Chapter 43 The Plans Of A Certain Asshole

(Walpurgis...) I hissed internally. (Clayman, you're more pathetic than I expected you to be.)

Ramiris had come to warn us of an event that was going to take place soon, an event that could be very bad for us if things went poorly. The trash bag as well as his allies had apparently made a move to finally get rid of us once and for all, however his plan gave away just how incompetent he really was.

And so we had learnt about Walpurgis, basically it's a tea party for demon lords. The event can only take place if three of the current demon lords agree to it, once this happens all the other demon lords must attend as well. 

The reason as to why  this was happening now was because of Clayman, he was trying to get the other demon lords to help in destroying us. Honestly he was a fool, he was showing everyone just how weak he actually was and I bet the other demon lords could see it as well. The bastard is too weak to deal with us on his own so he was crying for help from the others. Either way however I didn't really care for his reasons, after all he was a dead man either way. Although there was one thing, one thing I just didn't get...

(But why the hell would Milim...why would she support them with this? Something is definitely off but I don't know what...) I asked myself, the idea of her actually siding with that bastard made no sense to me at all. (Should I try using  my Prophecy skill?)

Before I could decide on that Rimiris's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "I've decided that I'm going to start living here!"

"I hate to break it to you but I didn't agree to that." Rimuru sighed and shook his head much to the little fairy's frustrations. "Also Treyni and the other dryads are the managers of the great forest of Jura and they don't actually live here in Tempest, meaning that they won't have time to look after you twenty four seven."

Ignoring the bickering of the two I began to dig into the food that I had been given while thinking more on the topic. We had all just gotten out of the hot springs so the food was even more satisfying in my opinion. It was then that I realized that I hadn't actually eaten food in what felt like a rather long time at this point, not that I actually needed to eat but I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was either way.

Anyway, after a moment Rimuru's words pulled me back to reality and to what was currently happening around me. "Now then, I know this meeting has been dragging out for quite some time now but hang in there just a little longer."

"By the way Shion, did you get any information from the interrogations?

"I sure did." She smiled proudly as she pulled out a notebook from somewhere.

"Yeah..." Youm muttered with a somewhat pale expression. "The interrogations..."

His somewhat down trotton expression got everyone's attention, especially Rimuru's. "Huh?"

"We got what we needed for sure but...well..." He tried to say but trailed off when he couldn't find the words to explain.

"That's true..." Mjurran quickly added as well but continued on with a similar expression to Youm. "I've never seen an interrogation quite like fact I don't exactly know what to call it but they most definitely talked, so I guess it worked..."

(It seems Shion went overboard on the interrogations...good.) I thought as Shion began to explain what they had learnt for the prisoners.

Falmuth, the kingdom that had attacked us out of nowhere had pretty shitty motives if you ask me, they were driven mostly by their own greed and self interests. Some unknown merchant had allegedly shown them some of the items we have created and told them about our new trade routes. Their king, whatever his name was, had decided after seeing this to attack Tempest in the belief that if he didn't it would take trade away from his own country. Now then, normally I would somewhat be able to understand said king's concerns and possible motives, to some degree anyway, however the asshole didn't even try to negotiate with us and instead chose violence just because we were monsters.

(Someone planned this, someone behind the scenes...could it be the same person who pitted Rimuru and Hinata against each other?) I growled but put that suspicion aside for now. (Whatever, let's just keep listening.)

Moving on to the Western Holy Church's involvement in this whole mess, well, after interrogating a person Rimuru had also captured, archbishop Reyhiem, he told us this. Apparently some guy with a really stupid name was responsible for the church's involvement, he was also apparently the ringleader of the whole church or something. Anyway, he had decided to try and subjugate us in the name of his god or some shit like that.

(Fucking religious nut jobs!) It would seem I would have to add some more people to my shit list.

"I get it now, archbishop Reyhiem just wanted the glory of defeating a godless enemy, he was probably hoping to earn a better reputation with his higher ups." Fuze muttered as Gazel and Erald nodded their heads in agreement.

"But since he didn't achieve that we might still be able to negotiate with them." Rimuru hummed in thought.

"Negotiate?" I couldn't help but look at him with an unpleasant expression. "You want to talk this out with them even after what they helped our enemies to do?"

"I know they helped attack us but I would rather end this peacefully if at all possible."

