An Incoming Disaster

"If only we had...."General Cecil replied to Gavin with an eye's of despair.

"What do you mean Cecil? "

"What is your [acquired spirit] trying to say to you? "

"He hasn't said anything. "

"So, that acquired spirit of yours is not as reliable as it can seem to be. "

"My [primal instinct] isn't acquired, it is passed down from generations to generations. "

"Stop calling that acquired spirit of yours as a [primal instinct] " Cecil added, "You can't change the fact that it is useless today. "

"Just wait, I'm trying to communicate with him again. "

"Just don't try.... " Cecil muttered.

"Why, Is there anything wrong? "


On the other side of the contrary where the unawakened humans were trying to wake up Rein.

Kaz Retro couldn't muster up to hold his temper. He then tries to punch Rein with his golden gauntlet.

"Eat this and wake up bitch!"


"Hey, what are you doing! "

Kaz tried to punch Rein's face with all his might, but Vishan caught it by using his shield.

"You annoy me bitch. Let me punch him, I need a revenge for what he did to me. "

"Do it when he wakes up! You are a coward!"

"A coward? Then I will wait for him when he wakes up. Watch as how I break his legs! "

"What break my legs? "

Rein woke up and move towards Kaz. The two of them were madly gazing at each other.

"Oh, so you finally woke up? The dungeon raid is done anyway. So, let's fight! "

"How can you say that it is done? Is it finally cleared? "

"Can't you see that the goblins are staring at us like they are accepting their defeat? Well, I can't blame you because you are a coward that froze on his first dungeon raid. "

Rein then look at his surroundings. It was all filled with the dead bodies of the awakened humans. Everywhere he looks was all bloods and violet fluids of the dead Goblin King.

"Hey Rein, what is our next move? " asked Vishan," will we only try to protect the remained awakened humans? "

Rein then shook his head in disagreement, and said, "No, we are leaving this place."

Rein then took out his sword at his back while heading back to the dungeon black large gate.

"Hey! Where are you going, you coward!! Fight me! "


"Rein where are you trying go?! " Vishan asked.

"We need to leave this place as soon as possible. Don't ask let's just hurry and head to the surface."

"Wait Rein, what about the rest of the team? "

"Call them as fast as you can. I will give you ten-seconds. "

"Okay! I be back! "

Vishan then called out the rest of his team. Craymark, Derek, Caroll, Blast, Yuer, Charles, Brooke, Lopard and Ferfer were the only ones left that he called. They then run towards Rein with their weapons all worn and equipped.

"Where are we going Rein?" Blast asked.

"We are leaving this place. "

"If we are leaving this place then what will happen to the rest of the people here? Also, how can we leave, the entrance gate are surrounded by the goblins."

Derek then shouted in excitement, "So what, They aren't moving are they?! Let's kill them!"

"No, that's suicide! " Craymark replied.

Rein then closed his eye for a moment. He was not doing any sword stance. Rather, he is trying to enhance his five senses.

[Your time is almost up human. Hehehe.]

Rein enhanced his sense of hearing to receive the voice that is talking inside of him.

"You are the one who told me that this situation is extremely dangerous! Tell me how to get out of this place! "

"Who are you talking to Rein? " Caroll asked.

Everyone around Rein was all confused. He was talking to someone else that can't be seen—an invisible...

"Is he becoming crazy? " Derek muttered.

"Shh, shut up, or he will hear you. " Blast whispered.

Rein didn't mind their interrupting voices. He was very busy communicating to someone he didn't know, and also that someone calls himself as his inner-self which Rein can't really comprehend.

[Human, I advise you to run before it will be the end of yourself.]

"You are always saying run, and leave this place as fast as you can, but you are not telling me what will happen unto this place! "

[Hehehe, it is not my obligation to take care of you, nor it is not my obligation to help you. I'm just doing what I feel, and I feels like giving you a hunch of what will happen unto this place. ]

"Just tell me already what will happen into this place. "

[Hehehe, how about you examine it?]

