Kraken? Are you using it in conjunction with magic battery in order to store up large amounts of magic in advance?


Suu: "I mean, I could do that, however, it's not really the way I like to fight, my fighting style is a lot different from Dad's is what I'm trying to say. Dad's fighting style is far more defensive based while mine is more aggressive. Also, I just prefer to use my barrier as well as Black blood to defend, the latter I can also use to attack if needed"

Suu: "As for why I didn't eat the Kraken...well...that's simple, there is no way in hell I was going to absorb that thing with my skill. I mean seriously you wouldn't be able to see it because your just reading this but that thing was horrifying, imagine the Kraken from Pirates of the caribbean, would you want to eat that thing even if you were using a skill to do it?"



Question 4: Lordfalzar

Was Suu actually in tempest for the diplomatic mission to Dwargon the Eurazania? They happened before the teacher arc in everything except the anime. It seems very important for the vice chancellor to be there.


Author: "I'm mainly following the anime, so no, Suu would not have been there as she had left before the teachers arc had even started"



Question 5: nameless_author

For author-san, what adaptation did you read/watch?


Author: "Are you asking if I have read or watched the anime, manga or novel? If so then yes to all of the above, I watch the anime and read through the manga, I have also read quite a bit of the novel but not all of it"



Question 6: nameless_author

A question for suu, what kind of music did you listen to back in your original world?


Suu: "I errm...I really never got the chance to listen to too much music considering my past and all, so I don't really have much of an opinion on most it"

Author: "That's not much of an answer"

Suu: "What the heck do you want from me? I barely had any chance to actually listen to music except for the very few times that I managed to over hear the songs my sister listened to"

Author: "Fair enough I guess"



Question 7: nameless_author

To Author-san, what inspired you to write? And are you an addict to writing like me or is writing just an occasional hobby?


Author: "What inspired me to write...? Nothing really, one day I was just bored and decided to write a random story for fun, I then found out that I actually enjoyed writing and here we are"

Author: "Also, I am not addicted to writing but I do greatly enjoy it"



Question 8: nameless_author

Are traps gay?


Author: "Errrrmm....why are you asking this?"



Question 9: Lordfalzar

To Suu:

Where are you planning to put the Abyssal Hive after you get back to tempest?


Suu: "I will probably leave most of them in the abyss, after I exsplore it more and populate it with things that can be eaten and consumed safely that is"



Question 10: m_42

My gift for the Ogres is a book called how to cook and eat slime in a hundred methods.


All the Kijins: "Hehehehehehehehehe"

Rimuru: "NOOOOOOO!"



Question 11: m_42

To Suu: why don't you make an amphibious sea monster it will help you a lot


Suu: "Maybe in the future but right know I don't see the point, I mean the war is almost over and once it is I will be returning to tempest. Also I have no idea where I'd put it, after all, I have no idea if there is a sea in the abyss"



Question 12: m_42

To Rimuru: here is a small gift a movie called the night of the creeping slime.


Rimuru: "Errm thanks...? I guess"

Rimuru: (How am I supposed to watch this without a TV or anything similar to that?)



Question 13: m_42

To Rimuru: how would it feel if you were to be kidnapped?


Rimuru: "I would probably pity my kidnappers if I'm being honest, they probably wouldn't last long when Suu, Benimaru and the others find them and if Milim is there with them, well, they probably won't even last five seconds"



Question 14: m_42

To Suu: Why don't you make a giant ship monster that can shoot cannonballs?


Suu: "..."

Suu: *Points towards the dozens of ghost ships flying high in the sky above her



Question 15: ninjitsu_gaming

To Rimuru:

How are your students?


Rimuru: "They're doing great"



Question 16: Pepega123

To the author would Milim be able to enter the abyss by using magicule breeder reactor to generate an infinite amount of magicules?


Author: "Probably, however, she would still begin to be affected by the abyss if she stayed for an extended period of time"



Question 17: Jake_Linley

To Author-> will you be uploading more chapters any time soon? Such a good story yet we have to wait a week or two for a chapter that may not even be a chapter. And is Suu a S or an M?


Suu: "I'm not an S or an M!"

Author: "Sigh. First off, No, I have no plans to increase the number of chapters each week. Sorry but I just don't have enough time to put into a fanfiction, I'm not getting paid for this and even though I'm doing this because I do love writing I just don't have the time"

Author: "Also, Suu's not an S or an M, she's just a very shy bean"

Suu: "Thank you!"



Question 18: loli_hunter

Suu and Milim: If you have a bady in future, who will carry it to give birth Suu or Milim? Author, what are your thoughts on this?