I didn't exactly agree with that but what can you do? "Anyway, what information did you manage to get from the guys that I captured?"

"Nothing really..." Shion sighed apologetically. "All they were able to tell us was the locations of several hidden camps they have. We also asked about who their leaders were or at least why they decided to help in the attack on us but we got nothing concrete. They apparently get their orders through a kind of telepathy, as for why they ended up helping in the assault against us, well, they were ordered to and so they did." 

"That's it? No reason as to why? No background as to who they are?" I asked with a puzzled expression.

"Sadly yes." she muttered while rubbing  the back of her head. "The way they spoke was as if large parts of their memories had been removed."


"We'll have to look into those camps later but for now let's move on." Rimuru sighed and I nodded.

We continued after that as we discussed more about various other things, all the while enjoying our food. Gazel, Fuze and Erald also proclaimed that they would announce their alliance with us in hopes of putting some pressure on the Western Holy Church.

Eventually however, the cool guy himself, Souei, appeared with some rather interesting news. Clayman's forces, his whole army, were starting to move and they were being led by some weird guy with a blue sword. That honestly confused us a bit, why would Clayman attack us now? He should have known already that he was completely outnumbered, and even if he didn't know of the Abyss there is still the beast man army as well as the forces from Tempest itself. And sure, I may hate the guy but he doesn't strike me as an idiot. Even if he has a superiority complex or something like that, attacking an army larger than your own on their home turf was just idiotic, especially when you know that there is an extremely powerful true dragon in that area as well.

(Then what could he actually be planning to do?) I mused before a rather disturbing yet possible idea popped into my mind causing my eyes to narrow sharply. (So that's your plan...)

"Suu?" Rimuru spoke up when he noticed the look on my face but I ignored him for the moment.

"Hey tuna fish."

The guy simply sighed when he heard the nickname but looked at me nonetheless. "What...?"

"Did you leave people behind when you came here? Civilians I mean." I asked, causing him to pause for a moment.

He was confused by my question at first but answered it anyway. "Yes, I mean there are a lot of villages that weren't damaged by demon lord Milim's attack and bringing them with us would have been both difficult and somewhat pointless."

"He's trying to awaken..." I hissed in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

Several people had already caught on to what I was trying to explain but I clarified anyway. "Your army is here, your people are undefended and his forces are moving. He is trying to awaken as a true demon lord."

Hearing this all the eyes of the lycanthropes that were currently present widened in pure horror and understanding. "Shit!"

"He's going to use his army to slaughter everyone we left behind..."

As everyone began discussing my theory, Bels moved closer to me. "Hey Suu..."

"What?" I looked at her a little confused as to why it was that she was talking so quietly.

"Do you think we should help as well?"

I immediately shook my head at that. "No, you lot should stay out of this."


"I said no, I'm not letting you all get involved when you have no stakes in all of this." I reaffirmed myself, which caused Fuyuko, who had overheard me, to sigh.


Before she could say anything more however Kean intervened and spoke up from his lying position behind me. "Why are you being so stubborn about this?"

"You know why, I don't want to drag you into something that has basically nothing to do with you." I explained, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Then you're an idiot." He said bluntly, causing me to turn around fully to look at him.


"I could understand the need to get your revenge on your own terms, after all that was something you needed to do for yourself but this? This is different." He mused, causing me to glare at him.

"And how is that?"

"Because you are putting lives at risk, the lives of the people that I know for certain you want to protect." He explained but continued on before I could say anything to rebuke him. "Look I get it, I really do, however I can guarantee that most of the folks in the Abyss would help in a heartbeat if you asked them. Also having more numbers on your side will increase the chances of victory without unnecessary losses as it'll take the pressure off of everyone else. Who knows, maybe the enemy will just surrender the moment they see how outnumbered they are. And hey, if they don't we can just have Poe scare the shit out of them until they do surrender."

"That's...a fair point..." I had to admit that he was right, he really was but...but it still didn't feel right to me.

Seeing my hesitation he smiled and continued. "Also do you really think Yama will just stand still when he finds out he may have to sit on the sidelines for another war?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "That's also a fair point."

"You are really fucking persuasive for a lazy piece of shit you know that." He simply grinned and shrugged.

"What can I say, it's a gift."

"Fine...fine I'll allow it, however only those who volunteer will be obligated to take part, I don't want to force people into taking part in a war that has nothing to do with them."

"That I can agree with..."