This Is My Responsibility

''Gravitational Pull!''

Gavin raised his blistering hands, and the gravity started to get denser inside the dungeon. Their body felt like it was going to stick in to the ground, until General Gavin muttered something unto his mouth again.

''Gravitational Pull, Max Power.''


The Orc King along with his goblin soldiers were all crawling unto the ground. The more they wanted to fight, the more stronger it gets.

''Yo-youu Tri-trickery human! Elder do something about that human!''

The Orc King tried to call the Elder Goblin, but it was also useless. The Elder Goblin was all pulled unto the ground and can't even lift his head.

''Graahh! Useless! If I will escape from here, I will really eat you and even chew all of your bones, you trickery human!''

Gavin let off a sigh, in front of him is a green beast. A green beast that have been caught and wanted to be release off immediately.

He really wanted to release all the creatures that he had caught, but he knew that if the moment comes when he try to release it, all of his bones would be chewed and his body would be eaten in raw.

''Sigh, what a troublesome insects.''

Gavin release a face of disbelief, but it could only be shown if he has not been wearing a blue mask. It was a very useful mask which could hide his deepest emotions.

He was all taxed, and wanted to give up. His mana is rapidly decreasing and he knew that he can't even maintain it for so long.

'Probably this will only last not more than five minutes.'

Gavin was muttering to himself, yet all of a sudden Cecil appeared behind his back,

''Gavin! what the hell are you doing?!''

Cecil shouted fiercely at Gavin, but Gavin didn't even looked at her face. Only Cecil could see was his back posture.

''I know what I'm doing.''

''You are going to die! Didn't you know that you have use a spell more than the average of your mana pool?! do you know what will happen if your mana would get drained permanently?!''

''I told you, I know what I'm doing so just take care of yourself.''

''You ass***e! you are either dying or get permanently crippled! if your mana pool are all drained, then the next thing that the magic would suck is your lifeforce! Even if you could get out of here! you could not...''


Gavin gestured his shivering right hand, telling that it's none of her business. He slowly turn around and handed the five warp portals to Cecil hand and deeply whispered to her ears,

''I will give you guys four minutes, that's the only time that I could give you, also I'm sorry.''

''Why are you apologizing!'' Cecil roared, and tears started flowing through her eyes, as she tried to hug him.

''I won't be coming back alive after this, so make sure to save all the remaining humans here for my sake.''

Hearing that, Cecil quickly wipe her tears, and she directly moved away from Gavin. Time was running out, and she needed to spend the remaining time more carefully, for that time would be the last resort of Gavin.

She then decided to make the warp portal.

''Vishan just hang on a little longer, we all are going home!''

Caroll tried to motivate Vishan sleeping unto her lap. Vishan's complexion were all white, and his lips are becoming more violet, it's clearly that he had been poisoned.

Without mana, elemental magic is just a dream, no matter how much you wanted your body to heal—it is just a useless piece of chant.

A person who is not gifted with mana could not also touch and locate mana. No matter how much the awakened humans tries to heal Vishan. Their extreme effort would only be squandered.

Because that person isn't gifted with mana, and that person body could not absorb any mana that have been given to him.

''This is useless, we could not save him no matter what we do. I'm the best healer around here, but there's really nothing that I could do.''

''Please! just save my friend! Please I beg you!''

Rein kneeled to the top awakened healer, but the healer really couldn't do anything. He was really afraid what will happen to that guy if he will push some more mana into his body, it will just make his death more faster.

''I-I'm very sorry. I could not do anything, if only he was gifted with mana then I could probably save him with ease, but that guy isn't gifted with mana, no matter what I would do is useless, and it could only lead him to a faster death.''


''Faster Death?!''

Rein stood up and grabbed the healer's collar,

''what do you mean faster death!?''

The healer face darkened, still he did reply in a monotonous tone,

''That yellow haired guy will probably die soon, and the only thing that could save him is the ten-thousand fiber roots of Rezta, it's said that It could cure any diseases and injuries, and I have research more of it and I found out that it's one of the possession by the king of humans. Only he could save that guy. I'm very sorry...''

''Hey! What's happening here!''

Kaz and his teammates arrive, and they were on the verge of telling the humans to gather the equipment, when suddenly they've heard a fight.

''Rein, you again! I'm really tired just by thinking of you! And to think that you would fight anyone in front of this crisis, you definitely need some beating...''

Kaz tried to approach Rein, but Kim stopped him,


''Let me talk to him.''

''He's not a person where you could just talk to!''


Kim stared at Kaz eyes which made him walk away. Now Kim is gazing at Rein who is trying to unhand the healer's collar.

The healer was not angry at Rein grabbing his clothes, he was indignant at himself. A single person was dying in front of his hands, and yet he could not even save him. He then took the initiative to talk to Kim,

''Leader, don't worry, this is not an internal conflict, this is just a simple misunderstanding.''

The healer bowed his head for forgiveness, yet Kim isn't even trying to look at his face. She was staring at Rein's eyes.

''What are you doing?''

A question that is too telltale to answer, even a person that is watching them could answer that question with no less effort.

Rein was annoyed by her nonsense question, and he then retorted,

''Can't you see that I'm trying to save my friend?! He's clearly dying are you blind!?''

Rein was annoyed by her nonsense question, and it was the first time that he shouted at Kim.

Kim was shocked by Rein's retort. Her lips mumbled for a bit, before she decided to open her mouth again,

''I clearly know that you are trying to save your friend, but starting a fight in this detrimental situation is an another matter. You should find another solution, instead of trying to vent your aggressiveness to someone.''

''Please-stop this...''

