Awarding Ceremony

"Though, this may be a rude side of me but—Rein, are you aware of how strong your power is?"

"Power? "

With a puzzled and confuse face, Rein could only open his mouth in agape. His mind were all fruitless and blank, there were no possible questions that he could think and ask.

Without a further ado. Rein started to respond with a baffled face,

"Wha—what do you mean? "

"So you aren't aware of it. "

With the reply of general Gavin. Rein could only thought of nothing, that reply were not the ones that he wanted. It was just like, he was trying to looped Rein head in confusion.

"Please be specific, I wanted to know what I'm unaware of. "

"To tell you the truth. Even I can't comprehend and understand your powers, but the only thing that I know about it, is that ' those powers that you hold are extremely dangerous, and can be a threat even to us humans if lost on its path. "

"I—I can't still understand what you are trying to say. Also how did you know that I had powers? I'm an unawakened. We don't have even a slightest of mana. "

"As you can see, I had an ability—an innate ability that can see through dangerous and calamitous being. An ability that is called an primal instinct—I've inherited it from my parents and my parents inherited it from their ancestors. That's why my ability don't lie, So far in now you don't have any mana or magical abilities. But what in future? Can you escape your future?"

"I... don't really have an idea of what is going on. "

"Even I don't know what is going on. I tried to forget about you, I tried to forget all about your dangerous ability. Everyday when I thought about it, I got the all small-fibers of my body stand in fear. I really tried to forget about it—thinking that my innate ability must had calculate and gone wrong. But I was the one who was wrong when I saw you using vrekerd skills. "

Rein was agape, ... He doesn't know what to reply from general Gavin confusing words. He just put down his wooden sword and gaze at general Gavin sitting on the bench.


"As you can see rein. Vrekerd skills are all about aura and ki manipulation, and to learn just one of it—takes more than half a year or even more. But you... You had learn half of his skills just in a month. I—I really can't imagine how beast you can become if trained for more than a few years."


"Okay, I'm trying to get a little grasp of the situation. So what you are trying to say about me is that, I am a dangerous, calamitous being and should be guided well to prevent chaos from happenings. Thats what you are trying to say right?"

"Yeah, it is."

"I'm really speechless right now... There's no way my half aquired ability from general vrekerd could bring disasters into this world right? Also what can a ki and aura manipulation could possibly do."

"You're right. Vrekerd abilities and techniques couldn't bring much disasters and chaos into this world, but what I'm scared of aren't those abilities, but your magical abilities. "

"Mag—magical abilities!? I—I don't even have a little mana to make.... "

Gesturing his blistering hands, General Gavin interrupted rein booming voice,

"Those are not the abilities that I had saw in my dreams—The one that I had saw were all dark, a dark and disastrous being that brings calamities throughout the cities. A being with no life and emotion that plays through the lives of the innocent people... A dreadful being that absorbs through the remaining life that he will saw.... "

"Uh, thats probably a fake, and if that person is probably real then it ain't me. "

"Yeah, I hope so... But no matter what happens rein, no matter how hard the situation is, 'just remember to not lose your path."

General Gavin monotonously said, as he shifted his body and adjust his blue mask, leaving the sanded unawakened training ground without a prompt.

Rein was left unto the training ground. He was quietly in thought—knowing that nothing could be gain from it but darkness.

He picked up his wooden sword on the sanded ground, and started hitting the wooden dummy vigorously again.

Meanwhile, inside the palace where the awarding ceremony is going on.

General vrekerd roared loudly in the center of the stage.

"Where—where dafuq are vishan and rein!?"

General vrekerd crisply voice were all echoing throughout the room, his voice made the King who is quietly sitting at his throne, and the people who were gathering around startled in shocked.

The King then spoke to him politely, "Vrekerd, Don't forget about your manners."

"I'm—I'm very sorry about that your majesty. I... I was just having an little problem here. "

"Then what is it? "

"Actually, two of my students hadn't arrive.... "

"Then let's forget about them and move to the awarding ceremony. Time is ticking you know that right?"

"Yes, your majesty. "

"Then let the awarding ceremony start, 'Clang the bell. "

With the clanging sound of the large bell. The persons with high-honors then head out to the stage with their silver armors equipped.

The first batch of awardees were the awakened humans from earth like, Emmy, Grey and pina. And the next batch were the unawakened humans.

The two generals; Vrekerd and Cecil then started to hand off a purple badge.

A badge that could show their rank and status towards the continent.

The one who is sternly holding the purple badges to hand out to the two general's was Kim Stayne. Her face were all dark and gloomy as she handed the purple badges unto the two generals.

With a mischievous gaze, the awakened human who aren't entered from the awarding ceremony were all envious, as they gaze at the unawakened human from earth who are just leisurely walking unto the stage.

They felt despise, why is it that the non-gifted humans were all given awards while the more superior-gifted humans were not!

They were all staring daggers at them, as they sat on their chair blabbering about the incident earlier about Kaz Retro they were brought in fear. It was an emotion that they couldn't express, especially when they saw that black-haired guy who made Kaz Retro piss unto his armor.

Kim Stayne were just emotionlessly handing the purple badges, yet in a few fraction of moments there was a loud booming voice....

"Ahh wait!! I'm here!! Vishan is here! "

Vishan dashed heading to the stage. He was wearing an white impeccable outfit.

Like a noble in disguise. He shake the hands of almost all people who are standing infront of the awarding ceremony.

He shake the hands of the Royal Knights, high-class nobles and even the King. But when he had reached the two generals, who are beastly gazing at him.

He just took out the purple badge on general vrekerd blistering hands.

Without a further ado. He then attached the purple badge into his white impeccable polo- shirt.

The badge were all like an square purple gem with a small triangular amethyst in the middle.

Vishan gazed at the purple gem happily, before leaving the room triumphantly.

He was happily heading down unto the red carpet stairs until someone grabbed his neck....

"Hoy, why are you the only one arriving here. Where's rein? "

"Ahh, rein? He's with general Gavin, also he spoke to me that he would just catch up. "

"Gavin? What does he want from my pupil huh? Also where is he?"

"He's in the training ground?"

"Training ground!? What are they doing in there! "

Hearing that Kim Stayne and general Cecil was brought up from their thoughtless emotion.

General Cecil face were all in disdain, while Kim face has started to grow bright in emotions.

"Then what will happen unto this remaining badge?! This is only one time in his whole life that he can receive badge!!"

"Vrekerd minimize your voice." The King said monotonously.

"I'm very sorry your majesty. "

"Uh, then I will give.... "

"I will give it to him. " Kim interrupted.