Milim: "I don't know and Birdy is....well...broken at the moment"

Suu: *Screaming into a pillow

Author: "I don't plan to add kids, sorry but no, maybe I might have a one off chapter set in the far future about this but that's it. As for who would carry it...not to spoil the future or anything but probably neither of them, after all, Suu can already create life and that ability isn't even at it's peak evolution yet"



Question 19: Aboooood1

For the mysterious two are you the skill Joy and Sorrow? If not when what/who are you? Also are those the Demon Lord seed and the True Hero egg?


????: [Why the fuck do I have to answer this? Sigh, the answer to your crappy questions is this, *BLEEEEEEEEEEP. What the hell?!]

Author: "NO SPOILERS!!!"

????: [Did you really have to fucking bleep me though you peace of shit?!]

Author: "Yes" :D



Question 20: Tiamat_Sama_

To Guy Crimson: do you prefer to do it as a woman or as a man?


Guy: "It depends on what Leon wants~"

Leon: "Please stop"

Elena: "Can I join in~?"

Suu: "Elena no"

Guy/Elena: "Elena yes"

Leon: "God damn it all"



Question 21: skyforce

To the author:

I was going to write something really smart and insightful that might inspire you with you story but I totally forgot what it is so I'm just going to ask what's your favourite food?


Author: "NOM NOMS!"

Gobta: "What the heck is a nom nom?"

Author: *Look of horror

Author: "...Get out"

Gobta: "W-what?"

Author: "GET OUT!"



Question 22: skyforce

To Veldora:

How would one call your sisters? I would like to hear what stories they have about you.


Veldora: "Oh that simple, just go outside and yell this "Guy/Rudra are nothing but weak trash" and they will come running...they will probably kill you though but hey, they might tell you a few stories before killing you"



Question 23: skyforce

To Suu:

Now that your basically a living breathing anime character how you going to deal with being everybody's rather peculiar's taste?


Suu: " you mean that in a sexual way? If so..."

Suu: *Glances behind her

Rimuru/Milim/all of Tempest/all abyssal creatures: *Glaring at the question

Rimuru: "If any of you even think about it there are going to be some problems between us!"



Question 24: skyforce

I must inform you that Gobta somehow found invisibility cloak and x-ray goggles, have a good day.


Suu: *Standing on a platform in space watching the world burn in front of her

Suu: "I had to be sure...I has to be sure..."



Question 25: Duck48

I have a question do we (the readers) actually exist as some type of entity or being?


Author: "Yes, of course you're all real, if you weren't real then I would just be talking to myself...hahaha...that would make me crazy and I'm not crazy hahahahahaha"

Author: *Currently rocking backwards and forwards in a mental hospital while strapped into a straight jacket



Question 26: _Nayuta_

To Author:

Approximately how many chapters will there be before she goes back to tempest?


Author: "About five or so until V3. V3 should start with her heading back to tempest"



Question 27: Natural_SSR

Question for the author. Are you planning on doing any other stories?


Author: "Yes, in fact I actually have one in the works, although I am trying to take my time with planning and writing it, so I wouldn't be releasing it anytime soon"



Question 28: Federico_Camergo

To Frey: Has Milim told you about her "friend" Suu? And if so, what did she tell you? And what are your thoughts on her based on what Milim told you?


Frey: "Has she told me about her? It's nearly all she talks about"

Frey: "As for what I think about her, well, I have decided to with hold my final judgement until I meet her myself but for what Milim has told me she is absolutely "super amazing" and "incredibly cute""



Question 29: Federico_Camergo

To the author, who do you have mind to be Suu's strongest subordinate? Or has he already appeared? Could you at least tell us something about him or her or will it be one of her future creations?


Author: "No, he...or they, have not appeared just yet and let me just say this, they are by far my favourite character I have made so far"



Question 30: Federico_Camergo

For the Author: Some time ago you said that there would be a character called Legion, this new being that appeared in the last chapter and that is infecting the cultists, is that Legion? Or is it missing something for it to appear?


Author: "Legion will definitely appear very soon, probably in a few chapters actually. Also, no, Legion is not the parasites but they are very similar in some ways"



Question 31: Federico_Camergo

To the Author: what is sealed on the island? It is said in one chapter that it is a demon (I think) but how important is he, so the cult wants him or is it that he knows something that they want, will he also be the equivalent of Diablo? Being loyal to Suu and half a fan.