Rein then gaze at his surroundings. The remained humans were all proceeding unto their groups, while the two Generals are still talking among themselves. Kim, Kaz, Emmy, Rassald and Grey were all in one group. They are all talking something about what to do about the remained green-like goblins who are all surrounding them.

Rein then gaze at the goblins who are surrounding them. Front, sides, back. It was all complete 360°. The goblins are surrounding them with a short-sword and iron-bow all-over their green bony hands.

Although, the goblins weren't moving, but they are like guarding. It's like someone is ordering them—commanding them to guard the remained humans at the place.

"We are trapped. " Rein muttered to himself.


"Just who really are you? I thought you were me! Why are you not trying to help me!? "

[Oho, I never said that I was you. I only said I was the opposite of you. You are good, and I am bad. That's all it matters.]

"Is it fun to watch us humans die? " Rein asked the person inside himself.

[Indeed, it is. Hehehe.]

"You are a maniac. "

[What's a maniac? But I take it as a compliment. ]

"... There's no point in talking to you. "

[Well, since you made my day happy. I will give you a little head-start. The little goblins are trying to summon something. Something big that you humans will be awe in surprise. Hehehe....]

"What are you trying to say! Speak it out now!"

[Oho? Sorry but I don't feel like telling it.]

It was no point to talking to someone calling himself as his inner-self. That someone weren't trying to give him aid, rather, that someone were trying to make the situation more worse than before.

On the contrary, where the two Generals are talking, Cecil then pulled out his two large swords into the ground.

She gazes at Gavin and said, "We are trapped, more or less it be hard for us to get out. The entrance of this dungeon is covered by something. Probably some stones or some trunks of the trees or a large creature going heading unto this way."

"We're trapped? So, that's how I can't contact my spirit."

"Yes, our manas are slowly depleting because of the low of oxygen. We can't stay in this place any longer or our lives will be at stake. How many goblins are surrounding us, your hunch."

"Probably a few thousands or more. "

"We need to save up our remaining manas. Help me take on the goblins. "

"Sure. "

General Gavin and Cecil then ordered the remaining humans to slaughter the green-like goblins that were surrounding them.

"Slay them all! Don't leave one alive! "

"Screech! "

The goblins tried to fought back, but they were all overpowered by the humans. Their small shields were all cut while their short sword were all broken. Some of them tried to escape by using the dark tunnel all around the place, but was all massacres by Kaz Retro.

"Die, die, die!! "

Kaz Retro was killing the small green-like goblins non-stop. He was all bound with electricity while wearing his silver helmet and armor.

"Don't use your mana too much Retro! " Gavin shouted.

"Shut up! I know how to use my mana! "

Kaz Retro then chase the Goblins who are trying to escape. The one that he is chasing so far is the goblin elder that had escaped from him earlier—the Goblin Elder…

It was running barefooted with its large belly bouncing every time it steps. Beside's the [Goblin Elder] were his two large green bodyguards with their face which looks like a mutated goblin.

It was larger in terms of size, it was also much stronger in terms of strength. Kaz Retro

Used his magic skill that can make him increase his speed ten-fold.

"Electro boost!"

Kaz iron-boots was all covered with electricity. With just a few seconds he vanished to where he is standing with a crack on the ground. He is now at the back of the 3 goblins that are trying to escape by the gate.

"You had escaped from me earlier, but now you won't! "

"Screech!! "

Kaz Retro stabbed the back of the mutated goblin. Then pulled out his slimy sword and directly moved to catch the other one.

"No, no, you can't run from me. I teach you all that no one can run from me. I teach that bastard Rein...."


Kaz Retro cut the head of the mutated goblin. Its yellow blood was all running into the ground.

Disgusted, Kaz Retro shifted his gaze and tried to look to the other two goblins that had escaped.

"What the heck are they doing? "

Kaz was baffled. The two goblins were trying to close the black large gate. A gate which the size and length of a two-story house were pushed by the two goblins.

