The Journey to Salvation starts now

The date is July 26, 1670, A.E. I began my search in the new world that I have been reborn into and I have a lot to learn if I'm going to survive. I began my journey at night. As I traveled east, a sudden bright light flashed from the mountainside and I barely saw it. I run as fast as I can toward the mountainside and the closer I get, the more I can see and I can barely make out a wall with towering structures reaching for the sky. It is early morning by the time I make it to the 50-foot walls of the town and I see that the town called Azura Lotus and it is a town of war-torn mercenaries and human descendants of the survivors. I am welcomed because of the status of being a war-torn in the new world war-torns rule over humans because of the advancement of their souls and body enabling them to use magic at a younger age.

I go to the local bar after asking for directions once in the bar. Likewise, I go to the bar-tender and ask for information about the new world, and he fills me in. "it's been 1670 years since the fall of humanity and the Awakening of ancient beasts that used to fill the world. It seems you're only an e-rank war-born, so you've probably only just been reborn. The world, you know, died. Magic was reborn, and so are all the terrors that it hid. Here's a map of the new world on the house and a soul forming pill so you can at least survive. Before you go, you should know there are 6 classes of war-torns: mages, knights, swordsman, rangers, shadows, and shifters. Which one are you, if I may ask?". The look on my face as I try to think of what I am and an older war-torn looks at me and says "Close your eyes and look into your soul sea," I follow his instructions and I see a dark gas surrounded by an emerald barrier, and he could see the shadow shifting and being drawn towards me. "You're a shadow war-torn, one of the rarest ones created using dark iron and shadow blood." as I notice my surroundings again I feel different, like another part of me is awake and I feel more complete than before. "You should apply for the universe tournament. That way you can learn to hone your skills and have access to resources." says the bartender.

As I wander around town, someone pulls me to the side, and they say, "I know who you are, Mr. keeper. I'm going to remove my blade from your throat now turn around slowly," as I turn around she kisses me and I realize it was my wife J.D. she was a war-torn as well because of my grandmother's necklaces she gave us on our wedding night. She says, "as soon as I was reborn, I went to the closest settlement to where your last GPS signal was. I have been waiting for 670 yrs. For you to be reborn, you have a lot of talking to do, mister.". It was at that moment I broke down crying, being united with someone I love after 1670 years underground, waiting to be reborn. As I held her in my embrace, waiting for my emotions to come under control. She tells me "you need to be conspicuous wearing warm skin for crying out loud." She pulls out some leather armor, a cloak made of an unfamiliar fabric. "Put this on and you'll fit into society better. Now let's go sign up for that tournament, so we can get out of the uncivilized country and back to the capital. But if we are chosen, I will enrol us into reaper university and learn to control the magic and our abilities."