Chapter 11 - The Party II

In face the announcement of the royal spokesman, the other guests slowly stopped what they were doing, and, out of respect for their king, they gathered to the back of the room, which is where the king was, to pay him respect when listening to his announcement.

And among all this crowd, there was, of course, the young couple, as well as the Funsei family, wondering not only they but also the other people who were gathered, what would the king announce? And would soon have their answers.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are enjoying this special evening," King Leryn began to relate.

"I suppose that many of you are waiting, about what this new king wants to tell you, a king that some of you are getting to know today and want to know what their ruler will be like."

"For these curious, I can only give you this announcement and the invitation to appreciate my future actions, since these are the ones that talks about oneself."

"Now, enough of introductions, it's time for the announcement, an award announcement," he ended up saying with a smile on his face, looking forward to the surprised faces of his subjects, including the familiar faces of Crystal, Yulio, and the rest of his family, and after waiting a few moments, continue.

"Usually awards and decorations are done separately in the throne room, but today I wanted to make a kind of preview for the main event."

"Baron and Mrs. Funsei, come over here, and don't bow down, this isn't such a formal thing," King Leryn ordered kindly.

About this, the Funsei couple, although confused and somewhat happy at the word award, advanced until they were 3 meters from the king, in a clearing between the people.

"Baron Funsei, for your great service in your lands, your status will be promoted to viscount, celebrate and be happy, because you deserve it, now you can retire."

When the couple heard this, they were still like a statue, since a change in their status, even if it is little, would be like reaching the top of a summit, where several good things would await them, and also that both, even knowing that they had good results, they never believed that this would happen, since to advance among the nobility, it is a very difficult thing.

Fortunately for the shame of both, this shock did not last but a few seconds, and in the past these, they rigidly thanked with great happiness and nerves and then went to the rest of their family, to give way to the king's words.

"Well, now the next thing, Baron and Mrs. Valirente, come here, without kneeling of course."

King Leryn ordered the young couple, which although they expected this when the Funsei passed first, they were still somewhat surprised, but more than this, they were nervous, nervous about what would happen.

[Calm down, calm down, this is not like that time, calm down, calm down] Crystal was trying to calm down in her mind, she barely heard Leryn's words, but the one who brought her calm was none other than Yulio, who although nervous, took her hand, which she noticed and when she noticed it she looked at him to realize that he was looking at her with a rigid and nervous smile, but trustworthy which was what brought her calm.

This only happened in a few seconds, and in others, now they were again in the presence of their king, in the presence of a relative of those who caused them great suffering.

"Do not be nervous, I only bring you good news, you will see that all this is for you, as an apology for what my family did to such good subjects," the king began reciting.

"My king please think about your status," said one of his people accompanying him.

"Easy, what's the use of a status built on distrust and hatred of the people?"

"I'm sorry my king, I was exceeded."

"No problem, now as I was saying, Yulio Funsei and Crystal Vicronia, those were their names before that happened, it was a party like this when everything went wrong, and I thought it would be a party like this where everything would work out."

"That's why I organized that in addition to the typical nobles who should come, I had some of your old companions come, the same ones who had been there last time so that they could see their reward."

"Well, well, I'm getting longer, Mr. and Mrs. Valirente, Valirente comes from the word 'brave', and you honor this surname."

"You were stripped of all their honor and comforts and sent to a cruel fate, but you did not decline because it was their bravery that prompted them not only to survive but to develop a place that was believed to be hopeless."

"But this does not end here, you were partisans and co-protagonists of the overthrow of the vile Monterio and his horde of undead."

"It's for this, and as an apology for your cruel fate, that I am pleased to confer on you the title of Marquez, a title that was his before, but now more than before, So celebrate and rejoice because your efforts and courage paid off, life can be unfair but there is always hope..."

But it happened, while the king was speaking, while the couple was shocked and excited by their gift; that unexpectedly, just when the king was about to finish speaking, the side wall that overlooks the interior of the castle, exploded by an explosion.

What the hell? Similar phrases shouted the people who fortunately were not next to the explosion and these people included the king, who in just a few seconds of the explosion was already surrounded by 3 guards.

The black smoke that the blast brought about quickly swept through the surroundings, panicking the people, and only a few stood their ground and got into position for what awaited them, including this category, Yulio, Crystal, and Yuster.

And this wait did not last long, since when the smoke disappeared, it gave way to the origin of the disaster, an armed group of several hooded men, whose possible leader identified himself by standing in front of them and speaking.

"Long live Prince Query and usurper Leryn down below."