Ask 11


Question 1: Duck48

Quack quack quack? Quack quack!


Author: "Yes, yes I think I understand"

Suu: "What's he saying?"

Author: "My duck is a little rusty so bare with me here. They are either insulting Pinky and his entire family tree or they are asking if we want to join them in their daily swim in a sea of golden coins"

Suu: "I...I don't think either of those are correct"

Author: "Well you try then"

Suu: "They're probably just calling you a dumb ass"

Author: "Hey!"



Question 2: Chuckaboo

Question for Suu. What's your favourite flavour of ice cream if you have one?


Suu: "Rimuru flavour"

Rimuru: "W-what?!"

Suu: "Someone in town made an ice cream where the scoops look like you, it's really good actually"

Rimuru: "What is it with people and making food of me...?"



Question 3: Taxie

Rimuru's skill gluttony has the sub skill receive which gives him the ability to acquire skills from his subordinates without the original owner of the skill losing it, and its evolution has the sub skill food chain which is a more effective combination of the sub skill receive and provide. How do these skills interact with Suu's skills.


Author: "I have thought about it and have come up with a few ideas but I haven't settled on one just yet. However, I would not consider Suu as one of Rimuru's subordinates, Suu is not only as strong as Rimuru but possibly even a little bit stronger then him at this point"



Question 4: RougeCazador2

What's the first thing your gonna do when u get back to tempest?


Suu: "Murder. Probably a lot of murder"



Question 5: 0w0TsukiShiro0w0

Am I alive?


Author: "Errm....yes?"

Author: "Why do I have the feeling that your some kind of creepy ghost person and me answering this is gonna end up in you crawling out of my TV to murder me?"

Suu: "You have been watching way too many horror movies"

Author: "Yeah, you're probably right"



Question 6: Zachary_Hamilton

Question for Suu, how excited are you to see your girlfriend again?


Suu: "How many times do I have to say it before you all finally understand?! We. Are. Not. Together!"

Rimuru: "How long do you think that will last?"

Benimaru: "I'd say...probably no longer then a week after they see each other again"

Suu: "I heard that!"



Question 7: A_Living_Potato

When Suu gets back to tempest I would like to request an uncensored hand holding scene between Suu and Milim.


Author: "First, that technically doesn't count as a question. Second, this is not an 18+ novel. And third, you made Suu collapsed so good job I guess"

Suu: *Currently unconscious while thinking of lewd things



Question 8: nameless_author

Please don't tell me there is a out of nowhere crossover fic, cause I will literally die out of spite because of that.


Author: "No? Why would you think something like that? Is it because of that red vs blue joke I made a while back?"



Question 9: JulianGomez

Question for Suu: when you return to tempest who will you hug first Rimuru or Milim?


Suu: "Neither of them. First, Milim is not in Tempest currently and probably won't be when I get back. Second, there is a very high chance that I am probably gonna be way to mad to be in a "huggie" mood when I get back anyway"



Question 10: Fyrr3

For the author, is there a certain way you organize your story so you can keep track of everything. I want to know because I'm trying to make a sorry but find it hard keep track of all of it.


I just take all of the key information that I want to remember and put it all into a... I don't know the actual word for it but here is an example.



Info info info info info info info info info info info


Info info info info info info info info info info info


Info info info info info info info info info info info


//Pain resistance:

Info info info info info info info info info info info


Info info info info info info info info info info info

//lightning speed:

Info info info info info info info info info info info



Info info info info info info info info info info info


Info info info info info info info info info info info


Info info info info info info info info info info info



Question 11: God_of_yuri

Suu, what is you're favourite pizza?


Suu: "Errm...I...I haven't had pizza since the kind of traumatised me...and half of tempest as well..."

Rimuru: "Suu we promise never to speak of that again!"

Suu: "It was your fault!"

Rimuru: "All I did was say that pizza was one of the best kinds of food out there"

Suu: "and you just had to say it with in ear sho-"

Shion: "What are you two talking about?"

Suu/Rimuru: "NOTHING!"

Shion: "huh?"



Question 12: m_42

Hey Rimuru here is a solar powered tv so you can watch that movie I gave you and hereis some popcorn.


Rimuru: "Thanks?"

Suu: "What was the movie called again?"

Rimuru: "Something about creeping slime"

Suu: "Oh"

(A/N. I'm gonna be honest, I couldn't fine the movie that you mentioned when I looked on google for it)



Question 13: m_42

Hey Rimuru a slender man who has no face appears behind you what would you do...well he is behind you so bye.


Rimuru: "Nice suit you got there. You want some tea?"

Slenderman: *nods

Rimuru: "Cool, so what are yo-"

Jeff: "Die!"


Rimuru: " have annoying subordinates as well?"

Slenderman: *Sighs in irritation while nodding



Question 14: Natural_SSR

Question for the Author: How did you come up with the lore involving the fragments? What gave you the idea of creating them?


Author: "I just kind of came up with it, I mean I'm not the only one to come up with something like this. After all, just look at animes, tv shows, movies and even mythology, there are a lot of times where a powerful being is just sealed away using some different methods or just straight up transformed into an item, weapon or even a magical ability of some kind. So yeah, it's not really a unique idea if you really think about it"



Question 15: Natural_SSR

Question for Suu: how will you be moving all the troops that want to go with you back to tempest?


