New Information(1)

Through the original body's memory, Lexi find her way home. She can't withstand all the smell as if she would really go to vomit each time she smelt the horrible scent.

'Seriously, what is wrong with all of this horrible scent? Did this come from all the restaurants? Impossible, why would the food from 5000 years later become this horrible?'

As soon as she arrived at her home, Lexi couldn't believe that in the future, she would live inside a box-like house. It was nothing like the house from 21st century.

Of course, this is the future. Why would it look the same like the 21st century?

Lexi took a few minutes to look into her 'new' home. Lexi walked to the door and she when she stepped in front of the door, the door suddenly opened without anyone touching it.

Lexi was impressed a bit but when she remember that in the 21st century, this kind of technology are already exist, the feeling of being impress quickly disappear.

Lexi walked in and she stop right on the living room and start observe everything within her sight.

Although the house looks like a box outside, it was really different from the inside. There were two floors inside the house. First floor consists of living room, bathroom and kitchen while the second floor consists of bedrooms.

In the living room, there are a young boy with turquoise hair was watching television. The television didn't make from metal and other electronic parts but instead of hologram.

Lexi stood quietly there, don't know how exactly she should respond when she get home. From the host memory, she would always greet her younger brother with a smile planted on her lips.

As soon as Oscar realized there was someone watching him, Oscar quickly turn his head toward the person who stood like a statue there.

His brows furrowed upon seeing his sister stood like an idiot. "What are you doing there? Don't you want to come in?"

Lexi quickly snap out from her daze when Oscar talked to her. She quickly smiles brightly like the original host always smile. Lexi walked toward Oscar and give him a big hug.

"It was nice to meet you, little brother!"

Oscar feels more weird with his sister sudden action. 'It was nice to meet you? What's wrong with that intonation? Did we look like we just meet after a long time separated with each other?'

Lexi pulled off from the hug and she gives Oscar another bright and cheerful smile. 'Little boy, this is the last compensation for you from me for your big sister. She's already gone and I will be your new sister now. May your sister's soul rest on peace.'

A few moments later, he feels that his sister was a weird and now he saw her as if she just got severely mentally ill. 'This girl is clearly looking okay a moment later. Why did she suddenly crying after she hugs me? Is my sister become insane after another race?'

Lexi quickly wipe off the tears from her left cheeks. Lexi didn't feel too emotional right now but it must be because of the mutual feelings from the previous host.

'Don't worry, my other self *Coughs*... I would surely take care of this family on your behalf. Damn these tears! Should I really be crying right now?'

"Are you being dumped by someone from that racing place, sister? Is that why you went home and hugged me to search for some comfort?" Oscar let out a small chuckle as it was not too annoying but not too pleasing either. It is enough to make Lexi stop crying for that moment.

"*Cough* *Cough*... What do you mean by I'm being dumped by a man?" Lexi rolled her eyes in irritated manner. 'I was crying because of your sister's feeling... Not because of some dumb man!'

"Yeah, right... Since you just came, why don't you go upstairs to take a bath? You smell so gross. Mom is cooking dinner so you better hurry or I will eat your entire portion!" Oscar smirked evilly as he turned his head toward the television again.

Lexi look at Oscar with many question popped out from her mind. Her big eyes keep staring at Oscar as if Oscar was some ghost or zombie.

'He didn't get worried about her sister's death?'

'Seriously, I was in the hospital for three days but he didn't seem to worry at all. He didn't even asked if I was okay or not.'

'Is he really my blood related brother?'

'Why did he look so calm when I came home?'

'Is he expecting his sister to die?'

"You... Didn't worry about me?" Lexi spoke out her inner thoughts toward Oscar.

Oscar lifts up his right brow to Lexi as he shifted his attention to her now. "Worry about what?"

"I was dead for three days. Shouldn't you be worry about me? Why didn't you ask me about my condition?" Lexi finally spoke out all of her inner thoughts.

"Why would I ask about your condition? The doctor would be able to revive you in just no time."

Right, with this super ridiculous advanced technologies, they would be able to revive 'me' back. How stupid I am to ask such a question.


"Fine. I am going upstairs first. Tell me when the dinner is ready."

Without turning back to her brother, Lexi walk into the elevator with no wall. The elevator in this house just consists of a big, round black floor, enough for both of the people inside this house to enter... And the other one is the switch which control the elevator.

Luckily, Lexi has the host's memory or she would be the most stupid transmigrater from all the transmigrater in the history.

Lexi press the 'Up' button and the elevator move in a smooth way toward upstairs. Lexi go to her 'new' room at the end of the corridor.

The lock on the door was using the owner's fingerprint to unlock it. Lexi use her left palm and put it on the door where a green light quickly appear and scanned her palm.

After reconfirming that Lexi was the owner, the door to the room opened like a slide. Lexi take a big step inside and start to check out her room.

There wasn't anything usual. At the right corner of the room, there was a small bed. Not far from it was the cupboard made from metal but since it has been used for a long time, the real colour on the cupboard was already worn off. On the other side was the bathroom.

Lexi sighed at the sight of her new room. This is 100 times not better than her previous room from her past life. This new room could be called as the store room.

Lexi face-palming herself. 'Gosh, even though this century has the advanced technologies, this poor family could not even afford better equipment in their house. This is not good, how can Janet and Oscar live in this kind of place?'

Lexi did not want to waste any more time as she quickly went to the bathroom. Aside from the old-looking bedroom, Lexi feels a little delightful with the bathroom technology. Lexi just need to swipe off her palm toward the tiny scanner on the wall to turn on the shower.

After refreshing herself, Lexi went to the cupboard and searched for clothes. Lexi was surprised to see that all the clothes made from black and brown material. Only a few of the clothes made from red and green material.

Lexi choose the black crop-top and legging that fit to her leg. Earlier, when Lexi realized many of the people in this century has many types of skin colour, Lexi was afraid that her skin also has different types of colour. To her relief, her skin was just a normal one which is white as the snow.

Lexi thinks it would be weird if her skin has different types of skin color: it would be weird to see your own skin was pink or green or blue when you look at the mirror. She might faint for another two weeks when she saw her skin in pink color.

Lexi was already done with putting on her clothes when Lexi saw a big black sunglass on the bed. She was curious about this thing so Lexi grab it and check the sunglasses.

Using the host's memory, Lexi could recognize this black sunglass was something that the previous host used to gain information about this century. This was like the virtual reality headset from the 21st century.

Lexi put the headset quickly and started it. She found much information that the previous host's memory didn't occupied. Using her own eyes, Lexi search everything that she wants to know.

The first thing she searches is, of course, the Deadly Car Racing.