Chapter 3

The next morning, Ziv got ready for his second day in this world. His clothes were a little dirty from the day before, but thankfully Kear had teleported a set for him to wear before they separated last night. A nice long sleeved shirt that could cover his tech pad and baggy cloth pants, relaxing wear. It might be best if he stayed in today. He was still tired, anxious and depressed from the day before. This whole world is new to him as are the foreign aspects of magic. Something he can explore…

*Knock Knock*

"Who's there?"

"Uhh.. Oh I'm Doris."

'Doris who? She obviously has the wrong room.'

"I'm sorry you must have the wrong room."

"Could you just say 'Doris who'?"

'Is that Kear?'

"…Doris who?"

"Doris locked that's why I'm knocking… ok that wasn't good. Sorry about that. Anyway I'm heading down to breakfast, do you want to join?"

'Did she try to make a joke?'

"I'll be right there. I'm just getting dressed."

'Kear must have some crazy luck. Last night only two rooms left and now just happened to knock at his door as he was ready to leave? Coincidence or not that is just surreal.'


The wonderful food was met with the same uncomfortable chatter as last night. Ziv tried to be respectful as he could see that Kear was trying the same, but both of them were awkward. He looks at her again noticing those same emotions. He has to ask.

"Kear what's wrong?"

"Everything is fine."

'Looking away from me… again?'

"Obviously not."

Kear's eyes darted back and forth between Ziv and the floor. Varying emotions are expressed in just a second and then it drains like a waterfall. The only emotion that remains is resignation.

"When I say that I want to help you, that isn't because I'm doing it out of the goodness of my heart. I'm not altruistic. I wish I was, but I'm completely selfish."

Kear crossed her arms on the table and let her face be covered by them. Like a hole she dug herself.

"I'm a child. I act only for myself and no one else… I used to have a family, but I never cared for them. They were like toys to me and I played with them. For whatever reason they accepted me, even if I treated them like garbage. But I was a monster. No one would do something like that."

She tries to dig a deeper hole. Trying to hide from herself and the world around.

"There were two things that I did that were probably the best. The first was when I left them for ten years. The second was when they left when I came back."

She sits up, but her eyes never leave the table.

"I was lonely after they left. I wanted to meet new people and find another family to be with. So I decided to find people. People who had no hope. People who needed help from someone. I think the real reason I did it was because they would be vulnerable enough so they wouldn't leave me."

Ziv was disturbed by what she was saying. So far though everything she said was filled with hate. At herself and the guilt was eating at her and now he had an idea.

"So I found this little girl. I befriended her, found her a home, traumatized her and then ran away from my own mess. Thankfully she doesn't remember what I did, but she wasn't happy at losing something like me."

She turns her eyes towards Ziv.

"I was sulking in my own mess I made when you showed up. I was freaking out and scared. I found out you weren't a threat, but I realized that I was the threat. I could hurt and probably will. If I stayed with you… I know where you came from and what you have been through. I left notes on your tech pad for this world. When you come to a decision or if you need help there is a button there that you can press. I will help you if you need."

She stands up. Ziv is still stunned, but before he can say anything she says one last thing before leaving.

"Goodbye Ziv."


Ziv just sat there trying to understand what just happened. She just went on a complete monologue about what was bothering her. Well it was what he asked for, but he had no idea she would just let everything out. All the strength he thought he had, he lost.

He went back up to his room as Kear had paid for three days. He sat on the bed and fell backwards.

"That was… a mess."

The fear and guilt that she showed him the day before was about what she might do to him. He couldn't really understand what she meant, but she hated herself and that was obvious.

"Wait… How did she use my tech pad."

It has been strapped to his wrist and how would she even know how it worked. He looked down and found a text document and a button next to it labeled [Emergency]. He didn't press that right away and moved to the text file.


Dear Ziv,

I'm sorry for doing things without your consent. Like giving you freeform magic and the ability to understand every language. Perhaps you might find them to be good, but I should have asked you first.

So where does this leave you Ziv. You have complete freedom to choose what you desire. A universe all to yourself, a planet, or be the most powerful person in this world.

The reason I mention those examples and for who I am, I can make those things true. No matter the choice you make, I will respect it.

Please think it over. Once you have made your choice press the Emergency button or if there's a problem. I'll make sure you're safe no matter what.

PS: If you need money just imagine the money. Even if you aren't perfect it will work.



Ziv isn't really sure what to make of it. A part of him believes it, due to the fact that the text is there in the first place, but there is the other part that cannot comprehend an idea like that. Perhaps the best thing he can do now is take a nap. He is tired and he was starting to get a headache.


Lights coming from the window and a small lamp on the table. Ziv opened his eyes to find that it was dinner time. He must have smelt the food from down stairs. So he heads down, finds a table in the corner. There are a lot of people tonight. He didn't really pay attention from last night, so this was probably normal.

Different races of people. It was wondrous and surreal. Like a lot of things this past day.

He was still tired so it took a couple glares back at him to stop his vacant look. Not all there until someone came over to take his order. He picked a hearty soup and some water to go along with it.

Before the waitress left she asked him for payment.

"Uhm… How much do I owe?"

"As it states on the menu, it's three silver."

Ziv didn't have money, so he started to panic. The small adrenalin rush over a minor mistake was enough to remember that if he needed money he just needed to make it himself. He dipped his pocket and tried creating three silver until he felt the weight against his hand and leg and pulled it out. He handed her the payment and she went off.

