Chapter 56 He Died How He lived...

"Why should I do that?" Milim asked with a happy expression

"Huh?" Several people said at the same time, all of which were rather surprised by this sudden shift.

(Looks like all of the fun has come to an end, oh well, I was getting tired anyway.) I hummed while snapping my fingers causing my Domain Of Horrors to disappear.

"Rimuru and the others are my friends silly, and I'd never hurt birdy, nope nope nope." That last part caused me to look away much to Milim's amusement.

"Wait!" Rimuru suddenly spoke up with a shocked look on his face. "Milim you're not under some kind of spell or, well, anything like that at all?!"

"That's right, it seems that I have successfully fooled you Rimuru."

"Hold up, so you weren't under his control at all this whole time?" He asked and she simply puffed out her chest proudly.

"Nope." Her answer caused some murmuring but the most notable thing that happened was that Clayman's jaw basically hit the floor at that point.

Deciding to tease Rimuru a little I slowly shook my head from side to side. "Seriously dad, you really need to listen to your partner more instead of just blocking her out whenever you feel like it." I sighed, causing him to flinch in realization.

Seeing what I was doing Veldora seemingly decided to join in as well. "Indeed, it was completely obvious."

I almost let out a laugh when I noticed Rimuru's shocked and somewhat embarrassed expression at our words, however I managed to keep it in for now. Either way though, it is his own fault for not listening to a certain someone when he had the chance to.

"WHAT!" It was at this point that an annoying asshole finally had enough and decided to start whining like a bitch again. "Impossible! I used the mind control stone he gave me, now is it that this idio-"

Before he could finish that last part of his sentence I stopped him, I caused his mouth to painfully slam shut all of a sudden, he was actually rather lucky that he hadn't bitten his own tongue off at that moment. "We wouldn't want for another accident to happen, now would we?"

"Awwww, you do care." Milim smiled, causing me to blush ever so slightly.

"Anyway, did you really think that I could be controlled by such a pathetic trinket like this?" She mused while turning her gaze away from me as she ripped that necklace from her body and tossed it at Clayman down below. "So now answer me this Clayman, who is this mysterious benefactor of yours?"

"You suspected that something was going on from the start? Then why did you have to kill Carrion?" Rimuru asked and immediately got an answer, however said answer didn't come from Milim.

"Who said that I was dead?"

So yeah, Carrion was alive, in fact he was hiding in plain sight of everyone present, not that it really surprised me at all. That can't be said for some others however, in fact Rimuru was one of the few who seemingly hadn't realized it at all. I had a feeling that he'd be apologizing to Raphael for quite some time in the near future.

Additionally it turns out that Frey was also somewhat on our side as well, she was working alongside Milim to expose Clayman apparently. Literally almost all of Clayman's supposed allies had turned out to just be using him, even that fox that Ranga was fighting had turned against him once Rimuru freed it from the bastard's control.

The next couple of moments went by quickly to say the least. Clayman began babbling out in rage when he realized that he had literally exposed himself and his plans to everyone present, however he was quickly shut up when Shion cut his arms and legs off with surprising ease. Guy also took this time to drop that green spatial barrier or whatever it was, once he noticed that the fighting was over that is.

Things dramatically calmed down after that as everyone began to talk to each other nonchalantly, actually the atmosphere had become way more relaxed then I was expecting it to. "I'm surprised you were able to keep your head on straight despite everything that was happening."

Hearing Frey's praise Milim laughed happily. "I know I know, I'm amazing."

"Good job chopping his limbs off." I hummed as I stepped next to Shion who immediately got a proud look on her face.

"Why thank you."

(These two are surprisingly similar to each other.) I chuckled to myself before noticing that a certain red head was watching me from his seat curiously.

"Got something to say or what?"

My somewhat annoyed sounding question didn't seem to bother him all that much, in fact he simply smiled mysteriously before shrugging lightly. "You piqued my interest as all, after all I haven't seen one of your kind in a long time."

"And your point is?

"Like I said, you peaked my interest as all, however I am interested to see if this is a one time thing or if you'll manage to keep my attention in the future as well."

(What a damn weirdo...) I thought as I turned away from him and glanced around only to see Carrion glaring at a very nervous looking Milim.

"I'm sorry, okay!"

"You destroyed my entire capital city! Sorry doesn't cut it!"

I sighed as I stepped away, I could tell that this would probably take some time. (I'll just wait for them to get it all out of their systems.)

"Oh yeah!" Before I could get too far from the others however a pink blur slammed into my chest. "Birdy!"

"H-h-hey Milim."

"Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!" She asked with stars in her eyes.

"I...errm...I g-guess"

(God damn it Suu!) I thought while trying my best to hide my growing embarrassment, a task that I was currently failing at rather significantly. (You've literally fought giant monsters and cultists, so why can't you keep your composure around her.)

"You're still as cute as ever I see." That finally broke me if the redness on my face was anything to go by.

Rimuru, the man who I called father, the one who was currently grinning in great amusement at my present predicament could only laugh and say. "You really need to teach me how you do that."

"What can I say, it's a gift." She said while sticking out her tongue at him but suddenly her attention was pulled elsewhere. "Hmmmmm?"

"What's the matte-?" Rimuru tried to say but couldn't finish as just then a wave of violent purple energy hit us as well as everyone else in the room with us.

Turns out that Clayman still had some kick left in him, he was seemingly starting to awaken as a true demon lord if what I was sensing and seeing was correct anyway. Despite this fact something was definitely off, he shouldn't have had enough souls to advance but that didn't really matter at the moment now did it.

Overall he looked far more demonic than his normal appearance, he even grew three sets of arms made of the same purple energy that surrounded him, as well as some new legs. Parts of his body were also covered in black armour like plates and I had to admit the mask on his face was a good touch, it actually made him look a little intimidating.

None of this meant that I was threatened by this little display in the slightest however, in fact I found it kind of boring to watch to be honest. It was also kind of sad in a way, like watching a wounded and mentally stupid animal trying to fight back when it clearly has no chance of winning.

(This is just pathetic.) I sighed internally with a slight role of my eyes.

"So this...this is what it feels like..." Clayman muttered as he laughed to himself and looked at his own hands, sadly for him however I decided to ruin his little moment or whatever this was

"Zeref, put an end to this shit show already."

"Assss you sssso command."

"Huh?" For his credit Clayman was able to notice the large snake-like man but not before he appeared behind him and lightly placed a single hand on his shoulder.

"Mana Rot..."