Chapter 14 Demon lord evolution

==========3rd person pov==========

[Report] a robotic voice echoed out from within a dormant mind.

[The demon lord's harvest festival has begun] the voice echoed again as invisible waves of energy spread through the slumbering beings body.

[Now commencing evolution of entity known as Suu Tempest into a demon lord]

[Preparing body for species change] as the voice spoke this time various changes began to appear throughout Suu's body, some were physical while others were more magical in nature.

[Preparations complete]

[Selecting suitable species...]

[Species has been selected]

[Abyssal Draconic Phoenix]

[Changing species to Abyssal Draconic Phoenix] once again another wave of physical and magical alterations spread throughout her body but this time they were far more extreme.


[New species skills are now available]

[Draconic enhancement. Revival fluid. Dragon's pride. Calamitous eclipse. Draconic oppression]

[All body Attributes have been greatly enhanced]

[Evolving all possible prior skills before evolution] the voice hummed but suddenly paused for a second as it seemed to detect something.

[Notice. A new possibility has been found]

[Attempting to use the abyss's natural corruption effect to help with skill evolution and multi skill fusion] 

Seemingly out of nowhere black energy began to pour into Suu's body, obviously this was the energy of the abyss. Surprisingly though, instead of consuming the energy already present within her body like a gluttonous predator the new abyssal energy began to bend and dance around it in unison causing a strange balance between the two.


[Now beginning skill evolution]

[Dimensional rift. True void fire. Elemental manipulation. Heat devourer. Darkness below. Infinite regeneration. External condition nullification. Molten core. Phoenix flare.]


[Curse constructor. Untouchable. Shackles of rage. Auroras light. Magicule regeneration. Guardian's grace. Frozen taint. Unlimited proficiency. Instant cast. Parallel movement. Endless stamina]


[Masochist. Telepathy. Fatal error. Toxin manipulation. Necrotic rot. Apocalypse canon. Superior enchantment. Magic manipulation. Hyper energy. Warped lightning.]


[Now attempting to fuse, Soul Dominion, Soul creation and Soul manipulation]


[The ultimate skill, Osiris, Lord Of Souls has been acquired]

[Now attempting to fuse, Transformation and Mastery of form]


[The ultimate skill, Proteus, Lord Of Form has been acquired]

[Requesting permission to evolve the unique skill eyes of the abyss]

[Waiting for permission from Voice Of The World...] The voice abruptly went quiet, however this phenomenon only lasted for just a fraction of a second before it obtained the response it was waiting for.

[Request granted] another voice spoke, it sounded almost identical to the first, however it quickly vanished entirely.

[Confirmed. Permission has been given]






[Failed...] for what seemed like hours the voice ran  through thousands if not hundreds of thousands of potential evolutions. Seemingly uncaring about the passage of time the voice continued through possibility after possibility until finally...


[Now attempting to use the gift from the gift giving ceremony as well as the skill Magical disturbance detection to help in the evolution of the eyes of the abyss]



[The unique skill eyes of the abyss has now evolved into the ultimate skill, Theia, Lord Of Vision]

[Notice. Further evolution is possible]

[Now attempting to evolve the unique skill Joy]

[Failed...] once again the voice began running through dozens of possibilities, most of which were complete failures, however it didn't matter how many times it failed because in the end it only had to get it right just once 






[Now Attempting to copy the skill Damage conduit to help in further evolution]


[Now attempting to fuse Joy, Rank up and Damage conductor]


[Ultimate skill, Baldr, Lord Of Joy has been acquired]

[Announcement. Baldr and Miseria have been detected]

[Announcement. Demon lord seed and Hero Egg have been detected]

[Conditions have been met]

[Special evolution is now accessible]

[Now attempting to use the hidden effect of Baldr and Miseria to fuse the Demon seed with the Hero seed]

Within Suu's body, no, within her soul a new far more miraculous change began to take place. Deep within her soul two powerful sources of energy clashed, they were only kept from destroying each other because of the beings that held them at bay but now, now something had changed. Suddenly the two warring energies began to still for a moment before they seemed to explode into a flurry of action, they began to merge together into one, devouring, combining and twisting in on each other like a chaotic whirlpool, all the while creating something new, something unnatural.