Author: "First off, your right about the demon thing...if you can really call them a demon at this point. Second, the cult wants them for varying reasons, one of which is because of their strength. A third, you will just have to wait and see how they interact with Suu"



Question 32: Federico_Camergo

To Rimuru: we all know that you will become a demon lord, to bring your people back to life and protect them, but also seek peace and avoid killing as much as possible, but if when the empire invades and they managed to "kill" your daughter, and the only way to get her back was to kill everyone in the empire, the 900 million inhabitants (in the light novel they tell you that there are that many inhabitants) would you do it?


Rimuru: "That...that's a very hard question. I mean sure I could say that yes right now but if something like that actually did happened, if I was forced to choose between the life of Suu and the lives of that many people, most of which are probably just normal innocent adults and children that have nothing to do with all this...I honestly don't know what I would do in that situation"



Question 33: Federico_Camergo

To Rimuru and Great Sage: How do you feel about Suu being able to create life? And great sage when you become mamas Ciel, how proud will you be of your daughter?


Rimuru: "Errm...I mean it is a little surprising if I'm being honest but I mean we do live in a world with dragons, magic and demons so I'm not as surprised as I probably should be"

Great sage: [Notice. I have yet to become Ciel as such I do not know how my future self would feel]



Question 34: Federico_Camergo

To Suu: If your creations called you Mama, what would you feel? And would you Ben them or let them.


Suu: "Yama sometimes does that just to piss me off, I mean I'm 15, it feels weird to be called that at my age...not that being call "Creator" or "Lady" feels any less weird but still you get my point"



Question 35: Federico_Camergo

To Diablo: You who have been seeing your future master all this time, what do you think of Suu? And were you surprised that she was a Phoenix? Have you had fights with Phoenixes before? If so, then what do you think of them?


Rimurufanboy91: "It is only natural for my future master to have such an extraordinary successor, so no, I am not surprised in the slightest"

Rimurufanboy91: "I have also only ever battled against a Phoenix ones in my lifetime but it wasn't anything serious, mainly because Phoenixes have never really been an aggressive species. However, I have had the pleasure of seeing several of them fight seriously on a few occasions in the past and I have to say, it was quite entertaining"



Question 36: Federico_Camergo

To Guy Crimson: The author once said that you wouldn't dare to copy the Sorrow or Joy skills, is that true? Could you say why?


Guy Crimson: "Ha, only an insane person would want those skills. Sure the skills are powerful, incredibly powerful even, however, having a Fragment Of Corruption in you is something that has far, far to many down sides for most people to deal with"

Guy crimson: "I mean come on, who would want a skill that is very likely to just drive you completely insane the moment you get it let alone two of them"



Question 37: Federico_Camergo

In the novel Rimuru gives Kumara 9 names, one for each tail, so if Suu names one of the tails, would kuruma be able to enter the abyss?


Author: "I guess, I mean aren't her tails like separate entities that she can summon or something, I don't exactly understand how that really works but I guess she could"



Question 38: Federico_Camergo

Was it Veldanava who created the abyss or was it another being I ask because the voice of the world seemed to work in the abyss, since when Zeref got angry he got a new ability announced by the voice of the world.


Author: "He definitely helped in it's creation, however, his contribution was rather little to say the least so the voice of the world has little to almost no power there. Besides it being able to announce skills and similar things like that it can't do much else in the abyss"



Question 39: Federico_Camergo

To the Author: the ability that Rudra has allows him to control the unilmate abilities of the virtue class, does this also apply to the Joy ability?


Author: "Yes, however, by the time Rudra tries to control her things will have already changed, Suu's skill will have evolved far beyond his control at that point"


WARNING! Large NOVEL spoiler on the next questions, please skip these last few questions if you don't want to be spoiled.


Question 40: Federico_Camergo

To future Chole O'bell: surely you have interacted or fought with the Suu who lost her father Rimuru, what are your thoughts on her? And how powerful is that Suu compared to the current one?


Future Chole O'bell: "I...I won't go into too much detail, I will say this however, in every loop there was always some differences but...but there was always one thing that was the same...when Rimuru dies Suu...well...she snaps. She. Goes. Completely. Insane."



Question 41: Federico_Camergo

To the Author: In the timelines where Rimuru does, how screwed up was the world? Because I imagine that Suu will have done a lot of damage, and do you plan to tell at some point what happened in that alternate timeline?


Author: "I haven't thought that far ahead so I can't give much of an answer, so I'll just say this. On a scale from 1 to 10 how screwd up is everything, well, I would have to say that it is at least an 8. Also yes, I do plan to show what happens in those alternate timelines"
