
"You foolish woman!"

"You're already inside of my cousin's territory and you're already under his arrest, yet you still talk brazenly like this place is owned by your father. You wish!!!" Axen turned his attention away from Lexi onto his cousin.

"Cousin, I change my mind. You can do anything to this bitch!"

Havard Daggy's eyebrows lift slightly as he watch his young cousin walk away from Lexi. Then, he moves his gaze toward Lexi who was still smirking on the floor. "You're really a troublesome woman. I don't have the mood to play with you tonight. Let my men accompany you."

Havard Daggy gestured his finger to the men behind him. Two of them walk toward Lexi with a big smirk on their lips. They never thought that their boss just let this woman go without enjoying her company first and instead dump her to them.

Anyway, it's not their loss either.

Lexi look at the two men who approaching her while smiling like an idiot. She was thinking on how she could escape from this place.

The two men didn't find it strange when Lexi didn't struggling to escape. They thought that Lexi was already surrendering and also want to enjoy the night with them. This is always happening when they take women to their room.

Just when they touch Lexi, only then Lexi suddenly move. Lexi use this chance to head-butt the man on her right and quickly swipe off the other man's leg with her leg, causing the man to fell backward.

It happened too quickly and none of the enemy's side could react yet. Lexi stood up and jumped off while swings her both hands to the front, allowing her handcuffed hands move from the back to the front.

Just then, Havard Daggy realised what happen. He opened his mouth and shouted loudly; "Catch her!! Don't let her get away!!"

All of the men quickly move and surround the small woman who tries to escape.

Lexi looked everywhere in fast speed and she saw the counter. She didn't waste any time as she run toward it, sliding onto the counter table and land successfully on the other side.

The men tried to catch her but Lexi quickly grabbed the beer bottle on the counter as she smash it onto every of the men's head when they tried to across the counter.

One of the men used a machine to capture Lexi. The machine has a very sharp metal claw and big enough to seize Lexi's body. Lexi was aware enough that they would do anything just to capture her. So she quickly dodges the claw by hiding under the counter.

Then, Lexi saw another escape route right at the end of the counter.

Realizing that it is still dangerous to popped her head out from the counter, Lexi use the method by rolling over the floor, leaving the counter area and successfully hiding her body behind a big pillar.

Quickly, all the men move toward that side. Lexi didn't have a choice anymore but to fight them. In less than twenty minutes, more than forty men already lie down on the floor with painful moan escaping their mouth.

Axen looked at his cousin's men lying down, defeated by only a small figure. He knows Lexi was stronger than him but he never thought that Lexi could be this strong. After all, all of these men were his cousin's people who work with him in the Deadly Car Racing. They are more than just a stronger player.

'How come a small woman like her could be this strong? This is impossible!'

Havard Daggy's face also not less than what his cousin feels. He was angry but at the same time, impressed by this young and small woman to be this strong. Strong enough to defeat all of his men. Then suddenly an idea struck Havard Daggy's mind. He must make this woman one of his people. If he can make her his people, surely he can win the race.

On Lexi side, she was having a hard time to fight all the men because she was alone and there many of them. This clearly a bullying, bullying over a small woman! Lexi feels like she want to cry but no tears come out.

Since she can't defeat them alone, Lexi could make their attention divert for a moment while she find some exit door. Lexi found some opportunity to slip away and she quickly run away again toward the crowd.

Just like what she predicted, the other party was having the difficulties to find her in the middle of the crowd. There are so many people dancing and standing at the same time. Searching for Lexi would be harder like trying to find a cat in the middle of a group of tigers.

Lexi move quickly but make sure she was undetected, she make her way toward the exit door. 'Geez, this people are no fun. They want to kill me with only this level of strength? In your fucking dream! Even though I was from the 21st century, I was much stronger than you guys. Seriously, are people from this century are truly weak or what?'

Lexi found her way to the exit door easily without any of the enemy could find her. One thing that made Lexi feels like she was lucky enough, neither of the enemy had remove her mask, which Lexi think this people really stupid and she was lucky enough.

The pub was still in a crazy state, trying to find a certain woman to already escape but Lexi didn't care. She rather walked away and never turning back, showing that she really didn't care what will happen later.

Lexi find some place to hide. She then look at her hands which still been handcuffed. "What did I suppose to do with this fucking thing?" Lexi would be gladly open the handcuff with key but the main problem is the handcuff never have a keyhole in the first place.

Lexi checked the handcuff for some clue and she found a way to open it; there was tiny button on it which will show Lexi a hologram code to open it.


Just when Lexi was thinking about the code, a tiny ladybird flying around Lexi's head, making a buzzing sound to attract Lexi's attention. When Lexi shifted her attention to the tiny creature, she realized that the ladybird was made from machine and not a real creature.

The ladybird keeps hovering in front of Lexi's eyes and then, a light from the bottom of its body surge out, leaving a small hologram screen.

The hologram screen shows a man's face which was very familiar to Lexi. He is Lans.

"Lans!" She subconsciously screamed out his name.

["Hey, Lexi."]

"What are you doing? What is this thing?"

["This is my spy bug. Name; LB 005. I use it to search and follow you. Now listen to me, Lexi. Those things on your wrist... That handcuff has a tracking system set up inside it. So no matter where you go or where you hide, they could still find you as long as you still have that handcuff. You need to get rid of that thing first."]

Lexi looked at the handcuff with a big mouth opened. She never thought this handcuff would have tracking system inside it. Back to her world, she never knew handcuff had a tracking system. Is it?

"So what should I do? What is your suggestion?" Lexi moved her eyes to the screen again. She really needs to get rid of this handcuff or Havard Daggy and his men would find her.

["Come to this place. I know how to remove it. Just follow LB 005 and she will show you the way. Remember, you have to hurry so that they wouldn't catch you!"]


After that, the hologram screen vanished again and LB 005 quickly flew away to show Lexi the way. Lexi didn't hesitated to follow the ladybird beetle machine as she know, Lans would help her and he was the only person who can help her to remove the handcuff.

Lexi could take the handcuff by herself but it would take time to find the code and Havard Daggy would find her again. It is better to get rid the handcuff before the small matter turn into a big one.