Chapter 50 Sea Of Sliver

"This place is spoopy."

"Cautious we should be."

"I see everything everything EVERYTHING! I TASTE COLORS!"

"I like turtles..."

Hakurou was slightly confused by his newest ally and their rather odd behavior. "...I see"

Shuna, Souei, Hakurou and of course Legion were all currently together moving through a fog filled forest made up of dead and leafless trees. They were moving towards something, a massive castle that gave off a lot of bad vibes. To be more specific this was Clayman's fortress, a large building that had been built onto the side of a cliff and had a somewhat gothic appearance. Honestly was as if he was screaming, "look at me, look, I'm definitely not evil, just look at how welcoming my home is."

Anyway, the four of them were here for a rather simple purpose, to deal with anyone who had been left back here by Clayman to guard his territory. They also planned to quote and quote "rob him blind" a task that lady Suu had suggested in her infinite wisdom. In the end if Clayman manages to escape they might as well try to cripple him somewhat and if he doesn't, well, then Tempest gets a lot of goodies either way, goodies that could be shared with the beastmen kingdom to help with their rebuilding after the war.

"This appears to be blocking my magic detection." Hakurou who was still a little puzzled by Legion antics spoke up after a moment.

"Agreed..." Souei nodded as he kept his guard up.

As they continued to move, Shuna suddenly noticed that their new friend...friends? Anyway, they had just stopped in their tracks rather abruptly. "Hmmm? What is the matter?"

"There are lots of them."

"Bark bark! gurrrr!"


"This will be fun, hehe."

"Lots of wha-?" She was about to ask but stopped when she also sensed it as well, the horde that had trapped them in on all sides. "I see..."

"We're surrounded." Ninja boy hissed with narrowed eyes while Hakurou moved his hand to the sword he carried with him.

There were hundreds of them, possibly even more than that, it was hard to tell as even as they came forward the fog still greatly obscured those that were standing in the back. With a creaking of bones they shabbaled out into the open all around the group of four, their bodies barely standing up straight as they sued from side to side. Undead, their body's twitching as they came to a complete stop, their rotting flesh barely hanging onto their cracked and withered bones. It was a rather unpleasant sight to behold.

"The fog...they used it to lure us in." Shuna hummed in realization.

Souei gritted his teeth at that before turning to the others. "You three should escape while I hold them off."

"It's not that simple." Shuna sighed as a figure pushed its way through the undead. "Doesn't seem like they will allow us to leave here without a fight." The figure was a skeleton dressed as a priest of some kind, the aura he was releasing made it clear however that he was the one in charge of this horde.

"You're far stronger than most of Clayman's men..." The pink haired kijin almost immediately understood who this person was. "You must be Adalman Of The Five Fingers, The Index Finger."

"Indeed, I am who you say young miss." He chuckled before his expression turned dark, well, as expressive as a literal skeleton can look anyway. "And I suggest that you just give up, there will be no salvation for any of you."

Before any of the kijins could say anything to that Legion spoke up. "He thinks he is strong but he is not, he is weak weak weak!"

"They are nothing, nothing but tools destined to be disposed of once they are broken and shattered."

"What?" Souei asked when he heard that.

"Their movements are not their own, no they are not, no no no..."


"Now now now, there is no need for that."

"Hehe, yep, Suu Suu will be angry if we kill people who are fighting against their will, yep yep yep."

"The trees! The trees are watching us, they always have been! They see everything, everything!"

"Thou who follows, thou who walks, thou whose bones are bound to rot."

"So that's how it is..." Souei mused barely understanding what Legion was trying to say.

"Yes, I am bound by a spell and if I could break it I would, however that doesn't matter at the moment now does it." Adalman admitted with a shrug as the ominous blue flames that filled his eye sockets flicker and danced.

Souei simply sighed and moved forward with that ever calm expression of his. "Looks like we will have to fight our way out." He hummed and Hakurou could only nod in agreement.


And so the two male kijin of the group jumped into action, Souei sank into the shadows while Hakurou drew his sword and dashed forward towards Adalman with the intent to kill. Before Hakurou could land his attack however a surprisingly skilled undead swordsman intercepted him and a similar thing soon happened to Souei, well, his path was actually blocked by what Shuna called a death dragon but whatever.

Seeing that the battle was fully underway Shuna turned and spoke quickly. "Legion."


"Yes! We are Legion, it is we, Legion."

"Could you deal with the other undead?" Shuna asked while looking up at the metallic humanoid blob who answered as he always did, confusingly.

"Who the fuck do you think we are?!"

"I am horse."

"Damn right we ar-wait...what...?"

"You heard the lady, you maggots! Let's put these undead bastards back in the ground!"



Shuna could only watch in confusion as Legion screamed absolute nonsense while charging at the enemy like a lunatic. Sadly she had more important things to worry about and turn just as the normal undead began to move as well.

However that's when it happened, as the undead lumbered forward something shifted, something changed and Legion who was still screaming like a crazy person suddenly stopped in their tracks. The wind that had once been steadily whistling in the background grew quieter and quieter, finally going completely silent, the clouds that had been drifting across the sky slowly stilled before coming to a complete stop. Everything and I mean everything just came to a stop as the world seemed to freeze.

It was as if time was slowing down, the color and life seemed to just drain away from everything, the world became cold and hollow. Legion simply stood, they were the only ones seemingly not frozen after all. Anyway, all the souls inside of its body had become silent, a change that was rare compared to the chaos that usually filled their mind, however they all knew what this meant, what this was.

It was then that something spoke, something truly ancient, a voice that few had ever heard as it usually slept surrounded by thousands of souls. The voice was male, it was calm, steady and direct.

"Overwhelm. Restrain."

""""Direction obtained."""" All of the voices within Legion suddenly spoke as one being, and as they did the world returned to normal and everything began to move once more.

Instantly Legion began to move, their body rapidly expanding and flowing outwards becoming a literal tsunami of silver that washed over not only the battlefield but everything in the area and beyond. It looked as if a literal sea of molten metal had suddenly just appeared and smothered the surrounding landscape for miles around.

The lesser undead were almost immediately overtaken, their bodies being washed away by the rapid current that had slammed into them. However this wasn't water, this silver liquid was alive and they were soon trapped, like flies in case in amber they found it nearly impossible to escape as the substance rapidly changed density and thickness becoming almost like rubber in a way.

And so only when all of the normal undead were captured did Legion's mind return to its normal chaotic self. "We did it!"


"We caught them all, so I guess that means we're the very best that there ever was."

"Is no one else freaking out by the fact that we have hundreds of rotting undead trapped within our body?"


"Glory to the first born!"

"...What now?"