He must have seen my confused face because he elaborated "The different guys who come out of your dorm room."

He must have seen the guys coming in the dorm for Sonia. But why is this a problem to him anyway and how did he know about guys coming in and out of my dorm room? Oh that's right Shelly's dorm is opposite to mine and I've seen him sneaking in there quite often.

Sonia keeps bringing different guys to our room. Maybe he thinks they are my guys,great, maybe everyone thinks the same.

I should really speak to Sonia about this, it's starting to be a problem. It's not like she would listen to me anyway, we don't get along.

"You know you're kinda cute when you're in your own world." He said lowly catching me off guard that I almost didn't hear him. It seemed like it wasn't meant for me to hear.

Did I hear wrong or did Asher just call me cute? It couldn't have been, I must be dreaming.The asshole only ever calls me ugly and fat.I mean I'm curvy but no way close to being fat.

"What did you call me?" I asked, shocked. I must have looked hilarious with my mouth gaped open like a fish and my eyeballs ready to pop out of its sockets.

His demeanour changed as he widened his eyes before composing himself. He slanted backwards with ease and rest his back on the chair, before giving me a glance.

" I said I can't stare at you for long, you're that hideous, you make my eyes burn." He grunted making a face of disgust. His nose scrunched up as if he smelled something bad.

Ouch! Didn't know I was that ugly. There goes my self confidence. Is it because I dropped my hair and didn't comb it this morning, but I did brush it and my hair hardly gets frizzy.I mean I know I don't wear any makeup so maybe it's my dark circles from studying all night.

Stop thinking about your appearance so much Lily it's not like it's the first time he calls you that.

Yeah but it doesn't stop the pain and hurt I feel every time I hear him say it. It doesn't hurt as much when others make fun of me, but there is just something about Asher that makes it harder for me to hear those words come out from his mouth.

"Stop fucking staring at me creep, you're disgusting!" He shout loud enough to gain the attention of the students.

I didn't realize I was still staring at him.Everyone started to laugh while they pointed at me. So embarrassing!

I quickly turned around with my head down. My eyes stung as I forced myself not to shed a tear. Don't cry, don't cry I chanted to myself.

As soon as class was over I got up quickly, chairs screeching as I pushed it backwards with my legs. I took my bag and swung it on my shoulder as my feet moved swiftly around the chairs and made my way to the door.

My hands were already on the knob when I suddenly felt cold water being sent on my ass, I let out an embarrassing squeal and turned around to spot Asher and his friends laughing while he held an empty water bottle in his hands.

"Hey I think you peed a little !" He said while pointing at my now wet backside. So mature.

I felt the feeling of embarrassment wash over me as I felt the water drip down my legs leaving a wet trail. I already knew my whole backside was soaked so I didn't have to turn to have a look.

He came closer towards me and leaned down to whisper in my ear. His breath tickled, causing unwanted shivers to rock my body. My heart leapt as my breath hitch waiting for what he would do next.

"Next time don't wear that skirt it makes you fatter than you already are." His deep voice stated.

I have had this skirt since I was a freshman and I barely had hips then. But now I got wider hips making the skirt stick to me like a second skin. It reached my middle thighs leaving my slender legs on display.

My fist clenched and unclenched as I stifled the fury that was boiling inside. I wanted nothing more but to say something I would regret but refrained from saying anything. It would only make things worse and I'll be left with more of an embarrassing punishment.

I sighed in defeat before leaving without saying a word,I quickly rushed to the bathroom knocking some students on the way.

Heart thumping in my chest I closed the bathroom stall and locked the door. I sat on the closed toilet and put my bag on my lap. The tears I was holding finally prickled down before turning into full blown sobs.

God I hate Asher. Why does he have to be so mean? I have never done anything to him. I started crying my eyes out.