Chapter 8 Haven Of Life

Things went really quickly after that, Hiiro and his two companions began to explain the situation in more detail to us all. I, for the most part, didn't really pay much attention as I wasn't going with them anyway, in fact I spent most of the meeting just thinking about various personal projects that I needed to get done at some point.

Additionally however I also put some thought into an idea that I had just thought of a moment ago, an idea related to the old village of Benimaru and the other Kijin. Unfortunately I had no real reason to believe that this little plan of mine would even work the way I hoped, however until I confirmed that it did or didn't work I'd have to keep my mouth shut, after all there was no point in getting their hopes up only for it not to work.

Anyway, I was currently standing outside watching as Rimuru and his little diplomatic expedition got on their way. Of course that left me in charge of Tempest as well as the two very powerful entities that could destroy a country with relative ease, basically I was a glorified babysitter.

"Welp...they're gone now." I hummed to myself.

"That means that we can spend time together!" Milim said happily and I tried my best not to blush bright red when she grabbed my arm. "You said you had something really cool to show me right? Right?!"

"Well, I didn't expect to see you so soon..." I muttered only for her and Veldora to look over at me with pleading eyes. "Why the hell are you giving me puppy dog eyes as well?!"

After glaring at the stupid lizard for a minute I finally gave in. "Fine!" I huffed but the cute smile on Milim's face caused my feelings of annoyance to vanish rather quickly. "Okay okay, I suppose I could use some help stress testing my sub worlds a bit but before we get to that however I need to get a few things done and out of the way, things that I've been putting off for a while now."

"That's fine by me."

"Same here."

(Way to be a third wheel Veldora...) I sighed at the latters intention to seemingly tag along.

"Please just be patient while I'm gone and don't cause any trouble." I sighed with a somewhat blank look.

"Okay, I'll wait for you right here." Milim hummed as she sat down on the ground in front of me.

"As will I." Why did I have the feeling they wouldn't sit still for long?

Despite my wariness I opened up a portal and stepped into the abyss while waving goodbye to them. (Let's just hope that Tempest is still fully intact by the time I return.)

As the portal closed behind me I glanced around at the rather interesting environment, the sea of black blood that filled the sky, the plants that were all a mixture of white, black, gray and silver. And yet despite this bland yet somewhat beautiful scenery there was still colour to be found in this place. As for what I meant, well, the animals that I had created from the corpses had definitely not wasted any time getting down to "business". Of course that didn't mean that their population had exploded just yet, however they had definitely started to multiply and thanks to the enhanced growth speed that I had given them things were coming along nicely.

Anyway, there were several things I had to get done, however my first objective was to visit a rather large friend of mine. My mission was simple, fine the giant floating island, a task that shouldn't be too difficult, and finally give them the name that I spent so long thinking up for them.

"Welp, let's get searching." I mused as I pulled out my wings and flew up into the air.

(I just hope they like what I came up with considering the wait that I ended up putting them through.)

As I previously said, finding them wasn't hard, it did take me a bit longer then I was expecting mostly because I underestimated just how big the abyss really was but eventually I found them after some time of searching. To my surprise however they had changed somewhat from when I last saw them, they hadn't noticed me yet so I just watched them in stunned silence from where I was. They were currently using their tendrils to absorb a fucking mountain into themselves to increase their overall size by ripping massive chunks out of it with some kind of gravity manipulation skill before then fusing said chunks to their body.

"Well...this is...unexpected..." Honestly they were massive already, as such the idea that they could actually increase their volume even more was a little shocking I'm not gonna lie.

(Welp, might as well go over and say hi.) I thought as I flapped my wings.

As I approached I noticed that their rather large eye had turned to look over at me. " are you?" I asked a little awkwardly as a voice that was neither male or female spoke in my head.


"Cool, sorry for interrupting whatever it is you're doing currently, however I'm here to finally give you that name I promised a while ago." I announced expecting some kind of emotional response but got this instead.

'I...see...' They spoke in a slow and respectful manner, yet despite this their speech was also so monotoned that it was rather difficult for me to get a gist on their emotions, without using my skills that is.

(Well shit, this isn't exactly how I expected it to go...)

"Before I do name you however I have to ask, is there currently any living creature on your surface." I coughed trying to stop my internal thoughts from showing on my face. "Naming you is not a problem but I'm afraid of what might happen to all those currently living on your body, after all you possibly evolving from this may cause some issues for them."

According to them most of their residences had moved into one of the territories belonging to my underlings, this meant that their surface was currently only housing several thousand Abyssal creatures. These creatures had been living on them before their "birth", they had all been turned by accident as a result of that event. I was also surprised to learn that my large friend had become quite fascinated with both botany and biology, a fact that I hadn't seen coming from a giant...fleshy...island...thing...?

"Well, if that is the case would you mind teleporting them off of you? So that they don't accidentally get harmed in the process."

'' They responded, all the while they began to do as I asked without hesitation.

"Thank you." I mused as I waited for them to finish their task.

It surprisingly didn't take them all that long though, in fact it only took a couple of moments before every living creature on their surface was evacuated. ''

"Very well then." I hummed with a slight smile on my face. "From this day forward you will be known as Nirvana, The Haven Of Life." The moment those words left my mouth I felt nearly seventy percent of my magical energy get pulled out of me before I could even register what had just happened.

(Welp...this is either a really good thing or a really bad thing...) I thought to myself as I watched a truly massive sphere of violently pulsing black energy surround the newly named Nirvana on all sides.

It took quite a while for Nirvana's evolution to be complete but once it had, well, it was quite the sight to put it mildly. Their bodies had grown significantly to the point that I had to fly quite a distance away to get a better look at them. Additionally the top part of their form was now covered in mountainous terrain that was blanketed with massive trees and rather horrifying plant life such as giant venus fly traps that could probably swallow an elephant hole.

Moving on from there, they had also grown several more tendrils that were covered in sharp and jagged bone like plates that seemed to spark with violet electricity every now and then. As well as that they had also grown what appeared to be a beak of some kind at the bottom of their body, like what an octopus has just far more deadly and gruesome looking. Checking their status I found that they had evolved into an Abyssal World Fragment, a fact that made me both interested and nervous to know what they would become next.