"Creak! "

"Are they trying to escape just by closing the gate? As expected of a goblin who had no education... They are all idiots. " Kaz muttered, "Electro boost. "

"Screech!! "

Kaz Retro killed the one mutated goblin who had decided to be left off to close the gate while the other one had escaped from Retro's hands again.

"That damn [Elder Goblin] sure is lucky. "

Kaz Retro was staring at the large gate closed in front of him. The [Elder Goblin] had escaped from his two hands again and there's nothing more that could piss him off more than that.

"Fcking Goblins! I shouldn't have given them a chance to close this gate, now I'm all regretting it. "

Kaz kicked the large gate in front of him with a great force exerted into his iron boots.

"Clang! "

It released a clanging sound of iron being hammered by a great massive force. It shakes the ground non-stop like something gigantic on the other side of the gate was walking.

"Thud, thud. "

"Retro stop it! It is distracting us here! " Grey complained as he is casting his spell non-stop to kill the other green like goblins that are trying to escape by using the tunnels that they dug along the place, a large earthquake distracted all of them. All of them who are trying to fought back by the green like goblins.

"Kaz stop it! " Raged Kim, "You are making the situation much worse! "

"It—It wasn't me Kim. I swear it wasn't me. Someone at the back of this gate is trying to get in. "

"What! " Kim was puzzled, but she didn't let it go unto her into her deepest emotions. She was busy protecting her squad.

"Look out Emmy!" warned Kim, "Frozen spear!!"



"No problem, just be careful next time."

The small ugly goblin that were trying to sneak out to stab Emmy at her back were all pummeled with a big ice in a shape of a spear. It pierced into his body and pierces at the other goblin at his back.

"Wow, a double kill. " Rassald complimented.

"Shut up, and focus in your assigned place. " Grey ordered.

"Sure, Capt," Rassald replied, "Stone Golems.... "

[Stone Golems] at the size of a normal adult human emerge from the ground and started facing its way to kill the green-like goblins.

"Smash! "


The goblins who were trying to fight back were all toss and smashed to pieces. Some ran and some hide to the dark tunnels around the place, waiting for the right situation to jump in. But the two Generals were able to hunt the small goblins that tried to escape into the tunnels. They've burned, slashed and stabbed all the green-like goblins that they had saw.

"Huff, there are no ends to this damn creatures. " Gavin panted.

"Just don't overuse your mana. " Cecil advised, "We still don't know what they are planning, but something is coming into this.... "


Cecil didn't even finish her words of advice... Yet, something, something broke the large gate just by using its brute force. A large green creature with double the size of a normal bear on earth. Its face was wild and its sharp fangs was all visible.

It was wearing no cloth, but only covered by a large circle shield unto the center of its green chest.

The lower parts of its body was covered with a mithril armor, and it was shining towards the dark room.

Its yellowish eyes were all staring at the humans who were paralyzed and can't move because of shock.

Rein with the other unawakened besides him could only muster to swallow up their saliva's. It was a creature that they can't beat, nor a creature that they can fight even when using all their might.

It was a creature that they can't afford to offend...

"Cecil appraise it!!" General Gavin shouted.


"Cecil!!" Gavin called.

Cecil face was all dark. She was gazing at the green figure of the unknown creature silently.

"Cecil! "

Cecil then woke up from her shocked state. She was all shivering in fear and almost nearly drop her two large durendal sword unto the ground.

"This is... this is beyond my—expectation. " Cecil sputtered.

Name: Orkar—the King of Orcs.

Level: 342


Fully Mutated Goblin






Rein mouth was agape. He could only muster up to maintain his standing position.

He could only do nothing towards the sudden situation, but to tighten the grip he had unto his augmarium sword.

The way the [Orc King] is staring at them were really horrifying. It was like he is staring at his weak prey and decided the time when to eat. Just a glance by him could make your body shivers in fear.