[Evolution into a True World Error has succeeded]

[You have gain the unique skill Lawbreaker]

[You have gained the title, The Third World Error] 

==============Suu pov==========

Darkness...that is all I could see as I felt myself sink into unconsciousness, my mind becoming numb to almost all sensations as the void cradled me. It was a strange feeling to say the very least but not an unpleasant one, it was kind of like falling asleep while taking a hot bath.

Though the whole experience was kind of ruined by the flashes of blurry memories that appeared at random intervals, they were so distorted it was near impossible for me to actually make out much, if any of what they were trying to show me, the gurgling voices were not helping either. I could hear them constantly whispering inside my head, the voices that seemed to be so very quiet yet just listening to them caused my head to pound like a drum. I couldn't understand what they were saying yet the conversation sounded so very familiar to me yet also so foreign, it was honestly like listening to a show you had seen a thousand times but in a different language, it was rather confusing to say the least.

However as I sank down further into the darkness the memories became less and less coherent until they stopped entirely, eventually even the voices had vanished completely. It was around this time that I stopped thinking entirely, if you can actually call muddled, disoriented thought thinking.

Surprisingly though I did feel myself wake up, however I wasn't the one in control. It was odd really, even though I was currently experiencing the deepest sleep that I had ever experienced, even though there was nothing close to complex thought going on inside my head I was still kind of lucid. In fact if I currently wasn't in this predicament the thought of resisting whoever was in control of my body may have actually crossed my mind but sadly it didn't.

I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, I couldn't speak but I could definitely feel my body moving on its own and for some reason that didn't seem to bother me at all, not that I was in the right mind to be bothered by anything but still. After a while though I felt myself come to a stop and whatever it was that had been compelling my body to move finally stopped as well. It was then that my mind was once again clouded by darkness as whatever part of my being had been keeping me in a somewhat lucid state faded until there was no longer anything that could resemble consciousness within my mind.

I don't know how long I stayed like that but eventually I began to regain consciousness, though some part of me just wanted to keep on sleeping. But anyway after a while I even began to regain my awareness of what was going on around me, though having the ability to feel again was irritating, mostly because I could now feel that someone was poking me. What's more is that the person poking me in the side wasn't exactly helping my desire to keep sleeping if I'm being honest and I was getting a little pissed off at them.

"W*k* *p"

(Who the hell is poking me?) I thought to myself as I tried to push them away only to realize I was still in my shrunken down Phoenix form.

"**e* up"

"Five more minutes..." I muttered while attempting to roll away from them.

"No! Wake up lazy butt" it was then that I realized my very enthusiastic tormentor was Yin because of course it was


"Wake up wake up wake up"

"Shut up..." I growled as my annoyance grew.

"Wake up!" It was at this moment that I finally had enough.

"Fine! I'm up already just stop fucking poking me" I yelled as I finally opened my eyes, only to immediately close them again when a ray of light hit them.

It took me a second to come back to my senses and adapt to the new brightness, so I took a second to transform back into my human form. From what I could tell I was currently laying next to the fountain in the center of town, Yin and Yang were standing just off to the side of me, well, Yang was standing  while Yin was jumping around happily.

"Yay! Lady Suu is awake, lady Suu is awake!"

"Jesus Christ stop yelling already" I sighed as I rubbed the back of my aching head.

(Is this what it feels like to have a hangover? If so then note to self, never drink) 

"Are you alright lady Suu?" Yang asked out of the blue, causing me to shake my head and smile.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine just a bit disoriented" I said as my eyes finally adjusted and I took a second to look around.

"Where...where is dad?"

"I'll go get him!" Yin yelled excitedly as she turned to run off only to stop and look back at me.

"Oh and by the way, I like your new look lady Suu" that confused me a little.

"What did she mean by?" I asked as I turned to Yang.

"Your appearance has changed" 

"Wait really?" To my surprise, when I turned around and looked at my reflection in the fountain I found that indeed I had changed rather drastically.

"Oh...holy shit"