Suu: "I'm probably just gonna use the abyss so that I don't draw too much attention to us"



Question 16: Natural_SSR

Question for Milim: Are you able to change your body so you can appear older?


Author: "I don't think she ca-"

Milim: "Of course I can!"

Author: "You can? Really?"

Milim: "....."

Author: "You don't know if you can do it either do you?"

Milim: "...Nope"



Question 17: obunga_watches

Suu doesn't have all fragments of corruption but will she find and absorb the rest in the future?


Author: "At some point yes she will"



Question 18: obunga_watches

To Sorrow: what da dog doin?

To Rimuru: what da dog doin?


Sorrow: "Dog? What fucking dog! I don't have a dog you dumb shit!"

Rimuru: "You mean Ranga? He's taking a nap"



Question 19: Abooood1

Can you answer my question and guesses that you didn't answer last time. (For the mysterious two are you the skill Joy and Sorrow? If not when what/who are you? Also are those the Demon Lord seed and the True Hero egg?) And am I the one that made you dump so much lore because of my questions and guesses that seemed so accurate last Q&A? If so I'm sorry.


Author: "First, no, I already had plans to reveal stuff before you even asked. Second, as for your previous questions, well, they have both basically been answered already so I won't bother saying anything"



Question 20: Federico_Camergo

To the author: It is said that Suu was born with a fragment of corruption, is it possible the her mother died from it? And the father would hate her and treat her like a monster because of that fragment?


Author: "No, the Fragment that Suu was born with had nothing to do with her mothers death. It also didn't have some kind of magical effect on her father that made him hate her"



Question 21: Federico_Camergo

The face that are shown at the door, in the chapter where Suu talks with joy, are they beings that failed to control the power of the fragments?


Author: "No, however, they do have some lore behind them"



Question 22: Federico_Camergo

Question for Rimuru: Aren't you worried about Suu coming and finding all those dead? You know how easy it is for her to lose control.


Rimuru: "Sure I am, however, I can't just hide a bunch of dead bodies from her and even if I did it's not like she wouldn't notice something is very wrong. I mean not only are there two barriers around tempest and a bunch of destroyed buildings but there is also the fact that Suu would definitely notice that Shion is missing. In the end all I can do is wait and see how things play out"



Question 23: Federico_Camergo

Question for Zeref: have you already met Albis, and what did you think? Do you like her?


Zeref: "Errrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Suu: "hehehehe"

Yin: "You like her! You like her!"

Zeref: "W-Well sss-sssh-ssshe isss a nice yo-young woman"

Yang: "Cute"



Question 24: Federico_Camergo

When Bels shakes hands with Suu and the boud is generated, despite the fact that they did not know eachother for a long time, is this due to Joy's intervention?


Author: "Something like that. It however was more of an effect of the Joy skill it's self then an actual conscious decision on her part though"



Question 25: Federico_Camergo

Are these robots sealed somewhere that can only be reached with one of the fragments of corruption? Also, does Legion have any relations to the primordials?


Author: "First, I haven't decided, well I have a somewhat rough idea but there is a chance that I could end up changing my mind, so I won't say anything more on that at the moment. Second, Legion is not a primordial if that is what you were wondering, however, they do have some history between each other"



Question 26: Federico_Camergo

To Diablo: How do you think your relationship with Suu will be? Do you plan to pamper her?


Diablo: "The daughter of my glorious master, how truly wonderful. I'm sure our meeting will be a marvellous time indeed, aaah, I can not wait for the day were I meet both her and my fated master"

Suu: "Am I the only one that a little off put by him"

Benimaru: "No, you are definitely not the only one"

Diablo: "As for pampering her well...wait! I'm a fool! I can't meet my future master and his magnificent daughter with out preparing several gifts for them in advance!"

Suu: "This can't end well"



Question 27: Federico_Camergo

To the Author: will you give Zeref the ability to take a human form? Or being able to control his size? I ask this since surely after Suu's evolution he will grow bigger and maybe his own evolution to a demon lord he will become bigger as well.


Author: "I'll probably give him a human form or something like that at some point down the line"



Question 28: Federico_Camergo

To the Author: What happens if Suu tireds to use her eyes os the abyss on someone more powerful then her? Or that has an ultimate skill? Also, will Suu try learning how to prepare desserts? Becaue Milim loves sweets.


Author: "The effect of her skill is more psychological then anything else, so it doesn't really matter if someone is stronger then her, in the end it really just depends on who the person is. As for people with ultimate skills though, I guess it wouldn't have much if any effect on them"



Question 29: Federico_Camergo

To the Author: When Suu evolves, will she acquire a more adult version? Just as it happens with Rimuru throughout the entire novel.


Author: "She will probably look a little bit older but probably won't change much"



Question 30: Federico_Camergo

For the Author: Some time ago someone told you that you could create a "world tree" in the centre of the island, and that it serves to protect it and keep everything that happens on it under control and taking into account that you may be planning on bringing the island to life. And said tree could create druids or fairies.


Author: "I'm probably not going to do that as I have come up with something for what I want to do with the island, something rather gruesome but also poetic in a strange way"


(A/N. V2 is finally finished, sorry that it ended up dragging out a little longer then originally expected. Anyway, I'm going to get working on V3, however, I am going to need to take a little time to plan some things out that I am still a little unsure about for this V. So yeah, see you all again on the 24th)