"That was… cool."

Everything was new and social interaction with others was something that he wasn't used to. All he had to go on was the stories he had read and this situation was somewhat common, although his procurement of the payment less so.

Either way he was waiting for his dinner when a couple teenagers came over. Well it was a guess based on the two humans' age. The elf next to them could be of a similar age, but he always read that elves lived longer.

'That might not be true… I need information."

"Is it alright if we sit down with you?"


They introduce themselves from left to right.

Jev a human, Paroppe his sister, and Ayanni the elf boy. Jev and Paroppe share the same bright blond hair. They both share the same sharp jawline and their height is shorter than most. Compared to Ayanni, they are at least a head shorter, but they all seem close to the same age. Possibly fifteen at least.

"What is your name kid?" Ayanni asked with a curious tone.


"That's a nice name."

They shared a similar thought, but seemed disinterested in him as he himself wasn't too interested. Still worn out from everything, he was getting tired waiting for his food. They didn't talk to him after that, but he eavesdropped on their conversation as he laid his head on the table.

"Who cares if they can use spells, I'm much faster than a caster."

"Jev you are like a brother to me, but you can't really still believe that?"

"What do you think Paroppe. Do you think I'm still not fast enough to get to a caster before they can fire their spell?"

"Could you both settle down? You're getting too loud, people are looking our way."

"Sorry about that…"

"Here is the soup you ordered. You three, what can I get you?"

Ziv lethargically ate his soup. Their conversation went on about the upcoming light festival and some tournament participants. Eventually once their food arrived they started talking to him.

"So Ziv what are you doing here?"

"I'm not sure…"

"Where are you from?"

"Far away…"

"What do…"

"Paroppe calm down. You are bothering him."

"I'm sorry about that Ziv."

"It's fine."

Ziv got up and started walking over to the staircase and up to his room.

'Complete freedom? That's cool and all, but isn't there a cost?'

He knows full well that there is a cost for everything. Nothing is really free and even if it was, why him?

Ziv flopped back in bed with another headache. Tomorrow he would need to find somewhere with more information. At least to ground him and give him a starting point to think about his future.


Ziv walked out of his room that morning to head down to breakfast as he ran into the three people from last night. Ayanni carried a large shield and mace, Paroppe a battle axe and he couldn't see any weapons that Jev could be carrying.

Paroppe walked a bit closer and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you last night."

"No, it's fine. I was just tired. Nothing to be sorry about."

"If you're alright with it we could treat you to breakfast?"

At this point Ziv wasn't sure he wanted to use any magic or do anything other than what he was used to. He didn't want to owe 'Kear' anything let alone interact with her. So he took them up on their offer as he had questions to ask.

"I'll try my best to answer."

"I'm not really from around here. Where are the best places for information, like a library?"

Ziv asked Paroppe as she was sitting next to him while the other two chatted amongst themselves.

"Well there is a library in Suul. It's located near the castle, on the eastern side."

"Thank you."

"Is that all?"

"No. Do you happen to know if there is some place where I might be able to earn money?"

"A few places, maybe, but how old are you Ziv?"


"Since you're not from Suul you probably wouldn't know but about a couple decades ago there was a law passed that children cannot work. You wouldn't be able to get a job until you're fifteen."

That ruined his plan for not using his powers. He might just need to leave the city or live on the street. He read many stories about poverty and people living on the streets. That would help, but…

"Are you sure there isn't anything?"

"We just graduated this year from Heroes Academy, but you can live on campus for the five years they teach you. You're the right age to start there, but that is a place if you plan on fighting or tournament. They don't teach you too much general knowledge unlike other schools."

"I don't want to fight anything or anyone."

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Don't worry, you can ask me anything Parpop."


"Paroppe, sorry about that."

"It's fine. Are you here alone? Parents, siblings, a guardian?"

"Uh yea… I'm alone."

Just in case Ziv asked about the library and Heroes Academy. Just in case he made a few notes on his tech pad to keep them in mind. He didn't want to live on the street, so if he had to he would find a school of some sort or in the academy was the only place to live in. Of course he probably needs to pay some fee or show he is 'worthy' of being there.

"What's that?"

He looked at Ayanni as he was staring at his tech pad with utter confusion.

"Oh this. It's just a weird thing from where I lived."

Ziv covered it with his sleeve and set his arm back under the table. He wasn't sure what is normal for this world, so he shouldn't show it out in the open.

"Where did you get that from?"

Ayanni started to squirm in his chair. He raised his voice a bit, but enough to catch the attention of the other people eating their breakfast. Jev put his hand on Ayanni's shoulder to calm him down. He forced Ayanni to look around at the scene he was making.

"I'm sorry. I forgot I have something to do. Have a great day Ziv." He looks towards the others. "Let's go now."

"Wait Ayanni." Jev turns around to address Ziv." I'm sorry about that, I don't know what has gotten into him. Take care Ziv!"

"I'm sure we will see you around. Goodbye!"

Paroppe was last to leave and gave a small wave as she left Ziv alone. Based on the way Ayanni had acted, he needs to hide his tech pad. Others had just taken a minor glance at it, but disregarded it. He on the other hand had the greatest reaction and Ziv was scared. He doesn't like this place, this world.