Chapter 1

Ziv woke up immediately taking off the helmet part of his hazmat suit. He coughed up everything that was in his stomach. His ribs still hurt from the fall and going through the portal turned that pain all the way up to eleven. He wanted to scream, but he was still expelling everything in his stomach. He couldn't see, but it was blinding white light and his ears were ringing. He felt cold, but he could feel he was sweating. Ziv's stomach wouldn't calm down and the pain didn't stop.

Then a sudden relief fills Ziv. All his senses go back to normal and his stomach contents on the floor disappear. Now he is just on all four, while he stares at the dark grey floor. No cracks, not wood or stone. A material that is impossible, yet it is solid and real.

Ziv looked around him. The floor, walls and ceiling were all flat and dark grey. Pleasing to the eyes with low lit lamps around the room. Couches and chairs around the main area. The main living area had a small table and a bunch of bags and plates of food strewn on top of it. A few steps away from the main area was a kitchen. A counter top and stools to eat food. And behind Ziv was a desk with a desktop computer and monitor. Different doors were along the walls in different places.

The main thing that caught his attention was a woman. She held her hand out towards Ziv; she didn't say anything, just stood there watching him with a small smile.

"Where am I?" Ziv asked as he grabbed her hand and was helped up to his feet.

"My home." The woman stated without additional information.

Is this home underground? There aren't any windows around, so it is just like his bunker. Ziv felt a little comfortable at that thought, but still wary of this woman.

"Please take a seat. I have questions for you and I'm sure you have the same as well."

She led him over to a cushioned chair. She was anxiously grabbing her hands as she sat opposite of him. . There was a table in between them that was clean… Wait, it was full of clutter just a moment ago.

"I wasn't planning on having a guest."

He looked at her wry smile. It was hard to tell if she was a woman, but there were hints of femininity in her face. The striking thing about her was the purple streak of hair that flowed over her right eye. Now he looked back at the table and fear started to rise in his chest. Was this all even real?

"First can you answer one question of mine?"

Ziv's eyes shot back at her wondering what she was going to ask. He quickly nodded.

"Do you feel… know that you are powerful? Like you can do anything you want?"

"I d-don't know?"

He had no idea what she was talking about and he was afraid of what she would do. But then he noticed that she seemed to relax and sighed in relief at his answer.

"I'm sorry if I scared you or anything. My question was probably very silly sounding. Well don't worry about it. My name is Kear. What's your name?"


"Nice you meet you Ziv. Relax. If it makes you feel any better, I am more afraid of you."

Obviously Ziv didn't expect that. He took the liberty to gain an answer.

"Because of how I got here?"


It did make sense to Ziv. It would have been impossible for anyone to get in the bunker where he lived without anyone knowing. One entrance prevents anyone from sneaking in and his parents were able to overhaul the system there to make sure there was no way someone could get in.

Of course the possibility that he is somewhere completely different from his home is high. Magically high… and the way he got there at least is in some way not normal. Perhaps teleportation doesn't exist… he shook his head as he got way off track. He turned back towards Kear.

So Ziv shared with her how he got there. Just telling about he traveled outside his bunker and fell into a building then how he activated and walked into a portal. He never mentioned why or his parents.

"I see. That is crazy, but kind of cool."


"You and me are similar in a way."

'Did Kear go through a portal as well?'

"Ziv, a quick question. From what you told me and based on how you are dressed, do you know what magic is?"

"I've read about it, but… is that how you cleaned this table?"

"Kind of. Not the same thing."

"Like real magic?"

"Not the same, but yea. Magic is real here… Um… I'm sure things are crazy for you right now, but want to come with me to a restaurant. Grab a bite to eat and take some time to think?"

"Restaurant. Like a place where people go to eat? I mean… where are we?"

"Follow me and I will answer any question you have. Let me make this clear. I will not let anything harm you, so no need to be afraid."

He has no problem following her, but he won't let his guard down.


Kear took his hand and he was led out a door. Like the other doors, dark wooden, flat and knob. Simple yet different from the flat color of the walls and floor. It would be difficult to tell the depth of everything, if it weren't for the furniture in this home.

Outside, he was met with bright sun shining from the end of the alley way. It was damp and dark for the most part and there was a bit of a smell, but there wasn't much trash out and about.

With a fast walk he was led out on the street. There was a lot to take in and Ziv looked around to catch everything that surrounded him. He had blocked the sunlight from hitting his eyes with his arm. The street was wide and had multiple people traveling on horseback, carriages, and some kind of mechanical vehicle. The buildings rise about three to five stories tall averaging along the road. Far away to his right was a large wall and gate, down a small incline as people entered and left. On the other side was a majestic castle; it had a heavy fantasy influence and a lot of white bricks used in its construction.

Ziv's hand still in Kear's grip, he followed her, taking in the sights along the way. They eventually entered what could only be described as a small shop. Less than ten circular wooden tables dotted the area with matching chairs. He was pulled towards a table in the corner and Kear sat down across from him like before.

A man with bunny like ears walked over to their table. There was a single menu placed in front of the two as the waiter introduced himself. Though for Ziv it just sounded like a garbled mess of a language he never heard of before. Even the writing on the menu was the same.

"I'm sorry I forgot Ziv. One sec." Kear turned back to the waiter and asked him to repeat what he just said. He didn't look displeased, but it seemed to have thrown him off his workflow.

