return to normality and harem king

Was I, XXXXXXXXX, a good person? Yes, I was once. Like all the heroes I had read about, I wanted to save the world. Also, I wanted to work in construction together with my father. Dreams. Time took those dreams away as I grew up, the bad things of others affected me, and I could not protect those dreams. I had not yet grown up enough to protect what I wanted. And when I did, I no longer had them. Ironic, isn't it?

This taught me a hard lesson, don't have dreams, better to live your life making them come true...

Returning to the situation.

Own apartment, Gantz World.

06:35 am

I came back, and I wasn't alone. A sexy whore is standing beside me, was it my destiny to keep bringing girls to this apartment? If so, I accepted it, haha!. Next to me, Raynare pulled her hand away from mine, glancing around my room with clear displeasure, as if judging me based on where I lived. Uff... the women judge everything!.

After the scandal we caused, we were thrown out of the inn. The universe decided for us, forcing us to return. A parking lot had been our starting point.

"So what now? What are we going to do?"(Raynare). She crossed her arms and frowned.

It would be a inconvenient if Kishimoto came out of the bathroom now...

"The walls are thin, follow me, let's talk outside..." I say calmly and without another word, we stepped outside, leaving the flea-ridden dog undisturbed. I close the door behind us.

Outside, the day is sunny, a day like any other, people walk down the street to do their daily routines. No sadistic demons, no crazy killers, just normal life. It had been a while since I'd seen this kind of peace. As we walked through the quiet neighborhood, Raynare turned to me, her expression demanding answers.

"Tell me everything I need to know! what am I facing? where am I?" (Raynare). She said, her voice sharp with frustration. 

"uff... calm down, it is just like in your world, there are regular people living their lives, but separate, there are aliens living and hiding from us"(Kurono). I sighed

"Aliens?"(Raynare). She narrowed her eyes. 

"The existence of angels, fallen angels and demons has nothing extraordinary? but that of an alien you have to doubt it?...more than thirty years ago, there was a crisis due to the destruction of a planetary system and the earth was chosen as an immigration destination" (Kurono). I explained to her.

"Are you kidding?"(Raynare). She scoffed.


"This explains it!. So, you got alien technology, and went to my world for stole Sacred Gears and our magic...isn't it? Have you been to other places?!"(Raynare). After hearing me, her eyes widened slightly as realization dawned and then the fallen angel gave me a suspicious look. 

"None of your business. Your task is to protect my girlfriend and let me know if you run into any problems" (Kurono). I dismissed her question with a shrug. 

"What's so special about her? Why are you protecting her?"(Raynare). She snorted.

"She is useless. Why do I protect her? Well, because like you she belongs to me and you know what I want her for!"(Kurono). I admitted without hesitation.

"Ughhh, leech!"(Raynare). She grimaced.

"In three and a half weeks, I have an event to attend. After that, I'll focus on getting you a rare Sacred Gear"(Kurono). Ignoring her insult, I continued

"So, I have to take care of her until then...?"(Raynare). She groaned.


Raynare sighed, clearly displeased, but resigned. As my onahole, she has come to terms with me fucking other girls, the fallen angel has accepted her state of sexual servitude but that doesn't mean she lost her spirit and pride, hence the fight at the inn. Maybe it is just part of her world's culture. She understands it. What kind of master would have just a girl!. As the saying goes, body for everyone, heart for no one... I did not discuss much more with her. Once I explained the situation, the fallen angel had asked me that she could reside in a nearby place, I refused it and ordered her to occupy the apartment next to mine, Raynare obeys, accepts it being ironic saying as she moves away clearly for me to hear 'my owner is ugly and poor how unlucky I am'. That pissed me off. The seductive fallen angel definitely knows how to hurt your value as a man just talking, she doesn't need a spear of light to hurt you deeply. I shake my head sideways to forget it.

Now well, there are matters that I left pending...

Expectant, I buy a breakfast, I walk the streets, go upstairs with eagerness, use the key to open the door and go inside the apartment. In the bedroom, Kishimoto is watching TV, the famous 'morning japan' program, playing with the dog. After going to another world and coming back we met again.

"Welcome home, where did you go?" (Kishimoto). She asks with a smile.

"A short trip to the convenience store. I brought breakfast. I'm home..." I lie with irony.

We spend time together and have breakfast. The dog eats some canned meat. The news channel shows a live report on the most recent gantz mission. I don't think it's important.

[Look at these images, after the financial boom this house was left without an owner in the itabashi residential area and was not demolished, apparently last night an explosion occurred, police are investigating for clues]. That says the main journalistthat.

[In the winter mysteries section!. The mysterious case of the porn magazine students!. In this subway station, two students rescued a man who had fallen into the line, suddenly disappearing without a trace. Listen to our testimonies]. A reporter announces.

[They ran in that direction but the train was coming, I couldn't see what happened after that. But I'm not sure if the train hit them]. The woman says on TV.

[I was here at the station but I didn't see any students. Maybe it was one of those cases of mass hypnotism.] A man of swindling aspect comments.

[The only thing left of them is this porn magazine! Do these young men really exist? We'll find out in another chapter of winter mysteries!].The reporter announces conspicuously.