Chapter 2 - The Garden of Banana Land and The Banishment

Within the Jungles of Monke's creation. He felt that there was something missing and hence let the Garden of Banana Land be created. There, 2 of the first Monke's shall reside and will remain together when they finally populate the earth with many Monkes as the dominant race. They shall bring kindness to the world and bring peace to everyone. Especially the furries and degenerates. Because we are not them! Those are two different things!

But before the Garden was even set foot. Jerma Morningstar has betrayed the Monke and convinced the other Angels and Monke followers to overrule the current Monke. He was once the most loyal and most beloved Monke but his ego and degenerate mind got the better of him. Now the kingdom of Monke Heaven is now in turmoil but thanks to the wise decision of the Monke. Banishing the fallen and wantoning their asses to oblivion.

Seeing this, Jerma now realized his mistakes. Decides to put himself in repentance but at a cost for losing his status as being a true angel. Now serving once more to the Monke as the one who will punish the unbelievers. To the place where the Monkes shall forever be trapped within. The no banana land.

Back in the Garden of Banana Land

Mondam was climbing the vines of a tree. Whilst Keve was just poking at an termite hill so she could get some juicy termites for protein. They were enjoying their time eating bananas.

But then, Jerma decided to do a little prank. As he was bored from all the prosecuting the non-believers. First, he will lure Keve near the forbidden fruit that is the rotten banana. They are now ripe for consumption as for any kind of fruit but this one is special.

This mysterious fruit that the Monke told Mondam to never eat it. As it holds knowledge that Monke should stray away from. And Jerma thought about the best yeet he could think of.

Jerma turned into a slithering snake and crawled through the gates of the Garden. He saw Keve and did what he does best. Shriek the shit out that female bitch and said some soothing words. Keve at first refused his offer but further persuasion and curiosity got the better of Keve. So she ate the rotten banana and has flashes of intellectual knowledge brought upon her. She later conveyed this to Mondam; he protested at first as he was told by The Monke that none shalt eat the rotten banana. [seriously who would eat a rotten banana? - Author]

But her charm got him hard good. So he said "Fuck it!" Then eats the rotten banana.

Which got his big 8 inch penis into very small 4 inch size penis. When the Monke heard of Jerma's misfits and the subsequent disobedience of Mondam and Keve. Thus, both Monkes were then told to leave the Garden of Banana Land. Mondam and Keve eventually were forgiven by the Monke but for Jerma. He didn't got off too easily.

The angel that was given a second chance to serve once more was now thrown to the barren place of which no banana's can't be grown. This was called, the Land of No Banana's. There was renamed as Mahmoud. Tasked with bringing upon the sinners to be tormented by the never ending hunger of no bananas. There, Mahmoud was now given another chance to oversee the fall of those who reject the Monke permanently

For Mondam and Keve, they lived on in the wild outside of the Garden. Countless generations of Monke eventually created one of the first civilizations. But to the Monkes eyes, he still sees the temptations of the fall his creations. So he devised his son, Kitten. To be the lamb as their sacrifice.

But before that, we then jump to our new Monke friend. Bizzare Guardsman/The Abraham.

To be continued.