Chapter 22 Desire For Battle

============Yama pov============

"I can't take this anymore!" I was pissed, really fucking pissed.

I frustratingly was inside of the Abyss. Even though I felt a strange connection to this place, like the feeling you get after coming home from a long trip, I still couldn't help but become frantic the longer I stayed here. There was nothing to fight, nothing to kill. And sure the boss lady had just created a bunch of wildlife not too long ago but none of them were a challenge at all.

"I'm sick of all this waiting around!" I hissed as I sat on a rocky outcropping connected to a large jagged mountain that was charcoal black in color.

"But War chief...the Creator has already said tha-'' the gargoyle standing behind me tried to say but I cut them off.

"I already know you worthless piece of shit!" I snarled, I wasn't in the mood to be reminded about something that I already knew.

The boss lady had ordered us to stay in the Abyss until she was done with her shit, however I was starting to get frustrated with all this waiting. The only thing that was actually somewhat lessening my itch for battle is the project that she told us to work on and the spars that I had every now and then with that lightning fucker. I really hate the guy, I really do, however he is one of the very few that can actually give me a challenge nowadays.

"I'm so damn bored! I just want to kill something!" The several gargoyles within ear shot quickly took several steps back when they heard that much to my amusement.

Ever since me and my whole clan woke up after that sudden rush of glorious power that surged through us I've been starving for a chance to have a real fight to the death. The whole clan was in a similar state as well. It's getting really hard to contain our need to beat the crap out of something and the fact that the boss lady had apparently just had a war with some noname motherfuckers pissed me off even more than I already was.

But...but I waited, had to. The boss order everyone to stay in the strange place and no matter how much it irritates me I can't go against her. It is not because she created me or some stupid shit like that, no, the reason I follow her order, even if I don't like them, is because she is stronger than much as I hate to admit it.

"Anyway, how is everything coming along?" I huffed, it was important for me to keep track of what these idiots were doing after all.

"The camp is coming along well War chief" the one behind me replied instantly, I remember that the boss named all of her creations but I didn't remember this one's name, I only put effort into remembering the ones who can give me a challenge after all.

"Good. I want to see that sparky bastard's face when he sees that we finished before him" I chuckled knowing full well just how annoyed that bastard would be.

"May I ask something, War chief?" He asked, causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Just spit it out already!" I growled but I didn't even bother to look back at him.

"Why does the creator want us to split up like this? I understand using the Island as a massive mobile capital or meet up point but why did she want all of the captains to split up and create their own territories?" They asked, sounding somewhat confused.

"I don't fucking know! All I remember her saying was something about wanting to spread out and explore the abyss while also giving us all something to do other than fighting for our lives every day" I shrugged not really giving a damn.

"Which is bullshit if you ask me! All that matters is fighting!" This got me several nods of agreement but no one else other than the guy that I was currently speaking to actually spoke up.

"Then why even bother with all of this?" That was a good question but the answer was rather simple, I was bored.

"At first I didn't. This all seemed like crap to me, I didn't see the point or even care to put the effort into trying something like this. However, she told me something that got my interest. She told me that it would probably annoy the hell out of those walking tin cans if we, "the crazed battle addicts" could make something better and faster then they could" I smiled, finding the thought amusing.

"And I just couldn't pass up that opportunity" I chuckled before my smile turned into a frown.

"Anyway, get back to work already before I take my frustrations out on you a lot!"

"Yes, War chief!"

==============Suu pov=============

"Fucking hell!" I growled under my breath while observing the strange phenomenon in front of me.

(This...this is so fucking weird) I thought while rubbing the back of my head in contemplation.

"I don't know if I can fix this, I really don't but I can try at the very least" I hummed while refusing to take my eyes off of the constantly expanding decay that continued to gnaw away at the menagerie of souls.

" all we can ask..." it mused solemnly, it seemed to have already prepared itself for what would happen if I failed in my task.

"Why can't you be this polite all the time? No offense but that one personality of yours is kind of an asshole" I half-jokingly said as I opened several portals to the abyss.

"This is actually rather uncommon for us...we are usually far more violent...especially when the hunger is at its strongest..." that wasn't a surprise to me at all.

"Yeah, I kind of guessed that already considering you tried to eat me the first time we met" I rolled my eyes as I got to work.

The first thing I tried was to just bombard the strange soul eating crap with black blood. I was curious to see if I could just corrupt or change it in some way, so that it would no longer be harmful to the guy. Sadly this attempt failed rather quickly. The substance seemed incredibly rigid, unmalleable you could say. I tried several more times but it seemed frustratingly resistant to all my attempts to alter it, be that in small or large ways.

(Hmmm...fascinating) I clicked my tongue as I continued to test various things. Currently I was honestly just trying to understand what the hell this stuff was, I was actually rather curious to figure it out before curing them completely.

(Whatever this crap is, it's not natural at all) I thought as I traced my hand over one of my horns while occasionally tapping my fingers against it.

(It is not some kind of spiritual poison, virus or disease. In fact I have no idea what it is but that's not gonna stop me from attempting to figure it out) I muttered internally as I continued to think it over in my head.

(A curse maybe? No, I'd be able to tell pretty easily if it had been caused by some kind of magical means)

(They said it appeared when they were first created, so maybe some kind of birth defect...or a glitch of some kind!) That was when I had something akin to a eureka moment.

(Maybe...could that be it?) I asked myself with a rather perplexed look on my face.

(Is the world itself killing him because he is some kind of glitch? Something that wasn't meant to error?) I couldn't help but continue to theorize further down this hypothetical rabbithole.

(Or is it the voice of the world? After all, it could be the very thing that is enforcing the rules of this world and if that is the case then maybe it is rejecting them or something...) I paused as I tried to think of an easier way of explaining it to myself.

(Like how a body sometimes rejects and therefore attacks a newly transplanted organ. It is foreign and unnatural to the body and as such it attacks in an attempt to get rid of it even though it's not actually harmful to the body overall)

It took me several seconds to finally come back to my senses after several minutes of mental ranting to myself. I kind of felt like one of those crazy conspiracy theorists. Anyway, after shaking those ideas away for now I began to focus on just how it was that I would be able to fix this. I did have an idea, however it seemed a little too simple to work.

(If they really are being killed by the world itself because they are some kind of a glitch then maybe all I need to do is make them apart of this how some glitches in video games were made into actual game mechanics...) I couldn't help but sigh at this. I now had the sinking feeling that they were probably right in their thinking, I was probably one of if not the only being that could help them at this moment.

(I have no idea if this will actually work or not but fuck it. I might as well give it a try) I breathe out once more before looking up into the eyes of the creature before me.


"Your name is Legion"