Encountering Lans(2)

"Attack her!!!"

The leader ordered his friends to attack Lexi. He was very angry due to Lexi's nonchalant attitude.

All of the bully strike forward. They quickly surround Lexi so that Lexi could never get out from there. Each of them shows a wide grin as if they were mocking Lexi's stupid action for making their leader angry.

"You're going to die!"

"How dare you making a trouble with us!!"

"We will kill you today!"

Lexi give them one-sided eyes. She observed each of them and when she realized that this group of bullies were far from what she hopes, her mouth curl into a ridiculous smile.

Upon seeing the smile, the leader strike forward first with his so-called fast punch. Since he was the leader among the group, his attack mode was stronger than his other friends.

When the leader saw Lexi didn't move to avoid his punch, the leader smile widely as he think Lexi was really weak than him.

'Who did she think that she can disturb our good time before? Now that this happen, no one will help her either. If we're done with her, we'll kill that young man too!'

When the leader thought that he can defeat Lexi with a mere punch, Lexi lift up her hand, use her palm to stop the leader's punch.

The leader was feeling flabbergasted for a second.


The leader didn't have the time to composure himself as Lexi already lift up her other hands and give some quick punch onto the leader's face. The punch was too fast as if no one would be able to see it coming.

After being punch, the leader threw away for a several meters.

The audience look at the scene with an unbelievable feeling painted on their face. They didn't believe that the leader was actually being thrown away just by a punch.

All of them look Lexi with a pale face. They didn't believe that Lexi could attack their leader with just one punch.

Lexi lift up her chin again with an arrogant manner. "Herm, weak!"

This time, all of the bully's faces turn paler. They never expect that they would be a weak in Lexi's eyes.

"She must be one of the team in the Deadly Car Racing. She's stronger than us!"

"She must be it! She must be one of the Guardian!"

"Let's get out from here or she will kill us all!"

They were afraid that Lexi would kill them and so in just a second, all of the bully already running away like their life would be taken away if they stay any longer. The leader saw his friends run away just like that and that make him angrier.

The leader look at Lexi while holding his swollen left cheek. "You... Wait until I get revenge on you! No matter how strong you are, my cousin is the strongest! He is one of the strongest Guardians in the Deadly Car Racing! I'll make sure you will lose to him!" The leader point to Lexi's fast with a red face.

Lexi snorted with his words as if she taking it as a joke. She waved her hands nonchalantly. "You better get out from here before I kill you first!"


The leader couldn't say anything. It was true that he need to get out from here first before Lexi kill him. He was not the right opponent for Lexi right now. So, the leader turns and walks away. Before he walks far away, he gives Lexi a meaningful glare.

Lexi chuckled amusedly at the glare which the leader gave her. She didn't feel scared at all as if she just saw a kid glaring toward her.

'I thought that they would attack me when their leader has thrown away by me. Never did in my imagination, they would flew away just like that. What a coward, heh!'

"You're not afraid his cousin would really kill you?"

Lexi turn her head to the young man again when she hear the question. "Afraid? I'm not afraid of anything... Besides, that kid didn't know me, searching for me would be harder than killing me. I'm so hard to find so no worries!"

The young man looked at Lexi with a doubtful face. Of course, he feels that Lexi was just bluffing since he already live in this city for all of his life and he know everything that no one could know.

"His cousin that he mentioned is one of the strongest of the Guardian in the Deadly Car Racing. He is called the Havard Daggy and currently in Ranking #50. Are you sure you could handle him?"

Lexi narrowed her eyes toward the young man. "Don't worry about me. You should treat yourself first. You look awful!"

Lexi observed the young man quietly. She can see the man's pale blue skin with dark blue eyes. He has hair with blue ocean colours. If this man exists in the 21st century back then, people would really think that he is an alien.

The young man chuckled and he stood up from the floor. He wiped the blood on his lips with his sleeve. "Don't worry... My body is hard as the steel. With this just wound, I wouldn't die. By the way, thank you for saving me from them."

"I can see that you are a lot stronger than them but why didn't you fight back?" Lexi crossed her hands on the chest and she lift up her eyebrows toward the man.

The young man chuckled calmly. "My name is Lans. May I know what your name is?"

Seeing that the young man didn't answer her previous question, Lexi also didn't ask anything anymore. "I'm Lexi... Nice to meet you too."

"Well then... I'm done here so I will be going. See you when I see you!" Lexi didn't want to waste her time there and she left. After all, Lexi still want to go to the Tanggol Intelligence Centre in City E.

Lans watched Lexi as the girl quickly disappeared among the crowd. A faint but pleasing smile appeared on his pale blue lips.

"Lexi," he murmured.