"Again my name is Xerca and I will be your waiter today." He answered bewildered, but didn't question them about it.

Ziv could understand him and he paid more attention. The man was dressed with casual clothing and… wait how could he understand Xerca now? He looked back towards Kear completely confused.

"Could we just get glasses of water for now? We are going to take a moment to decide." Kear said to the waiter and he nodded and left to get their drink. "Sorry about that Ziv, I forgot there for a moment. So I made it so you can understand any language. I hope that isn't a problem for you."


"Well, not necessarily magic, but sure. What I'm doing is fundamentally different from the magic that you might have read or is commonly used by everyone else."

He watched Kear start fidgeting with his hands like before. Is she that nervous?

"What's the difference?"

He watched her sink back into her seat to try hiding herself. Was he that scary or something? She covered her face for a moment and then, when she removed her hands she was completely different from before.

"Is it alright if I don't answer that right now?"

Huh? That was weird, but maybe it is best to just take a moment to step back. He has read many stories and a lot of what she was doing has been perfectly described in things he has read. Nervously moving around, deflecting his questions… but why?

"What is this place called?" When he looked earlier it said Vera's Meats. No, he didn't know the language earlier. Before he had no idea what the sign said and now in his mind it was there. "…Vera's Meats. But I…" He mumbled that last bit. Either Kear didn't hear him or chose to ignore what he said.

"This is Vera's Meats. Well a long time ago it was just a small butcher shop. But I have been here a few times in the past. I really enjoyed their food. I thought you might like it too."

Ziv hasn't eaten meat before, so he was intrigued. He took a look at the menu while he gathered his thoughts. He read through the descriptions of the different foods available. There were seven different meals available and each their unique flavors. Even if all the names were something he never heard of, he just chose something that sounded close to a burger.

"I don't really know what to get. So I will just get this one."

"Ah, yes, that makes sense."

That response felt automatic. He would do something like that with his parents when he made a mistake or if he was being told something he already knew. He inspected her closely and saw that she was sweating. Or not. In the next moment it was all gone. Maybe he was just seeing things. Should he ask her about it?

Xerca arrived back with their water and a little banter. He can wait until he later asks more.

"I haven't seen you both before. Just arrive in Suul?

Xerca's bunny-like ears were amazing, but he knew that staring would only garner a negative response from him. He turned towards Kear to hear her response as he took a sip of water.

"We're from Rhalmunden."

"Oh? That is really far away. I'm guessing that you came here for the Light Festival coming up in four months?"

Kear just nodded in that response. Xerca turned towards Ziv.

"What are you wearing? It's very unique. Is that standard clothing from Rhalmunden or is it some kind of armor?"

Ziv wasn't sure what to do. How should he explain his hazmat suit? From the way Kear answered before she seemed to gain some confidence and lie straight to Xerca. For whatever reason… So for now he will just tell the truth as it doesn't seem like the guy had been to that place, Rhalmunden, before so it shouldn't be too weird.

"This is just my hazmat suit."

"Yes your… suit is very high quality." He stepped back and turned between the two. "Have you had enough time to look over our menus or do you need more time?"

"We're both ready."

Kear answered and they both told Xerca their order. Silence flowed over their table while waiting for their food. Ziv saw Kear staring out the window next to them at the street. So he took a look around himself.

The people on the street and the customers in Vera's meats were a wide variety of races. He saw what could only be described as the standard elves and dwarves walking about. Some beasts and reptilian people. There were a few couples kissing on the street and some police force patrolling around.

So he was in Suul and there was a far away place called Rhalmunden. He never heard of that in the previous stories he read. Well yea, he was not on his planet anymore from the sight of lush colors around.

Most people wore some type of armor and had some weapon on them. Not everyone, but that must be from the size of the city and the protection it offers. Of course their magic…


She turned back towards him with a small smile.

"So you said that magic was real. Can I do it? How would I find out? How does it work?"

"Well, most people have specializations that make it easier to perform magic. Like a specialization for water magic or another for wielding a sword. Not necessarily magic, but it is easier if you have a specialization. So if you wanted to create a little bit of water all you would have to do is have someone teach you."

"So if I wanted to cast magic, I just need a teacher. How would I find out what my specialization is?"

"I guess that would be right, but you don't…"

Xerca walked over and delivered their food. Kear must have been distracted by her food, that she didn't elaborate and neither did Ziv press her to finish what she was going to say. They both dug into their food.


Once they were done, they sat there relaxing. They didn't talk. Just looked out into the street watching everyone go by. They left Vera's Meats and just walked for a bit. A while later Kear turned to him.

"Do you want to try out some magic?"

"I do, but don't I need to learn? Wouldn't it take a while or something to study magic? What about specializations?"

"Well, you're not wrong." Kear looked around at the different people on the street and then back at Ziv. "How about we get you some clothing to fit in?"

And so Ziv followed Kear to a shop that sold human clothing. They spent a while there grabbing a few extra pairs. Actually he was really happy trying different clothing. He only had a few sets of clothing that was mostly repurposed plastics and linen. Everything has been new and exciting. Ziv was thankful that Kear ensured that she would pay for everything.

She paid and they carried all of it outside. He followed her to another alley. She made all the extra clothing disappear, including his hazmat suit that he was carrying.

"Where did all of that go?"

"I sent it all to my home. Ready to have some fun with magic?"

"Yeah. Yes I am!"