Chapter 3 Rift Gate

"So...would you mind explaining exactly what your plan is to me." Rimuru asked as he sat in front of me.

"Right, about that." I hummed, before getting into what I was actually planning on doing exactly. "I already talked to the others about it and I've decided to start construction just north west of Tempest on the outskirts of town."

"Why there of all places?" He asked, causing me to just shrug slightly.

"Mostly because there hasn't been any plans up until this point to actually build anything over there just yet. Even though it's pretty heavily forested over there, that won't be much of a problem for me to fix on my own."

"Makes sense I guess."

The problem we were currently facing was not exactly what I would consider a major problem at the moment but we were starting to get some complaints. In the end we really didn't want this to get out of hand so we decided to just fix it now instead of waiting for later. Basically the issue boils down to the fact that some abyssal creatures weren't exactly very precise with how they opened up their gateways, a fact that has caused one or two accidents in the short amount of time that has passed since their arrival.

How were we going to fix this you may ask, well, that was the simple part to be honest with only the execution of the plan being a bit time consuming on my part. What it is that I'm going to be doing is building a permanent rift gate leading from Tempest to the Abyss. I hadn't done this before of course, however I didn't believe that it would be all that hard for me to actually complete within a somewhat reasonable amount of time.

"You plan to set up multiple of these in the abyss as well, right?"

Hearing that question I answered with a slight yawn as I continued to explain. "I'll have to, for all of this to actually work we need multiple gates, actually it's kind of my fault that we're in this current situation." I chuckled, not really regretting my past actions. "I had wanted the different species of the abyss to get a better sense of who they are as a people, as a result I had asked each group to set up their own individual outposts. Unfortunately because of this decision of mine they are all camped out in different places within the abyss, a fact that somewhat complicates things for us a little."

(I still need to make some time to go and see what exactly they've all been up to.) I thought to myself, I had been pretty focused on my experiments up until now so I hadn't really been keeping up to date with some things going on around town.

"I see..." He mused while sipping from a cup he had on his desk.

"I may be able to use them in other ways as well, once I get a better understanding of how it all works that is."

"What do you mean?"

"I may be able to set up a kind of interconnected warp network, basically I could potentially connect all of the cities that we have friendly relationships with together allowing for faster and safer traveling between them." That got his interest, I could tell by the childish look in his eyes that he liked the idea. "Of course that whole thing will take some time to develop and we'll need to put some countermeasures in place just in case, however for now I'm more focused on fixing the chaos currently going on." He nodded at that, after all we had to fix our own problems first before we could do anything else.

"Right, I've put out some warnings on the subject but accidents are still happening every now and then."

The bulk of the problem at first was mostly because of the Gargoyles and their damn antics, they of course didn't really give much of a fuck at all, in fact they found the whole situation kind of hilarious much to my annoyance. However, they quickly got their act together when Yama found out that his sparring match that he had planned to have with Benimaru was suddenly postponed. This was mostly because the redhead had to deal with a certain accident, an accident that had occurred thanks to some bloody fool opening up an abyss gate in the middle of the street right in front of an incoming carriage. 

(Those idiots really do only have a one track mind.) I thought with a shake of my head.

Sighing somewhat to myself I continued speaking. "I already have Fuyuko and Rai working on it, they'll make sure that things go a little more smoothly until I can get this all up and running."

"Until then I'll have the guard patrols continue to keep an eye out as well just in case." He responded, causing me to nod in agreement.

"That would probably be for the best." 

"Moving on though, when do you think Shuna, Legion and the others will get back?" I hummed questioningly.

"Shouldn't be that long now, I'm honestly more worried about Diablo, I just hope that he follows the plan that I set out for him."

"I'm sure it will be fine."  Honestly, with how Diablo was I just couldn't see him not doing everything in his power to get the plan completed successfully.

"Probably..." He mumbled into his cup. "By the way, what do you plan on doing about that cultist base? The one that those guys you captured told us about."

(Right, I had almost forgotten about that.) I thought before quickly coming up with an answer.

"For now I'll leave it be, after all they are probably on high alert after losing so many of their pawns." I explained while leaning back in my seat. "For now we should make them think we know nothing, don't want them causing more trouble for us after all. Once things have settled down however I'll try and get some spies into their ranks to uncover what the hell is going on with them."

"I guess that's fine for now then."

With that all sorted out we chatted for a bit about various things, it was rather fun to just sit back and relax like this while talking to him. Anyway, while this was pleasant and all, good things must come to an end eventually, after all I had a lot of crap that I needed to get done so I couldn't stay here all day.

"Welp, I should get going." I yawn with a slight smile on my face. 

"Got plans?" He asked and I nodded in confirmation.

"I'm planning on checking up on everyone and seeing how they're all settling in. And as for the gate, well, I'll get some of my clones to clear out the area while I'm at it."

"Want me to go and ask the dwarf brothers if they'll lend a hand?" Rimuru asked, causing me to pause and think for a second.

"Don't bother, I plan on checking up on how things are going anyway, so I'll ask them myself when I see them." I mused while stretching out my body.

"Alright then."

(First let's go check the main road, see if anyone is over there right now.) I thought as I got to my feet.

"I wonder what everyone has been up to..."