Can't you see that I'm eating?

"The awakened and the unawakened. " General Gavin grinned.



The humans were confused by what general Gavin had said.

"You know earthlings. I'm very happy that you know the word silence, but I don't want you earthlings to be all day silent, and perhaps. You might experience an.... '' General Gavin was gonna do a threatening speech, but general Vrekerd approached him; whispered into his ears.

"Hey Gavin. I think the earthlings doesn't know what is, 'awakened and unawakened thing." General Vrekered whispered to Gavin.

"Oh sorry. I explain to them quickly. "

"Listen well earthlings. Awakened humans are different from the unawakened one's. They can use mana to cast any element depending on their awakening structure ability. While the unawakened humans are different, they can't cast any element because their mana pools aren't fully built. Or just a mana pool that can't accept mana from the start. The unawakened humans can only use ki techniques or any Ki manipulation techniques to strengthen their body and enhance their five senses, and that's what the difference lies between the Unawakened humans and the awakened ones. So earthlings you probably understand now right? I want you earthlings to group yourselves into two. The Awakened to the left and the unawakened to the right. '' General Gavin said while clapping his hands, gesturing to move fast.

The crowd instantly separated themselves. The awakened were more than a thousand, while the unawakened humans were only eleven, and rein was one of them.

General Gavin stared at rein when rein was moving to the left side of the Palace.

"So he's really an unawakened huh?" General Gavin Murmured to himself .

"See?? What did I tell you! He's just an ordinary brat that's just trying to show off!! You should just try to listen to me. My instincts are sharper than yours. " General Vrekerd said. Trying to compete who's instincts are strong.

"I really, really hate those two ears of yours vrekerd. It's very annoying and very disrupting. Can you just stop prying unto my life?"

"Hahaha!! sorry sorry again Gavin. So what do you think about that unawakened brat?" General vrekerd said while patting the shoulders of General Gavin.

"There's really more to him than meets the eye. I haven't felt this too cautious before. Except for that dungeon raid whose ruler is from a demon army. I should be careful around him, and that's what my instincts said to me. " general Gavin said, while putting down vrekerd hands away from his shoulders.

General Gavin started talking again when he found out that the crowd was arranged depending on the awakened and unawakened.

"First of all. I want to introduce myself, even though I'm not quietly fond of it. Well my name is Gavin Asgrath from the Asgrath royal family. I specialized in fire and water elements, and I will be the one who will be handling the awakened earthlings. Nice to meet you all." General Gavin said while smiling beneath his blue mask. He gestured to general vrekerd that it is now his time to do his introduction.

"Hmm ahem! ahem! hello again earthlings! You've probably know me now because I've introduced myself earlier, but incase for the ones that have forgotten. My name is Vrekerd don't have any last name, and I specialized in Ki manipulation techniques. Nice to meet you all! ,and I be also handling this eleven unawakened, mediocre earthlings here. "General vrekerd pointed at the unawakened earthlings at the left side of the Palace.

The awakened earthlings nearly want to laugh upon the unawakened students, about how unlucky and untalented they are. They've just tried to hold it in because the generals was on the verge of doing their speech, and they can't afford to pissed them off again.

—It was night when the two generals were done talking and touring the earthlings around the Palace. They have talked more about

the Palace and the rooms that the earthlings can have access in.

The Palace was large, it has four storeys and every storeys have twenty rooms, accompanied with ten maidservant. The room that the awakened earthlings can have access to. Was in third and fourth floor, while the unawakened earthlings were only in one large room on the second floor.

The outside of the palace consists of flowers and trees. It has many different kinds of unknown colorful flowers and trees planted around. Thereupon just by looking at the beautiful natures will make your mind be at peace and get fascinated by it.

—Hence near besides the large garden is the soldiers training ground, and it is where the eleven unawakened earthlings will be forced to train.

The surface of the training ground is all made of sand, and alongside the center of it consist of hundreds of wooden training dummies. It has a large field itself, if you compare it to a basketball court, it probably needs two or three of it.

The awakened earthlings are different. They will be trained on the forest of doom by general Gavin and Cecil. They will be trained how to control their element, and how to use their mana properly.

They also are trained how to fight a mana beast, and what is the way to find their weaknesses.

On the contrary after the touring of the generals has ended. The King announced a greeting party for the arrival of the earthlings. It was located in the living room where the King throne is found.

Red chairs and tables were plastered everywhere. Unknown different kinds of foods were inside in the large golden plate. The other world chicken was more like an ostrich or Swan to earth, it has a long neck with long beaks around it.

Hence their pig was also like a boar on earth. Just a little larger with an extra horn on its forehead. Which is too scary to look at, yet very tasty to eat. It reminded rein more than a birthday party from a rich human from earth more than a Buffet.

Rein was just eating different kinds of unknown foods in his red table. Thus there was someone who was poking fingers non-stop at his back. He was annoyed by it. So he tried to drive it away without trying to find out who it was.

"Mwhat?! Cwant you see twat haym Hweating!!"

"Hello Rein!! It's me Kim your beautiful childhood friend." She smiled at Rein who was munching different kinds of food at his mouth.


As rein tried to turn his head away from his food, trying to find out who it was. He found out that it was his childhood friend named Kim Stayne. Which surprised him very much hence made him choke at his food.