Chapter 19 Three For The Prize Of One

"Well...this is quite the sight" 

I had to admit that the fact that I felt absolutely nothing towards the horrific sight in front of me said quite a bit about my overall mental state at the moment but I didn't really care all that much. I mean seriously, even though I caused all of this I didn't feel anything, which definitely isn't normal for a person who is currently looking at a large open clearing filled to the brim with thousands of mangled corpses, most of which had their faces twisted in a permanent look of horror and despair.

"Yeah, you said it" I couldn't help but agree with Poe who was currently waving his hands around in apparent disgust, the smell here was pretty bad.

"Now then, where is..." I hummed as I took a second to look around the immediate area for the being that I had come here for, only to then pause abruptly when I sensed something appear close to us.

"Ah! There you are" I smiled as I looked to my right only to see a creature slowly coalescing out of a nearby puddle.

"'re definitely not what I was expecting that is for sure"

The creature was strange to say the least. It had three heads that lacked any kind of skin or flesh and were literally just skulls with nothing covering them. Its eyes were missing completely leaving the creature's eye sockets empty and hollow. Its teeth were pointed and needle-like, yet they were somewhat obscured by the green, toxic looking water that constantly poured from its mouth. Its skin was ripped in several places yet no blood flowed out, only more green water could be seen causing the creature to look like it was always drenched from head to toe. 

As for its skin, well, it wasn't pretty to say the least. The creature's skin was already disturbingly rotten looking, it was a sickly greenish blue color and adding the massive wounds that littered its body and the water on top of that. The creature looked more like a drowned corpse that was somehow still moving instead of an actual living being of some kind. And finally, it had several fish-like fins coming out of several places along its ghoulish body.

(A/N. Image. Just imagine it has three heads instead of two)

"Nice to meet you I three?" I said while rubbing the back of my head only to be slightly taken aback when my newest creation tilted it's head to the side in a way that was far too adorable for a being of it's rather grim appearance.

"Awww, you're actually kind of cute in a weird way" the moment those words left my mouth I froze for a second.

(The fact that I actually do find this thing kind of cute just speaks volumes about how fucked up I truly am at this point) I thought with a shake of my head before gesturing towards Poe.

"This is Poe by the way" Poe for his part simply waved up at them with a rather happy demeanor.

"Nice to see that you're getting along already" I smiled before looking back at the walking corpse in front of me.

"Anyway, thank you for guarding this place for me but you can stop now" it seemed to appreciate the thank you as well as the pat on the head I gave it, though I was forced to give it more head pats as the other two heads seemed jealous.

"What should I call you? I mean I should at the very least give you a name...wait do I need to give you three names because you have three heads with different personalities?" That confused me a bit so I just decided to play it safe and give each head a different name, I actually had no idea if that was even possible.

"Well, considering what happened on the day that you were all created...born? Whatever, I think these should fit you three just fine" I mused as I snapped my fingers and smiled.

"The left head will be Treachery. The middle head will be Agony. And the right head will be Demise. Together you will be, The Steeds Of Despair" I don't know why I gave them such an ominous title but it just fits in my opinion.

Just like what had happened previously when I had named a monster, the three of them were engulfed by a black and purple aura that spiraled around them in a rather violent manner. I was a little surprised that naming all three of them had to work to be honest. Anyway, after waiting several seconds I realized that it would probably take them a minute to fully evolve so I turned my attention back to the other problem at hand.

"Welp, while they are currently evolving I should probably deal with all of this mess" I muttered as I refocused my attention on the piles upon piles of dead bodies as well as a group of mind controlled idiots who were standing in the middle of it all.

"Hey! You lot!" I yelled to get their attention.

"Head over to Tempest and wait for me there, if someone tells you to do something do it" they immediately followed my orders and headed off towards the general direction of Tempest.

(Souei will probably find them before they even reach Tempest but whatever) I thought with a shrug, however I winced slightly when a calm breeze sent some rather horrible smells in my direction.

"Now then, what the hell am I gonna do with these"

The bodies had been left alone for the most part but they were already starting to decompose. Surprisingly though there were actually no animals around here trying to get at the massive numbers of dead bodies. I had thought that large numbers of carnivores and scavengers would flock here en masse but after a second of thought I realized that my new friends had probably been keeping them all away this whole time.

"I can't just leave them all here...wait...what happened to all of the bodies that were over where dad and everyone else had fought?" I rubbed the back of my head in thought before simply shrugging it off.

"I'll ask about that later"

"Anyway, I still need to think of what I'm gonna do with these" I hummed before turning to look down at Poe.

"Any ideas buddy" I asked only for Poe to shake his head from side to side.

"Guess not huh..."

"I suppose I could do that" I muttered as I began looking through my soul storage space.

"Do I still have them though? I mean they might have been removed when the...skill...evolved..." I trailed off as I continued to look, and after a second of looking I smiled to myself.

"Ah! There we are, found them" 

"Now I just need to duplicate and alter them a bit" I mused as I looked at the dozens of various souls that I had stored away.

They were all prototypes that I had created before I had made the hive. None of them were all that useful to be completely honest, so I never actually used them in the war but now I had an opportunity to get some use out of them. I had been meaning to start populating the abyss with wildlife, after all if my plans were going to work I would need some more food sources in the abyss. Also I could probably use them as frontline forces or even mounted beasts down the road. 

"Aaand done, that should be enough" I said as I pulled all the souls out of my storage, they numbered over ten thousands or so.

"You know I kind of missed how relaxing it is to just sit back and create life...I never thought I would actually say that sentence but it ture, making life is oddly relaxing" I muttered as I began the process of turning the bodies into abyssal creatures.

"Could do without the smell of rotting corpses though" I chuckled to myself as I pulled large amounts of black blood from the abyss.

"Now then, let's make some monsters" 

It didn't take long to convert all the bodies into abyss creatures, after all I have had a lot of practice over the past couple months. The monsters that were created were quite the sight to be honest. There were large multi-coloured flying stingrays that flew frew the air in massive groups, there were four meter tall lion like things that were covered in sharp bone like armor, bioluminescent krill that were about half a foot long, even small packs of dog like creatures with no eyes and bat like ears.

(A/N. Image)

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"This should do for now I suppose"