Chapter 47 The Battle Begins

(A/N. Hello everyone. I just have a little announcement to make before you get to the chapter. I've got a new story out on Scribble Hub, I'm not uploading it here however, I'm a little sick of this site if I'm being honest but I'm still going to be uploading this novel here however.

Anyway, the book is called Alternative Stories, go check it out if you so wish and reintroduce yourself if your name is different. My user name on Scribble Hub is the same by the way.)

=====Sometime before, third person pov======

"On your left!" An Abyssal Snow Devil yelled over the sounds of the fighting.

"Got it."

Things were going well, the combined armies of Tempest, the beast men and the abyss vastly outnumbered their opposition. The large number of pitfall traps and other automated traps created by Suu were only putting even more pressure on the enemy.

Men were dragged off into the sky by swarms of massive insects to be restrained and temporarily in prison, Abyssal Guardians fought in an orderly fashion within the chaos alongside their various allies, Abyssal Blank moved unseen across the battlefield helping all those they could and dragging the injured and suffering to safety. Everyone had some kind of a goal, a role to play but they all had one thing in common, no matter what side they were on they all knew to steer clear of a certain maniac rampaging through the conflict.

Said maniac was Yama, the same person who was currently laughing madly while occasionally arguing with a red flash of light that appeared and disappeared. "Stay out of my way you damn bug zapper!"

"Nothing but a mindless berserker." Rai huffed as he continued to knock out and paralyzed any of the enemies that he could find.

"Would you stop your damn bickering already, we have far more important things to worry about." Mika sighed in frustration but was clearly ignored by the two.

"Come on you pieces of shit! Fight me! FIGHT ME!" Yama roared and the valley shook with every step he made, molten magma leaking up through the cracks in the environment that he left behind.

Those that tried to run from him didn't get far as a blood red smoke was released from all over his body, said smoke shot across the battlefield almost like a pack of hungry predators chasing down their prey. Those that were unfortunate enough to breathe it in were filled with an overwhelming blood lust, their eyes turned red and their bodies were filled with adrenaline. They became like rabid animals that charged toward Yama without a care for their own lives, they literally pushed and shoved and crawled over each other like a horde of somewhat intelligent zombies.

What's more was that he found this to be an amazing event. He was surrounded by hundreds of people who only wanted to do one singular thing, kill him, and yet despite all of this he smiled and laughed in excitement.

Thankfully Yama had been placed in an area mostly by himself, this was done on purpose by Kaen to stop his own allies from getting caught up in his rampage. However, unbeknownst to Yama he would later be given a title from those who witnessed and heard the stories of his ravenous appetite for battle. The story of "The Rage Of War" would spread across the world after this event.

"Burn motherfuckers! BURN!"

"He certainly is enthusiastic..." Benimaru muttered as he watched Yama from above.

Kaen, who was next to him, could only sigh tiredly. "I apologize about that, he's an idiot that only thinks about fighting."

"Your friend doesn't seem to mind." Benimaru chuckled while motioning towards Poe who was sitting on Kaen's shoulder.

"That's Poe for you I suppose." The little bear wasn't really paying attention, after all he was far too focused on the battle going on below.

"Anyway, with the Abyss, Tempest and the beast men working together we should be guaranteed a victory."

"Don't be too over confident." Kaen hummed in an attempt to give some advice while narrowing his eyes somewhat. "Right now we have them completely boxed in like cornered animals and that, well, can be very dangerous."

Benimaru simply nodded at that before glancing at something overhead. "What are they by the way?"

What he was referring to was the dozens upon dozens of octopus-like creatures made of floating pieces of rock and debris as well as large amounts of black blood. They shot out powerful crimson red lasers made of chaotic plasma from their tendrils and varied in size from around ten to eighteen meters long. Flying along with them was a certain dragon and his followers that could be clearly seen by everyone who looked up into the sky.

Shinkusho and his dragons were helping these odd creatures, mostly because the canyon was somewhat narrow and having them strafe the area with flames and plasma would most definitely lead to friendly fire. Together the two groups worked as one to stop the enemy from leaving the canyon.

"Their beings that were created by our gigantic friend, lady Suu explained it like this, "the island is a massive floating carrier and its mindless minions are like its aerial fighters", not that I fully understand what it means but I do get the gist of it." Kaen explained with a tired look.


As those two continued to speak with one another things were somewhat heating up off in the distance, Gabiru and Suphia were fighting someone side by side, a bald man wearing light purple and black robes. Around the group were dozens of knocked out and injured individuals but none of them seem like they were in a life threatening situation.

"Is that all you have?" The bald man asked mockingly 

Suphia could only grit her teeth, she knew that they were losing this fight. "Damn it..."

Before this could continue however something happened. "Blood of my kin?" A sudden voice boomed causing everyone to stop.

"Shinkusho?" Gabiru ask in confusion at the appearance of the massive purple dragon.

"I smelled the blood of several half breeds." He muttered curiously as he looked down at the bald man.

"Well aren't you a mighty one indeed."

"I am Shinkusho, the guardian dragon of the abyss, who are you?" The very intimidating dragon growled as he lowered his head to glare into the eyes of the still smiling man.

"I am Middray, the one on the ground over there is Hermes." The man now known as Middray gesturing towards a white haired person wearing similar clothes to himself. "We are of the dragon faithful."

"You do not seem the type..." Shinkusho hummed in thought causing some confusion.


"Why do you fight for the puppet master?" 

Middray turn visibly red in anger when he heard that. "I don't! I fight for lady Milim!"

"Then you are on the wrong side my small friend." Shinkusho mused as the aggression he had just shown ebbed away somewhat. "Because from how I understand it your lady Milim and my creator are quite close to one another." 

"I presume you speak of miss Suu, I've heard som-hmmm?!" Middray suddenly stopped what he was about to say when a massive amount of energy was suddenly released all at once off in the distance.

From within the valley a being began to rise up into the air as it took shape and materialized, a being that was very familiar to those who knew of it. A massive blue creature that floated through the air, a creature with one singular eye and that was completely covered in shimmering scales, a being that looked somewhat like a fish.


"This is getting really annoying..." Kaen, who was still over with Benimaru muttered in irritation.

"Looks like I'll have to deal with this before it gets out of hand." 

Before the red head could do anything, Kaen spole up and stopped him. "Wait Benimaru."

"What is it?"

"Let's capture it alive." 

"C-capture it?!" Benimaru's jaw almost hit the floor when he heard that. "How would we even do that?!"

"Don't worry about that." Kaen mused as he glanced at the unassuming looking creature on his shoulder.


Benimaru was confused, said confusion was only increased when his companion said this. "Poe, you're up."

"The teddy bear?!"

(A/N. Coming soon, Chapter 48 Poe Vs Charybdis.)