Caroll's face was all overflowing with tears, Vishan was slowly dying in her hands, as the time passes.

Emmy then decided to grab Kim hands, gesturing to leave them alone and to move out to another place.

Rein just bowed his head in the dark. There was not anyone trying to approach him, he needed to save his precious friend and he needs someone help for it. But who should he ask?


Rein's mind was all in thought of General Cecil, only she could help his friend, and only she is the closest to the king.

'General Vrekerd is just a palace guard, I know that he could not get any heirlooms of the royal family. Also I would be troubling him if I do that, this is my responsibility as a leader of the Unawakened.'

'I have to return them all alive, I will make sure that they will all return with no harm intact through their bodies.'

Cecil who is done making the blue portal started to gather the remaining humans around the place, they have formed a single line by the management of her pupils, hence it was done with no less effort because of them.

Right now she is gazing at Gavin from 100 feet away, he is doing his job perfectly just to make the remaining humans return home safely.

'The max limit of the portal is forty-two including Gavin it would be forty-three, I have succeeded by enhancing the portal's max limit by twelve, even though I have used up all my remaining mana it's still not enough for a one person to get through it.'

'I have failed, though Gavin said that he be sacrificing himself, I still wanted to save him.'

Cecil was in her outmost tears, she was gazing at Gavin from far away, until a single person causes some commotion.

''Hey, Rein! I know that you wanted to save your friend, and I can see it clearly through your face. I know you are feeling different kinds of emotions right now that you can't afford to tell me. But just today, follow my words and straightly fall in line, thus we will all return home safely and immediately rescue your friend, I promise you that!''

Kim tried to stop Rein from approaching her teacher, but Rein was not giving her any face at all. He just leisurely walked past the straight line and spurned all the considerations that Kim gave to him.

Kim could not do anything to Rein anymore. She knew that he really wants to save his friend even if that cost him his life.

Kaz tried to stop Rein by trying to block his way, but Rein just ignored him by pushing his body aside.

''I got Ignored?! You think you are strong just because you have beaten me from a single fi...''

''No Rein!''

Without further warnings Rein pulled out his Augmarium sword and tried to cut off Kaz neck. Luckily it was stopped by Kim by hugging him tightly.

With a frightened eye, Kaz lower himself to the ground and started mumbling, though everyone else could not hear it, but it was different matter from a person who trained their senses.

'Evil, his eyes are evil.'

Rein then shove his sword to the ground, passed them without even looking through their eyes. He was heading to Cecil, but Cecil was the one heading to him instead, because he had cause a nonsense commotion.

''What do you want.'' Cecil directly asked Rein.

''Stop your nonsense, I know that you know what I want.''

With a smug on her face, she directly retorted,

''Gavin has one minute left, save him and I will save your friend, only you could do it, use your swift-step...''

''Fine, you better keep your words.''

Without even letting her finish her words Rein directly answered. He was very desperate to save his friend, and he really doesn't want to lose him, for him he is like a part of his family.

''We will wait at the castle, please bring him as fast as you can.''

Without any further ado, Rein then used swift-step to blink towards his sword that he shoved on the ground earlier. He then grabbed it, and blink again towards Gavin destination.

'Is one minute enough?' Rein thought to himself carefully, but he knew that he could not do anything about it,

'This is probably enough.'

Kim who is all confused why Rein is running towards General Gavin destination, tried to ask her teacher in worried,

''Sister Cecil, why is Rein running towards the monster's destination!?''

''Don't worry he be fine, he's just on the road of rescuing someone. Now let's go, we need to wait for them inside the castle.''


Cecil who is trying to take the edge of her worriedness was all vexed from her reply,

''He is none of your concern, you should just wait for him to return to the castle, also if you really care for him then you should just take care of his poisoned friend, not by trying to worry about him.''

''But you are sending him to his death! what if those monsters get release from General Gavin's hand? do you know what will happen next!?''

''I know, but now it is not my problem, it is his problem, it got nothing to do with me anymore, as long as he could save Gavin then I will keep my word.''


Kim tried to desperately inquires her teacher, but she directly move towards the portal. Now she is left alone kneeling besides the portal, the people that were going through in is trying to comfort her, still she didn't mind it and decided to help Rein's friend who is poisoned.

''So this is the last day of my life.''

Gavin mumbled to himself, he could no longer maintain his spell. He was all drained,

''If only this isn't a dungeon. The air and mana in here wouldn't be so lacking, and probably I could get out of here alive. Alas, how unlucky I am.''

Hence with a nod Gavin decided his fate, he gaze at the surrounding monsters with his weakened body. The monsters are slowly going back through their senses, and the spell that Gavin casted seemed to became weaker.

''Huff! Dammit, I could not even last ten-minutes...''


That was Gavin last word before falling to the ground, he could not see anything but only the dark surface of the nasty ground. The monsters slowly started to get back up, and the Orc King was very irritated and annoyed,




The Orc King ran wildly towards the unconscious Gavin, its hand and body was full of dirt because of staying in the ground for so long, yet it was really enrage.



The Orc King smashed Gavin by using his hand, however Gavin instantly disappeared from his sight. He tried to look for Gavin at his hands if he had crushed him, yet he really was gone,

''Ho-how is that possible!!!''

The Orc King's roar shook the entire dungeon, a prey had escape from his hands again and he could not take its insult anymore,

Suddenly the Goblin Elder pointed at his left, and he saw a single human with a black hair carrying his prey.




The Orc King was ranting while stomping his feet to the ground, but Rein didn't mind any of it. He was focused on rescuing Gavin more than hearing his cry.

'One minute is definitely enough.'